Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Foundations of Erobotics.

Author(s): Dubé S, Anctil D

Technology is giving rise to artificial erotic agents, which we call erobots (erôs?+?bot). Erobots, such as virtual or augmented partners, erotic chatbots, and sex robots, increasingly expose humans to the possibility of intimacy and sexuality with artifici...

Article GUID: 33133302

Conditioning of Sexual Interests and Paraphilias in Humans Is Difficult to See, Virtually Impossible to Test, and Probably Exactly How It Happens: A Comment on Hsu and Bailey (2020).

Author(s): Pfaus JG, Quintana GR, Mac Cionnaith CE, Gerson CA, Dubé S, Coria-Avila GA

Arch Sex Behav. 2020 May 27;: Authors: Pfaus JG, Quintana GR, Mac Cionnaith CE, Gerson CA, Dubé S, Coria-Avila GA PMID: 32462414 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Article GUID: 32462414

Different Patterns of Sleep-Dependent Procedural Memory Consolidation in Vipassana Meditation Practitioners and Non-meditating Controls.

Author(s): Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Front Psychol. 2019;10:3014 Authors: Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Article GUID: 32038390

Title:Conditioning of Sexual Interests and Paraphilias in Humans Is Difficult to See, Virtually Impossible to Test, and Probably Exactly How It Happens: A Comment on Hsu and Bailey (2020).
Authors:Pfaus JGQuintana GRMac Cionnaith CEGerson CADubé SCoria-Avila GA
Category:Arch Sex Behav
Dept Affiliation: CSBN
1 Centro de Investigaciones Cerebrales, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, VER, CP 91193, Mexico.
2 Department of Psychology, Centre for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada.
3 Centro de Investigaciones Cerebrales, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, VER, CP 91193, Mexico.


Conditioning of Sexual Interests and Paraphilias in Humans Is Difficult to See, Virtually Impossible to Test, and Probably Exactly How It Happens: A Comment on Hsu and Bailey (2020).

Arch Sex Behav. 2020 May 27;:

Authors: Pfaus JG, Quintana GR, Mac Cionnaith CE, Gerson CA, Dubé S, Coria-Avila GA

PMID: 32462414 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]