Author(s): Wang Z; Huang G; An C;
Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) are a significant component of electronic waste (e-waste) and are among the fastest-generating waste flows. The potentially negative impacts caused by e-waste on the environment and human health pose an increasingly apparent threat to people's everyday lives and well-being. The nonmetallic fraction (predominantly c ...
Article GUID: 39862821
Author(s): Zhou S; Chen Z; Huang X; Yang X; Lyu L; An C; Peng H;
Food waste gives rise to many environmental problems. A large amount of food waste is produced by grocery retail stores. It is therefore important to apply efficient food waste treatment technologies with minimal environmental impact and investigate the optimal approach for food waste collection, transportation, and treatment. In the present study, a life ...
Article GUID: 39480576
Author(s): Shanmugam H; Raghavan V; Rajagopal R; Goyette B; Lyu L; Zhou S; An C;
Farm leftovers, particularly crop residues, are a key source of renewable energy in Canada. The nation's robust agricultural industry provides ample biomass, derived from forestry and agriculture resources, for energy generation. Crop residues, such as straws and husks, play a crucial role in this biomass reservoir, contributing to biofuel production ...
Article GUID: 38927790
Author(s): Lyu L; Peng H; An C; Sun H; Yang X; Bi H;
Mask waste can affect the natural environment and human health. In this study, the life cycle assessment (LCA) of two types of face masks (Polylactic acid (PLA) and Polypropylene (PP)) was first performed to evaluate the environmental impacts from production to end-of-life, and then, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were estimated for each life stage. The G ...
Article GUID: 37734618
Author(s): Ghani HU; Ryberg M; Bjørn A; Hauschild MZ; Gheewala SH;
Purpose: Extensive agriculture activities for crop production have led to increasing environmental impacts that threaten to exceed environmentally safe limits. The purpose of this study is to analyze resource efficiency of the agri-food industry, considering the case of sugarcane production in Pakistan. Methods: A holistic approach has been applied by de ...
Article GUID: 37363084
Author(s): Song P, Huang G, An C, Zhang P, Chen X, Ren S
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019 Jul 04;: Authors: Song P, Huang G, An C, Zhang P, Chen X, Ren S
Article GUID: 31273662
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