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Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Psychotropic Medication Use Following SARS-Cov-2 Infection Among Elderly Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities

Author(s): Cruz-Santiago D; Meng X; Canac-Marquis M; Sengupta A; Brassard JP; Pavey E; Girouard H; Vinh DC; Gouin JP;

Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to persistent post-acute neuropsychiatric symptoms. Older adults with multimorbidity may be at increased risk of post-acute symptoms after COVID-19. The goals of the present study were to assess the associations of SARS-CoV-2 infection with neuropsychiatr ...

Article GUID: 40051588

The Effects of Weekly Levels of Supervisor Support and Workload on Next Week Levels of Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Performance as Mediated by Weekend Work Recovery

Author(s): Cheyroux P; Morin AJS; Colombat P; Blechman Y; Gillet N;

This diary study sought to examine the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of supervisor support and workload during a work week (week 1) on their well-being, satisfaction, and performance at work during the following work week (week 2) as mediated through the quality of their weekend work recovery experiences (psychological detach ...

Article GUID: 39676703

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program aimed at building leadership capacity: A concurrent mixed-methods study

Author(s): Lavoie-Tremblay M; Boies K; Clausen C; Frechette J; Manning K; Gelsomini C; Cyr G; Lavigne G; Gottlieb B; Gottlieb LN;

Background: Targeted interventions have been found effective for developing leadership practices in nurses. However, to date, no leadership training program based on the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership approach exists. Objectives: Demonstrate the effectiveness of a Strengths-Ba ...

Article GUID: 38746801

Nursing leaders' perceptions of the impact of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program three months post training

Author(s): Lavoie-Tremblay M; Boies K; Clausen C; Frechette J; Manning K; Gelsomini C; Cyr G; Lavigne G; Gottlieb B; Gottlieb LN;

Background: Development of nursing leadership is necessary to ensure that nurse leaders of the future are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of a burdened healthcare system. In this context, the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program was delivered to 121 participants from 5 ...

Article GUID: 38746810

Enhancing sibling support in oncology: Collaborative care for families facing cancer in young people

Author(s): Gélinas-Gagné C; D' Amico M;

Purpose: This study investigates the support systems and needs of siblings of young people with cancer, shedding light on the emotional and informational challenges siblings face. This topic area has had relatively little attention. Design and methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted, and thematic analysis was employed to gain in-depth insights int ...

Article GUID: 38706652

COVOID-19 and Long-Term Care Policy for Older People in Canada.

Author(s): Béland D, Marier P

J Aging Soc Policy. 2020 May 18;:1-7 Authors: Béland D, Marier P

Article GUID: 32419658

Characteristics of Canadian Youth Adhering to Physical Activity and Screen Time Recommendations.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

J Sch Nurs. 2019 Oct 20;:1059840519881185 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Article GUID: 31630617

Maternal Knowing and Social Networks: Understanding First-Time Mothers' Search for Information and Support Through Online and Offline Social Networks.

Author(s): Price SL, Aston M, Monaghan J, Sim M, Tomblin Murphy G, Etowa J, Pickles M, Hunter A, Little V

Qual Health Res. 2018 08;28(10):1552-1563 Authors: Price SL, Aston M, Monaghan J, Sim M, Tomblin Murphy G, Etowa J, Pickles M, Hunter A, Little V

Article GUID: 29281945

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