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Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of the relationship between task-related hemodynamic responses and cortical excitability

Author(s): Cai Z; Pellegrino G; Lina JM; Benali H; Grova C;

Investigating the relationship between task-related hemodynamic responses and cortical excitability is challenging because it requires simultaneous measurement of hemodynamic responses while applying noninvasive brain stimulation. Moreover, cortical excitab ...

Article GUID: 36250709

TMS and H1-MRS measures of excitation and inhibition following lorazepam administration.

Author(s): Ferland MC, Therrien-Blanchet JM, Proulx S, Klees-Themens G, Bacon BA, Vu TTD, Théoret H

This study aimed at better understanding the neurochemistry underlying TMS and MRS measurements as it pertains to GABAergic activity following administration of allosteric GABAA receptor agonist lorazepam. Seventeen healthy adults (8 females, 26.0 ± 5.4 yea ...

Article GUID: 33246064

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