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Structural variation and rates of genome evolution in the grass family seen through comparison of sequences of genomes greatly differing in size.

Author(s): Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, ...

Plant J. 2018 08;95(3):487-503 Authors: Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, Devos KM, Q...

Article GUID: 29770515

Genetic combining ability of coriander genotypes for agronomic and phytochemical traits in response to contrasting irrigation regimes.

Author(s): Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0199630 Authors: Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 29953470

Characterization of the Esi3/RCI2/PMP3 gene family in the Triticeae.

Author(s): Brunetti SC, Arseneault MKM, Gulick PJ

BMC Genomics. 2018 Dec 11;19(1):898 Authors: Brunetti SC, Arseneault MKM, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 30537926

Aegilops tauschii Genome Sequence: A Framework for Meta-analysis of Wheat QTLs.

Author(s): Xu J, Dai X, Ramasamy RK, Wang L, Zhu T, McGuire PE, Jorgensen CM, Dehghani H, Gulick PJ, Luo MC, Müller HG, Dvorak J

G3 (Bethesda). 2019 03 07;9(3):841-853 Authors: Xu J, Dai X, Ramasamy RK, Wang L, Zhu T, McGuire PE, Jorgensen CM, Dehghani H, Gulick PJ, Luo MC, Müller HG, Dvorak J

Article GUID: 30670607

Gene expression analysis in the roots of salt-stressed wheat and the cytogenetic derivatives of wheat combined with the salt-tolerant wheatgrass, Lophopyrum elongatum.

Author(s): Hussein Z, Dryanova A, Maret D, Gulick PJ

Plant Cell Rep. 2014 Jan;33(1):189-201 Authors: Hussein Z, Dryanova A, Maret D, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 24141639

Title:Characterization of the Esi3/RCI2/PMP3 gene family in the Triticeae.
Authors:Brunetti SCArseneault MKMGulick PJ
Category:BMC Genomics
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Biology Department, Concordia University, 7141, Sherbrooke, W. Montreal (Quebec), H4B 1R6, Canada.
2 Biology Department, Concordia University, 7141, Sherbrooke, W. Montreal (Quebec), H4B 1R6, Canada.


Characterization of the Esi3/RCI2/PMP3 gene family in the Triticeae.

BMC Genomics. 2018 Dec 11;19(1):898

Authors: Brunetti SC, Arseneault MKM, Gulick PJ


BACKGROUND: Members of the Early Salt Induced 3 (Esi3/RCI2/PMP3) gene family in plants have been shown to be induced in response to both biotic and abiotic stresses and to enhance stress tolerance in both transgenic plants and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Esi3 was first identified as a salt stress induced gene in the salt tolerant wild wheat grass, Lophopyrum elongatum, and subsequently homologous genes in many other species were found to be members of the gene family. These include Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa where they are referred to as Rare Cold Inducible 2 (RCI2), and Zea mays where they are referred to as Plasma Membrane Protein 3 (PMP3). This study characterizes the Esi3 family members in Triticum aestivum and explores the tissue specific expression patterns of the gene family members as well as their response to a variety of environmental stresses.

RESULTS: The Esi3 gene family was found to have a total of 29 family members comprised of ten paralogous groups in the hexaploid T. aestivum. Each paralogous group contains three homeologous copies, one in each of the A, B and D genomes with the exception of Esi3-2 which is missing the B copy. The genes of the Esi3 gene family were also identified in four other monocot species, Aegilops tauschii, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale and Sorghum bicolor, and were confirmed or corrected for Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa and Zea mays, as well as the dicot Arabidopsis thaliana. Gene expression of the Esi3s was analyzed using tissue-specific, abiotic and biotic stress RNA-Seq 454 sequence libraries and Affymetrix microarray data for T. aestivum.

CONCLUSIONS: Members of nearly all paralogous groups of the Esi3 genes in T. aestivum have altered gene expression in response to abiotic or biotic stress conditions. In addition, there are modest differences in gene expression among homeologous members of the gene family. This suggests that the Esi3 gene family plays an important role in the plants response to the stresses presented in this study. The Esi3-9 in T. aestivum has a unique N terminal extension placing it into Group III, a new group for the Esi3/RCI2/PMP3 gene family.

PMID: 30537926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]