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Predation risk assessment based on uncertain information: interacting effects of known and unknown cues.

Author(s): Feyten LEA, Demers EEM, Ramnarine IW, Brown GE

Curr Zool. 2019 Feb;65(1):75-76 Authors: Feyten LEA, Demers EEM, Ramnarine IW, Brown GE PMID: 30697241 [PubMed]

Article GUID: 30697241

Title:Predation risk assessment based on uncertain information: interacting effects of known and unknown cues.
Authors:Feyten LEADemers EEMRamnarine IWBrown GE
Category:Curr Zool
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Biology, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Streeet West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2 Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.


Predation risk assessment based on uncertain information: interacting effects of known and unknown cues.

Curr Zool. 2019 Feb;65(1):75-76

Authors: Feyten LEA, Demers EEM, Ramnarine IW, Brown GE

PMID: 30697241 [PubMed]