Author(s): Scott C; Bilodeau A; Gagnon A; Turgeon L;
Cultural criteria, like language skills and values, are salient features of nationalism discourse, reflecting imagined boundaries that separate ingroup from outgroup member when thinking about the nation. Despite their salience, the relationship between cultural membership criteria and other civic (attainable) or ethnic (ascriptive) national boundaries, a ...
Article GUID: 39925641
Author(s): Dade MC; Bonn A; Eigenbrod F; Felipe-Lucia MR; Fisher B; Goldstein B; Holland RA; Hopping KA; Lavorel S; Lede Polain Waroux Y; MacDonald GK; Mandle L; Metzger JP; Pascual U; Rieb JT; Vallet A; Wells GJ; Ziter CD; Bennett EM; Robinson BE;
Context: There are urgent calls to transition society to more sustainable trajectories, at scales ranging from local to global. Landscape sustainability (LS), or the capacity for landscapes to provide equitable access to ecosystem services essential for human wellbeing for both current and future ...
Article GUID: 39867571
Author(s): Mu L; Sun W; Zhang Y; Feng N; Xue X; Li Q;
In industrial process monitoring, it is always a challenging and practical problem to analyze the causes of the system fault by isolating true fault variables from vast amounts of process data. However, the phenomenon of smearing effect occurs by using the traditional contribution analysis-based isolation methods since the defined isolation indices of dif ...
Article GUID: 38862336
Author(s): Sun P; Hu ZC; Sun W;
Let a, ß be positive real numbers and let Xα ,β be a Gamma random variable with shape parameter a and scale parameter ß. We study infimum values of the function (α ,β )↦ P{Xα ,β ≤ κ E[Xα ,β ]} for any fixed κ >0 and the function (α ,β )↦ P{|Xα ,β -E[Xα ,β ]| ...
Article GUID: 38261930
Author(s): Firas Sedki
Food restriction augments drug seeking in abstinent rats. The underlying motivational mechanisms, however, remain unclear. We hypothesized that caloric restriction enhances the incentive value attributed to drug-associated cues and, in turn, augments drug seeking. Male rats were trained to lever-press for heroin, and then moved to the animal colony for a ...
Article GUID: 37714221
Author(s): Drouin-Rousseau S; Fernet C; Austin S; Fabi B; Morin AJS;
Purpose: Although human resource management (HRM) practices all seek to support and improve organizational functioning, the value ascribed to various HRM practices differs greatly among employees. Drawing on an exhaustive measure of HRM practices, this study proposed a new conceptualization and measure of HRM values, the HRM Values Scale (HRM-VS). Design ...
Article GUID: 37213377
Author(s): Lafay A; Osana HP; Levin JR;
We investigated the effect of conceptual transparency in the physical structure of manipulatives on place-value understanding in typically developing children and those at risk for mathematics learning disabilities. Second graders were randomly assigned to one of three manipulatives conditions: (a) attachable beads that did not make the denominations or o ...
Article GUID: 37168325
Author(s): Hart EE; Gardner MPH; Panayi MC; Kahnt T; Schoenbaum G;
Recording action potentials extracellularly during behavior has led to fundamental discoveries regarding neural function-hippocampal neurons respond to locations in space,1 motor cortex neurons encode movement direction,2 and dopamine neurons signal reward prediction errors3-observations undergirding current theories of cognition,4 movement,5 and learning ...
Article GUID: 36368324
Author(s): Hart EE; Gardner MPH; Schoenbaum G;
Of all frontocortical subregions, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has perhaps the most overlapping theories of function.1-3 Recording studies in rats, humans, and other primates have reported diverse neural responses that support many theories,4-12 yet nearly all these studies have in common tasks in which one event reliably predicts another. This lea ...
Article GUID: 34936884
Author(s): Alkaabi M, Simsekler MCE, Jayaraman R, Al Kaf A, Ghalib H, Quraini D, Ellahham S, Tuzcu EM, Demirli K
Purpose: Waste identification plays a vital role in lean healthcare applications. While the value stream map (VSM) is among the most commonly used tools for waste identification, it may be limited to visualize the behaviour of dynamic and complex healthcare systems. To address this limitation, sy ...
Article GUID: 33447104
Author(s): Olivier E, Galand B, Hospel V, Dellisse S
Br J Educ Psychol. 2020 Jan 30;: Authors: Olivier E, Galand B, Hospel V, Dellisse S
Article GUID: 31999841
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