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Differences in Geographical Location and Health Behaviors of Participants in a Family-Based Lifestyle Intervention for Children and Adolescents Living with Obesity

Author(s): Heidl AJ; Gierc M; Saputra S; Waliwitiya T; Puterman E; Cohen TR;

It is unknown if children and youth who live in rural or "less rural" locations who enroll in the provincially funded Generation Health Clinic (British Columbia, Canada), a family-based lifestyle program for weight management, present with different health behaviors at baseline. Thus, we assessed sociodemographic and health behavior (diet, physical activi ...

Article GUID: 39761009

Understanding the Components of Eating Behaviour-Focused Weight Management Interventions Adjunct to Metabolic Bariatric Surgery: Systematic Review of Published Literature

Author(s): Yousefi R; Ben-Porat T; O' Neill J; Boucher VG; Stojanovic J; Fortin A; Lavoie KL; Bacon SL;

Purpose of review: Eating behaviour-focused interventions are essential for improving health and weight-related outcomes in patients undergoing metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS). This work aims to examine the content of eating behaviour-focused weight management interventions adjunct to MBS in te ...

Article GUID: 39753946

Weight-control compensatory behaviors patterns and correlates: a scoping review

Author(s): Yuan TY; Bouzari N; Bains A; Cohen TR; Kakinami L;

Objective: Weight-control compensatory behaviors appear to be a commonly utilized strategy for health management. Individuals engaging in such behaviors believe that the negative consequences from unhealthy behaviors will be neutralized by the positive consequences of healthy behaviors. Existing research has not reached a consensus on whether such behavio ...

Article GUID: 39469249

Determinants of attrition in a pediatric healthy lifestyle intervention: The CIRCUIT program experience

Author(s): Danieles PK; Ybarra M; Van Hulst A; Barnett TA; Mathieu MÈ; Kakinami L; Drouin O; Bigras JL; Henderson M;

Introduction: Attrition in pediatric weight management programs is notoriously high. Greater understanding of its determinants is needed to inform retention strategies. We identified determinants of attrition in CIRCUIT, a healthy lifestyle intervention program for youth at risk of cardiovascular ...

Article GUID: 33608233

Behavioral weight management interventions in metabolic and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis investigating optimal delivery timing.

Author(s): Julien CA, Lavoie KL, Ribeiro PAB, Dragomir AI, Mercier LA, Garneau PY, Pescarus R, Bacon SL

Metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) yields unprecedented clinical outcomes, though variability is high in weight change and health benefits. Behavioral weight management (BWM) interventions may optimize MBS outcomes. However, there is a lack of an evidence base to inform their use in practice, ...

Article GUID: 33403754

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