Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Proton release due to manganese binding and oxidation in modified bacterial reaction centers.

Author(s): Kálmán L, Thielges MC, Williams JC, Allen JP

Biochemistry. 2005 Oct 11;44(40):13266-73 Authors: Kálmán L, Thielges MC, Williams JC, Allen JP

Article GUID: 16201752

Comparison of bacterial reaction centers and photosystem II.

Author(s): Kálmán L, Williams JC, Allen JP

Photosynth Res. 2008 Oct-Dec;98(1-3):643-55 Authors: Kálmán L, Williams JC, Allen JP

Article GUID: 18853275

Effect of anions on the binding and oxidation of divalent manganese and iron in modified bacterial reaction centers.

Author(s): Tang K, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Biophys J. 2009 Apr 22;96(8):3295-304 Authors: Tang K, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 19383473

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: dielectric relaxation in the vicinity of the dimer.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Biochemistry. 2011 Jan 25;50(3):340-8 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 21141811

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: redox-regulated proton pathway near the dimer.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Biochemistry. 2011 Apr 26;50(16):3321-31 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 21410139

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: impact of detergents and lipids on the electronic structure of the primary electron donor.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Biochemistry. 2011 Jun 14;50(23):5249-62 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Article GUID: 21561160

Title:Effect of anions on the binding and oxidation of divalent manganese and iron in modified bacterial reaction centers.
Authors:Tang KWilliams JCAllen JPKálmán L
Category:Biophys J
Dept Affiliation: PHYSICS
1 Department of Physics, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Effect of anions on the binding and oxidation of divalent manganese and iron in modified bacterial reaction centers.

Biophys J. 2009 Apr 22;96(8):3295-304

Authors: Tang K, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L


The influence of different anions on the binding and oxidation of manganous and ferrous cations was studied in four mutants of bacterial reaction centers that can bind and oxidize these metal ions. Light-minus-dark difference optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies were applied to monitor electron transfer from bound divalent metal ions to the photo-oxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer in the presence of five different anions. At pH 7, bicarbonate was found to be the most effective for both manganese and iron binding, with dissociation constants around 1 muM in three of the mutants. The pH dependence of the dissociation constants for manganese revealed that only bicarbonate and acetate were able to facilitate the binding and oxidation of the metal ion between pH 6 and 8 where the tight binding in their absence could not otherwise be established. The data are consistent with two molecules of bicarbonate or one molecule of acetate binding to the metal binding site. For ferrous ion, the binding and oxidation was facilitated not only by bicarbonate and acetate, but also by citrate. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra suggest differences in the arrangement of the iron ligands in the presence of the various anions.

PMID: 19383473 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]