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When population growth intensifies intergroup competition, female colobus monkeys free-ride less

Author(s): Arseneau-Robar TJ; Teichroeb JA; Macintosh AJJ; Saj TL; Glotfelty E; Lucci S; Sicotte P; Wikberg EC; ...

Intergroup aggression often results in the production of public goods, such as a safe and stable social environment and a home range containing the resources required to survive and reproduce. We i ...

Article GUID: 38906888

Simultaneous automated ascertainment of prevalent vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification in clinical practice: role in fracture risk assessment

Author(s): Schousboe JT; Lewis JR; Monchka BA; Reid SB; Davidson MJ; Kimelman D; Jozani MJ; Smith C; Sim M; Gilani SZ; Suter D; Leslie WD; ...

Whether simultaneous automated ascertainments of prevalent vertebral fracture (auto-PVFx) and abdominal aortic calcification (auto-AAC) on vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) lateral spine bone den ...

Article GUID: 38699950

Global assessment of effective population sizes: Consistent taxonomic differences in meeting the 50/500 rule

Author(s): Clarke SH; Lawrence ER; Matte JM; Gallagher BK; Salisbury SJ; Michaelides SN; Koumrouyan R; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ; ...

Effective population size (Ne) is a particularly useful metric for conservation as it affects genetic drift, inbreeding and adaptive potential within populations. Current guidelines recommend a min ...

Article GUID: 38613250

Recruitment dynamics of juvenile salmonids: Comparisons among populations and with classic case studies

Author(s): Matte JO; Fraser DJ; Grant JWA;

Understanding recruitment, the process by which individuals are added to a population or to a fishery, is critical for understanding population dynamics and facilitating sustainable fisheries management. Important variation in recruitment dynamics is observ ...

Article GUID: 38599588

Microgeographic variation in demography and thermal regimes stabilize regional abundance of a widespread freshwater fish

Author(s): Gallagher BK; Fraser DJ;

Predicting the persistence of species under climate change is an increasingly important objective in ecological research and management. However, biotic and abiotic heterogeneity can drive asynchrony in population responses at small spatial scales, complica ...

Article GUID: 38071739

Macrogenetics reveals multifaceted influences of environmental variation on vertebrate population genetic diversity across the Americas

Author(s): Lawrence ER; Pedersen EJ; Fraser DJ;

The broad scale distribution of population-specific genetic diversity (GDP ) across taxa remains understudied relative to species diversity gradients, despite its relevance for systematic conservation planning. We used nuclear DNA data collected from 3678 v ...

Article GUID: 37365672

Demographic resilience of brook trout populations subjected to experimental size-selective harvesting

Author(s): Clarke SH; McCracken GR; Humphries S; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ;

Sustainable management of exploited populations benefits from integrating demographic and genetic considerations into assessments, as both play a role in determining harvest yields and population persistence. This is especially important in populations subj ...

Article GUID: 36426123

Population demography maintains biogeographic boundaries

Author(s): Schmidt C; Muñoz G; Lancaster LT; Lessard JP; Marske KA; Marshall KE; Garroway CJ;

Global biodiversity is organised into biogeographic regions that comprise distinct biotas. The contemporary factors maintaining differences in species composition between regions are poorly understood. Given evidence that populations with sufficient genetic ...

Article GUID: 35753949

Varying genetic imprints of road networks and human density in North American mammal populations

Author(s): Habrich AK; Lawrence ER; Fraser DJ;

Road networks and human density are major factors contributing to habitat fragmentation and loss, isolation of wildlife populations, and reduced genetic diversity. Terrestrial mammals are particularly sensitive to road networks and encroachment by human pop ...

Article GUID: 34178111

Disturbance-induced emigration: an overlooked mechanism that reduces metapopulation extinction risk

Author(s): Mestre A; Barfield M; Peniston JH; Peres-Neto PR; Mesquita-Joanes F; Holt RD;

Emigration propensity (i.e., the tendency to leave undisturbed patches) is a key life-history trait of organisms in metapopulations with local extinctions and colonizations. Metapopulation models of dispersal evolution typically assume that patch disturbanc ...

Article GUID: 34086976

Exploring the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis on mate competition in two wild populations of Trinidadian guppies.

Author(s): Chuard PJC, Grant JWA, Ramnarine IW, Brown GE

The intensity of mate competition is often influenced by predation pressure. The threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis predicts that prey should precisely adjust their fitness-related activities to the level of perceived acute predation risk and th ...

Article GUID: 32860863

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