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Genomics-Enabled Mixed-Stock Analysis Uncovers Intraspecific Migratory Complexity and Detects Unsampled Populations in a Harvested Fish

Author(s): Gibelli J; Won H; Michaelides S; Jeon HB; Fraser DJ;

The contributions of distinct populations to annual harvests provide key insights to conservation, especially in migratory species that return to specific reproductive areas. In this context, genetic stock identification (GSI) requires reference samples from source populations to assign harvested individuals, yet sampling might be challenging as reproduct ...

Article GUID: 39995301

Recruitment dynamics of juvenile salmonids: Comparisons among populations and with classic case studies

Author(s): Matte JO; Fraser DJ; Grant JWA;

Understanding recruitment, the process by which individuals are added to a population or to a fishery, is critical for understanding population dynamics and facilitating sustainable fisheries management. Important variation in recruitment dynamics is observed among populations, wherein some populations exhibit asymptotic productivity and others exhibit ov ...

Article GUID: 38599588

Evaluating Public Health Interventions: A Neglected Area in Health Technology Assessment.

Author(s): Stojanovic J, Wübbeler M, Geis S, Reviriego E, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Lenoir-Wijnkoop I

Front Public Health. 2020;8:106 Authors: Stojanovic J, Wübbeler M, Geis S, Reviriego E, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Lenoir-Wijnkoop I

Article GUID: 32391300

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