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The effects of referential continuity on novel word learning in bilingual and monolingual preschoolers

Author(s): Moore C; Williams ME; Byers-Heinlein K;

Previous research suggests that monolingual children learn words more readily in contexts with referential continuity (i.e., repeated labeling of the same referent) than in contexts with referential discontinuity (i.e., referent switches). Here, we extended this work by testing monolingual and bilingual 3- and 4-year-olds' (N = 64) novel word learning ...

Article GUID: 39798202

Preschoolers' anthropomorphizing of robots: Do human-like properties matter?

Author(s): Goldman EJ; Baumann AE; Poulin-Dubois D;

Prior work has yielded contradicting evidence regarding the age at which children consistently and correctly categorize things as living or non-living. The present study tested children's animacy judgments about robots with a Naïve Biology task. In the Naïve Biology task, 3- and 5-year-olds were asked if robots, animals, or artifacts possessed mechani ...

Article GUID: 36814889

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