Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Ventral Midbrain NMDA Receptor Blockade: From Enhanced Reward and Dopamine Inactivation.

Author(s): Hernandez G, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Rompré PP

Front Behav Neurosci. 2016;10:161 Authors: Hernandez G, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Rompré PP

Article GUID: 27616984

17β-estradiol locally increases phasic dopamine release in the dorsal striatum.

Author(s): Shams WM, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Brake WG

Neurosci Lett. 2018 02 05;665:29-32 Authors: Shams WM, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Brake WG

Article GUID: 29175028

Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior.

Author(s): Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Oct 06;: Authors: Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Article GUID: 30295713

The neural substrates for the rewarding and dopamine-releasing effects of medial forebrain bundle stimulation have partially discrepant frequency responses.

Author(s): Cossette MP, Conover K, Shizgal P

Behav Brain Res. 2016 Jan 15;297:345-58 Authors: Cossette MP, Conover K, Shizgal P

Article GUID: 26477378

High Oestradiol Replacement Reverses Response Memory Bias in Ovariectomised Female Rats Regardless of Dopamine Levels in the Dorsal Striatum.

Author(s): Hussain D, Cossette MP, Brake WG

J Neuroendocrinol. 2016 05;28(5): Authors: Hussain D, Cossette MP, Brake WG

Article GUID: 26929121

Title:High Oestradiol Replacement Reverses Response Memory Bias in Ovariectomised Female Rats Regardless of Dopamine Levels in the Dorsal Striatum.
Authors:Hussain DCossette MPBrake WG
Category:J Neuroendocrinol
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology (CSBN), Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


High Oestradiol Replacement Reverses Response Memory Bias in Ovariectomised Female Rats Regardless of Dopamine Levels in the Dorsal Striatum.

J Neuroendocrinol. 2016 05;28(5):

Authors: Hussain D, Cossette MP, Brake WG


Oestrogens influence memory system bias in female rats such that high levels of oestrogen are associated with place (or spatial) memory use, and low oestrogen levels with response (or habitual) memory use. Moreover, striatal-dependent response memory is sensitive to dopamine transmission in the dorsal striatum, and oestrogens have been shown to affect dopamine release in that brain area. In the present study, the effects of oestrogens and dopamine transmission on multiple memory system bias were explored in ovariectomised rats receiving low or high 17ß-oestradiol replacement under saline, autoreceptor-activating doses of the dopamine D2 receptor agonist, apomorphine (50 and 80 µg/kg), or amphetamine (0.5 mg/kg) administration. Furthermore, dorsal striatal dopamine release was measured after administration of the same drug conditions using in vivo microdialysis. As expected, high oestradiol rats predominantly used place memory, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in low oestradiol rats. However, the high apomorphine dose statistically significantly altered memory bias in high oestradiol rats from predominant place to predominant response memory, with a similar trend in the low apomorphine dose and the amphetamine group. There was no effect of drugs on memory bias in low oestradiol rats. Rats with high oestradiol replacement receiving amphetamine exhibited greater dorsal striatal dopamine release than low oestradiol replacement rats, and this difference was amplified in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, a logistic regression analysis revealed that oestradiol, but not dorsal striatal dopamine levels, significantly predicted response memory bias. These findings provide further evidence that oestradiol modulates memory system bias, and also that memory bias is changed by systemic apomorphine administration. However, although oestradiol affects dopamine transmission in the dorsal striatum in a lateralised manner, this does not predict memory system bias.

PMID: 26929121 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]