Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Characteristics of Canadian Youth Adhering to Physical Activity and Screen Time Recommendations.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

J Sch Nurs. 2019 Oct 20;:1059840519881185 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Article GUID: 31630617

Children's Early Disruptive Behavior Predicts Later Coercive Behavior and Binge Drinking by Mothers.

Author(s): Pagani LS, Fitzpatrick C

J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Mar - Apr;39:15-20 Authors: Pagani LS, Fitzpatrick C

Article GUID: 29525211

Prospective Associations Between Play Environments and Pediatric Obesity.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Alexander S, Henderson M, Barnett TA

Am J Health Promot. 2019 May;33(4):541-548 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Alexander S, Henderson M, Barnett TA

Article GUID: 30354254

School food environments associated with adiposity in Canadian children.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Datta GD, Henderson M, Gray-Donald K, Kestens Y, Barnett TA

Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 07;41(7):1005-1010 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Datta GD, Henderson M, Gray-Donald K, Kestens Y, Barnett TA

Article GUID: 28186100

Adolescent media use and its association to wellbeing in a Canadian national sample.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Prev Med Rep. 2019 Jun;14:100867 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Article GUID: 31024788

Prospective Associations Between Early Long-Term Household Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Subsequent Indicators of Metabolic Risk at Age 10.

Author(s): Pagani LS, Nguyen AK, Fitzpatrick C

Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 May;18(5):1250-7 Authors: Pagani LS, Nguyen AK, Fitzpatrick C

Article GUID: 26069035

Which Early Childhood Experiences and Skills Predict Kindergarten Working Memory?

Author(s): Wang AH, Fitzpatrick C

J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Jan;40(1):40-48 Authors: Wang AH, Fitzpatrick C

Article GUID: 30095561

Title:Children's Early Disruptive Behavior Predicts Later Coercive Behavior and Binge Drinking by Mothers.
Authors:Pagani LSFitzpatrick C
Category:J Pediatr Nurs
Dept Affiliation: PERFORM
1 School of Psycho-Education, Sainte-Justine's Hospital Research Center, Brain Health Division, University of Montreal, Canada. Electronic address:
2 School of Psycho-Education, Sainte-Justine's Hospital Research Center, Brain Health Division, University of Montreal, Canada; Université Sainte-Anne, Church Point, Canada; PERFORM Centre, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


Children's Early Disruptive Behavior Predicts Later Coercive Behavior and Binge Drinking by Mothers.

J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Mar - Apr;39:15-20

Authors: Pagani LS, Fitzpatrick C


PURPOSE: We examined the prospective influence of early child problematic behavior on later coercive interactions and binge drinking by mothers.

DESIGN AND METHODS: Canadian participants are from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development, born between spring 1997 and 1998, which allowed a longitudinal birth cohort design. At the 41months, 628 parents reported on children's oppositional, aggressive, turbulent, and inattentive/hyperactive behavior. Mothers then reported on their own coercive and binge drinking behavior at the 60month follow-up.

RESULTS: We estimated a series of ordinary least-squares regressions to examine the relationship between early child behavior problems and later parental coercion and binge drinking, above and beyond many key pre-existing/concurrent confounding factors including prior parenting stress and binge alcohol use. Oppositional, aggressive, and turbulent child behaviors at 41months predicted harsh, negative parenting at 60months. Early inattentive/hyperactive child behavior also forecasted later binge alcohol use by mothers within the same time frame.

CONCLUSION: Negative preschool behavior predicted harsh, negative maternal behavior kindergarten entry. Early inattentive/hyperactive behavior also forecasted later binge alcohol use by mothers. Coercive parenting and alcohol use are clinically signs of adult distress. Such parents might use alcohol excessively because of its perceived stress-dampening effects and mental evasion from their life difficulties and frustration experiences.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Problematic preschool behavior can lead to less effective child-rearing and unhealthy parental behavior. Such at-risk mothers would benefit from professional caring practices. Practitioners can inspire change, especially using interaction interventions which encourage positive parent-child relations that, in turn, diminish parental distress.

PMID: 29525211 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]