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iSurgARy: A mobile augmented reality solution for ventriculostomy in resource-limited settings

Author(s): Asadi Z; Castillo JP; Asadi M; Sinclair DS; Kersten-Oertel M;

Global disparities in neurosurgical care necessitate innovations addressing affordability and accuracy, particularly for critical procedures like ventriculostomy. This intervention, vital for managing life-threatening intracranial pressure increases, is associated with catheter misplacement rates exceeding 30% when using a freehand technique. Such misplac ...

Article GUID: 39816703

PreVISE: an efficient virtual reality system for SEEG surgical planning

Author(s): Spiegler P; Abdelsalam H; Hellum O; Hadjinicolaou A; Weil AG; Xiao Y;

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures that can cause a wide range of symptoms. Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) is a diagnostic procedure where multiple electrodes are stereotactically implanted within predefined brain regions to identify the seizure onset zone, which needs to be surgically removed or disconnected to ...

Article GUID: 39735694

Virtual reality-based preoperative planning for optimized trocar placement in thoracic surgery: A preliminary study

Author(s): Harirpoush A; Rakovich G; Kersten-Oertel M; Xiao Y;

Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is a minimally invasive approach for treating early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Optimal trocar placement during VATS ensures comprehensive access to the thoracic cavity, provides a panoramic endoscopic view, and prevents instrument crowding. While established principles such as the Baseball Diamond Principle (B ...

Article GUID: 39720764

A usability analysis of augmented reality and haptics for surgical planning

Author(s): Kazemipour N; Hooshiar A; Kersten-Oertel M;

Purpose: Proper visualization and interaction with complex anatomical data can improve understanding, allowing for more intuitive surgical planning. The goal of our work was to study what the most intuitive yet practical platforms for interacting with 3D medical data are in the context of surgical planning. Methods: We compared planning using a monitor a ...

Article GUID: 38942947

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Ventriculostomy: A Systematic Review

Author(s): Alizadeh M; Xiao Y; Kersten-Oertel M;

Background: Ventriculostomy, one of the most common neurosurgical procedures, involves inserting a draining catheter into the brain's ventricular system to alleviate excessive cerebrospinal fluid accumulation. Traditionally, this procedure has relied on freehand techniques guided by anatomical landmarks, which have shown a high rate of misplacement. R ...

Article GUID: 38823448

Exploring the challenges of avoiding collisions with virtual pedestrians using a dual-task paradigm in individuals with chronic moderate to severe traumatic brain injury

Author(s): de Aquino Costa Sousa T; Gagnon IJ; Li KZH; McFadyen BJ; Lamontagne A;

Background: Individuals with a moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (m/sTBI), despite experiencing good locomotor recovery six months post-injury, face challenges in adapting their locomotion to the environment. They also present with altered cognitive functions, which may impact dual-task walking abilities. Whether they present collision avoidance s ...

Article GUID: 38755606

Effects of color cues on eye-hand coordination training with a mirror drawing task in virtual environment

Author(s): Alrubaye Z; Hudhud Mughrabi M; Manav B; Batmaz AU;

Mirror drawing is a motor learning task that is used to evaluate and improve eye-hand coordination of users and can be implemented in immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) for training purposes. In this paper, we investigated the effect of color cues on user motor performance in a mirror-drawing task between Virtual Environment (VE) ...

Article GUID: 38288362

At-home computerized executive-function training to improve cognition and mobility in normal-hearing adults and older hearing aid users: a multi-centre, single-blinded randomized controlled trial

Author(s): Downey R; Gagné N; Mohanathas N; Campos JL; Pichora-Fuller KM; Bherer L; Lussier M; Phillips NA; Wittich W; St-Onge N; Gagné JP; Li K;

Background: Hearing loss predicts cognitive decline and falls risk. It has been argued that degraded hearing makes listening effortful, causing competition for higher-level cognitive resources needed for secondary cognitive or motor tasks. Therefore, executive function training has the potential ...

Article GUID: 37864139

Digital Game Interventions for Youth Mental Health Services (Gaming My Way to Recovery): Protocol for a Scoping Review.

Author(s): Ferrari M, McIlwaine SV, Reynolds JA, Archie S, Boydell K, Lal S, Shah JL, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Boruff J, Nielsen RKL, Iyer SN

JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jun 24;9(6):e13834 Authors: Ferrari M, McIlwaine SV, Reynolds JA, Archie S, Boydell K, Lal S, Shah JL, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Boruff J, Nielsen RKL, Iyer SN

Article GUID: 32579117

Effects of Age on Dual-Task Walking While Listening

Author(s): Victoria Nieborowska

This study examined the effects of age on single- and dual-task listening and walking during virtual street crossing. Seventeen younger and 12 older adults participated. In each listening trial, three sentences were presented simultaneously from separate locations. Participants were instructed to report the target sentence. Predictability of the target se ...

Article GUID: 30239280

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