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A randomized controlled trial of an acceptance-based, insight-inducing medication adherence therapy (AIM-AT) for adults with early-stage psychosis

Author(s): Chien WT; Chong YY; Bressington D; McMaster CW;

This study aimed to test the effectiveness of an acceptance-based medication adherence intervention for people with early-stage psychosis. An assessor-blind, three-arm randomized controlled trial design was used. One hundred and twenty-six participants who were adults with =3 years of psychosis were recruited from four district Integrated Community Center ...

Article GUID: 38908265

Cultural pathways to psychosis care: Patient and caregiver narratives from Puebla, Mexico

Author(s): Sylvanna M Vargas

The current study used the McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI) to explore patients' (n = 6) and caregivers' (n = 3) narratives about how they identified and sought care for psychosis. Participants were recruited from an outpatient clinic at the Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Rafael Serrano, a public psychiatric hospital in Puebla, Mexico. All par ...

Article GUID: 38470500

Description, evaluation and scale-up potential of a model for rapid access to early intervention for psychosis.

Author(s): MacDonald K, Malla A, Joober R, Shah JL, Goldberg K, Abadi S, Doyle M, Iyer SN

Early Interv Psychiatry. 2018 12;12(6):1222-1228 Authors: MacDonald K, Malla A, Joober R, Shah JL, Goldberg K, Abadi S, Doyle M, Iyer SN

Article GUID: 29582562

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