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Variations in caregiving patterns of spouses/partners and adult children of long-term care home residents in Ontario, Canada

Author(s): Ménard A; Podinic I; Conklin J; Hossain S; Arya A; Archibald D; Elliott J; Kothari A; Stolee P; Sveistrup H; Dehcheshmeh MM; Hsu AT;

Family involvement in care often continues after an individual moves into a long-term care (LTC) home. This cross-sectional study delves into the dynamics of family caregiving for LTC residents. Spouses/partners (n = 32, mean age 76) primarily focused on tasks such as mealtimes (53 %) and direct ...

Article GUID: 39919696

Psychosocial Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Social Participation is Associated With Cognitive Performance in Multiple Domains

Author(s): Rehan S; Phillips NA;

Psychosocial function is associated with cognitive performance cross-sectionally and cognitive decline over time. Using data from the COMPASS-ND study, we examined associations between psychosocial and cognitive function in 126 individuals with mild cognitive impairment, an at-risk group for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Psychosocial function was measured ...

Article GUID: 39773214

The Effects of Weekly Levels of Supervisor Support and Workload on Next Week Levels of Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Performance as Mediated by Weekend Work Recovery

Author(s): Cheyroux P; Morin AJS; Colombat P; Blechman Y; Gillet N;

This diary study sought to examine the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of supervisor support and workload during a work week (week 1) on their well-being, satisfaction, and performance at work during the following work week (week 2) as mediated through the quality of their weekend work recovery experiences (psychological detach ...

Article GUID: 39676703

On the nature, predictors, and outcomes of work passion profiles: A generalisability study across distinct types of employees

Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Brault S; Becker M; Verbeke I;

Thus far, little research has adopted a person-centred approach to investigate the nature of work passion profiles. As a result, our understanding of the most commonly occurring combinations of harmonious passion (HP) and obsessive passion (OP) in the workplace remains limited. To achieve a more refined understanding of the nature of these work passion pr ...

Article GUID: 39499627

Leveraging Personal Technologies in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Scoping Review

Author(s): D' Arcey J; Torous J; Asuncion TR; Tackaberry-Giddens L; Zahid A; Ishak M; Foussias G; Kidd S;

Background: Digital mental health is a rapidly growing field with an increasing evidence base due to its potential scalability and impacts on access to mental health care. Further, within underfunded service systems, leveraging personal technologies to deliver or support specialized service deliv ...

Article GUID: 39348196

The perceived social support of parents having bipolar disorder impacts their children's mental health: a 10-year longitudinal study

Author(s): Trespalacios F; Boyle A; Serravalle L; Hodgins S; Ellenbogen MA;

Background: The offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) are at higher risk of developing psychopathology than the offspring of parents with no affective disorder (control). In addition to genetic predisposition, childhood adversity and a stressful family environment are important risk factors for the OBD. Protective factors in parents, such as so ...

Article GUID: 39066987

Parental autonomy support in relation to preschool aged children's behavior: Examining positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness

Author(s): Linkiewich D; Martinovich VV; Rinaldi CM; Howe N; Gokiert R;

This study evaluated the relationship between parental autonomy support and preschool-aged children's display of autonomy. Specifically, we examined if mothers' and fathers' use of positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness during parent-child interactions predicted children's autonomous behavior. One hundred families comprise ...

Article GUID: 33691509

Effect of support group peer facilitator training programmes on peer facilitator and support group member outcomes: a systematic review

Author(s): Delisle VC; Gumuchian ST; Kloda LA; Boruff J; El-Baalbaki G; Körner A; Malcarne VL; Thombs BD;

Objective: Peer facilitators play an important role in determining the success of many support groups for patients with medical illnesses. However, many facilitators do not receive training for their role and report a number of challenges in fulfilling their responsibilities. The ...

Article GUID: 27856483

Changes in social functioning and circulating oxytocin and vasopressin following the migration to a new country

Author(s): Gouin JP; Pournajafi-Nazarloo H; Carter CS;

Prior studies have reported associations between plasma oxytocin and vasopressin and markers of social functioning. However, because most human studies have used cross-sectional designs, it is unclear whether plasma oxytocin and vasopressin influences social functioning or whether social functioning modulates the production and peripheral release of these ...

Article GUID: 25446216

Enhancing sibling support in oncology: Collaborative care for families facing cancer in young people

Author(s): Gélinas-Gagné C; D' Amico M;

Purpose: This study investigates the support systems and needs of siblings of young people with cancer, shedding light on the emotional and informational challenges siblings face. This topic area has had relatively little attention. Design and methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted, and thematic analysis was employed to gain in-depth insights int ...

Article GUID: 38706652

The role of frailty in the relationships between social relationships and health outcomes: a longitudinal study

Author(s): Fereshteh Mehrabi

CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that changes in social support have a protective and compensatory role in decreasing depressive symptoms and enhancing cognitive health among older adults with increasing frailty. Public health policy and strategies should consider the impact of social support on multiple health outcomes among older adults with increasing ...

Article GUID: 38402184

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