Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute.

Author(s): Das S, Glatard T, Rogers C, Saigle J, Paiva S, MacIntyre L, Safi-Harab M, Rousseau ME, Stirling J, Khalili-Mahani N, MacFarlane D, Kostopoul...

Front Neuroinform. 2016;10:53 Authors: Das S, Glatard T, Rogers C, Saigle J, Paiva S, MacIntyre L, Safi-Harab M, Rousseau ME, Stirling J, Khalili-Mahani N, MacFarlane D, Kostopoulos P, Rioux P, Ma...

Article GUID: 28111547

Dehydroepiandrosterone impacts working memory by shaping cortico-hippocampal structural covariance during development.

Author(s): Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McC...

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 Dec;86:110-121 Authors: Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McCr...

Article GUID: 28946055

Cognitive load associations when utilizing auditory display within image-guided neurosurgery.

Author(s): Plazak J, DiGiovanni DA, Collins DL, Kersten-Oertel M

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2019 Apr 17;: Authors: Plazak J, DiGiovanni DA, Collins DL, Kersten-Oertel M

Article GUID: 30997635

Quantifying attention shifts in augmented reality image-guided neurosurgery.

Author(s): Léger É, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M

Healthc Technol Lett. 2017 Oct;4(5):188-192 Authors: Léger É, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M

Article GUID: 29184663

Structural Brain Alterations Associated with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder in Parkinson's Disease.

Author(s): Boucetta S, Salimi A, Dadar M, Jones BE, Collins DL, Dang-Vu TT

Sci Rep. 2016 06 01;6:26782 Authors: Boucetta S, Salimi A, Dadar M, Jones BE, Collins DL, Dang-Vu TT

Article GUID: 27245317

Deformable registration of preoperative MR, pre-resection ultrasound, and post-resection ultrasound images of neurosurgery.

Author(s): Rivaz H, Collins DL

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2015 Jul;10(7):1017-28 Authors: Rivaz H, Collins DL

Article GUID: 25373447

A dataset of multi-contrast population-averaged brain MRI atlases of a Parkinson׳s disease cohort.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Fonov V, Chakravarty MM, Beriault S, Al Subaie F, Sadikot A, Pike GB, Bertrand G, Collins DL

Data Brief. 2017 Jun;12:370-379 Authors: Xiao Y, Fonov V, Chakravarty MM, Beriault S, Al Subaie F, Sadikot A, Pike GB, Bertrand G, Collins DL

Article GUID: 28491942

Combining intraoperative ultrasound brain shift correction and augmented reality visualizations: a pilot study of eight cases.

Author(s): Gerard IJ, Kersten-Oertel M, Drouin S, Hall JA, Petrecca K, De Nigris D, Di Giovanni DA, Arbel T, Collins DL

J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2018 Apr;5(2):021210 Authors: Gerard IJ, Kersten-Oertel M, Drouin S, Hall JA, Petrecca K, De Nigris D, Di Giovanni DA, Arbel T, Collins DL

Article GUID: 29392162

Gesture-based registration correction using a mobile augmented reality image-guided neurosurgery system.

Author(s): Léger É, Reyes J, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M

Healthc Technol Lett. 2018 Oct;5(5):137-142 Authors: Léger É, Reyes J, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M

Article GUID: 30800320

Title:Deformable registration of preoperative MR, pre-resection ultrasound, and post-resection ultrasound images of neurosurgery.
Authors:Rivaz HCollins DL
Category:Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg
Dept Affiliation: PERFORM
1 PERFORM Centre, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 Maisonneuve West, Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada,


Deformable registration of preoperative MR, pre-resection ultrasound, and post-resection ultrasound images of neurosurgery.

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2015 Jul;10(7):1017-28

Authors: Rivaz H, Collins DL


PURPOSE: Sites that use ultrasound (US) in image-guided neurosurgery (IGNS) of brain tumors generally have three sets of imaging data: preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) image, pre-resection US, and post-resection US. The MR image is usually acquired days before the surgery, the pre-resection US is obtained after the craniotomy but before the resection, and finally, the post-resection US scan is performed after the resection of the tumor. The craniotomy and tumor resection both cause brain deformation, which significantly reduces the accuracy of the MR-US alignment.

METHOD: Three unknown transformations exist between the three sets of imaging data: MR to pre-resection US, pre- to post-resection US, and MR to post-resection US. We use two algorithms that we have recently developed to perform the first two registrations (i.e., MR to pre-resection US and pre- to post-resection US). Regarding the third registration (MR to post-resection US), we evaluate three strategies. The first method performs a registration between the MR and pre-resection US, and another registration between the pre- and post-resection US. It then composes the two transformations to register MR and post-resection US; we call this method compositional registration. The second method ignores the pre-resection US and directly registers the MR and post-resection US; we refer to this method as direct registration. The third method is a combination of the first and second: it uses the solution of the compositional registration as an initial solution for the direct registration method. We call this method group-wise registration.

RESULTS: We use data from 13 patients provided in the MNI BITE database for all of our analysis. Registration of MR and pre-resection US reduces the average of the mean target registration error (mTRE) from 4.1 to 2.4 mm. Registration of pre- and post-resection US reduces the average mTRE from 3.7 to 1.5 mm. Regarding the registration of MR and post-resection US, all three strategies reduce the mTRE. The initial average mTRE is 5.9 mm, which reduces to 3.3 mm with the compositional method, 2.9 mm with the direct technique, and 2.8 mm with the group-wise method.

CONCLUSION: Deformable registration of MR and pre- and post-resection US images significantly improves their alignment. Among the three methods proposed for registering the MR to post-resection US, the group-wise method gives the lowest TRE values. Since the running time of all registration algorithms is less than 2 min on one core of a CPU, they can be integrated into IGNS systems for interactive use during surgery.

PMID: 25373447 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]