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Physical activity may protect myelin via modulation of high-density lipoprotein

Author(s): Boa Sorte Silva NC; Balbim GM; Stein RG; Gu Y; Tam RC; Dao E; Alkeridy W; Lam K; Kramer AF; Liu-Ambrose T;

Introduction: Physical activity is associated with greater myelin content in older individuals with cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD), a condition marked by demyelination. However, potential mechanisms underlying this relationship remain understudied. Methods: We assessed cross-sectionally wh ...

Article GUID: 39989020

Caloric restriction causes a distinct reorganization of the lipidome in quiescent and non-quiescent cells of budding yeast

Author(s): Mohammad K; Orfanos E; Titorenko VI;

After budding yeast cells cultured in a nutrient-rich liquid medium with 0.2% glucose (under caloric restriction conditions) or 2% glucose (under non-caloric restriction conditions), ferment glucose to ethanol and then consume ethanol, they enter the stationary phase. The process of their chronological aging begins. At that point, the yeast culture starts ...

Article GUID: 34853658

Phase Diagram for a Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol Analogue in Biomimetic Mixed Monolayers with Phosphatidylglycerol: Insights into the Tunable Properties of Bacterial Membranes.

Author(s): Wölk C, Youssef H, Guttenberg T, Marbach H, Vizcay-Barrena G, Shen C, Brezesinski G, Harvey RD

Ion pairing between the major phospholipids of the Staphylococcus aureus plasma membrane (phosphatidylglycerol - PG and lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol - LPG) confers resistance to antimicrobial peptides and other antibiotics. We developed 3adLPG, a stable synthetic analogue which can substitute for t ...

Article GUID: 32065707

In Vivo Solid-Phase Microextraction for Sampling of Oxylipins in Brain of Awake, Moving Rats

Author(s): Napylov A; Reyes-Garces N; Gomez-Rios G; Olkowicz M; Lendor S; Monnin C; Bojko B; Hamani C; Pawliszyn J; Vuckovic D;

Oxylipins are key lipid mediators of important brain processes, including pain, sleep, oxidative stress, and inflammation. For the first time, an in-depth profile of up to 52 oxylipins can be obtained from the brains of awake moving animals using in vivo solid-phase microextraction (SPME) chemica ...

Article GUID: 31697450

The Sexual Dimorphism of Lipid Kinetics in Humans.

Author(s): Santosa S, Jensen MD

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2015;6:103 Authors: Santosa S, Jensen MD

Article GUID: 26191040

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