Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Repetitive visual cortex transcranial random noise stimulation in adults with amblyopia.

Author(s): Donkor R, Silva AE, Teske C, Wallis-Duffy M, Johnson AP, Thompson B

We tested the hypothesis that five daily sessions of visual cortex transcranial random noise stimulation would improve contrast sensitivity, crowded and uncrowded visual acuity in adults with amblyopia. Nineteen adults with amblyopia (44.2?±?14.9 years, 10 ...

Article GUID: 33542265

Assessing optimal colour and illumination to facilitate reading.

Author(s): Morrice E, Murphy C, Soldano V, Addona C, Wittich W, Johnson AP

PURPOSE: This study examined the effectiveness of the LuxIQ, the Apple iPad and a smart bulb in assessing optimal colour and illumination to facilitate reading in younger, older and visually impaired adults. METHODS: Participants read standardised texts at ...

Article GUID: 33533095

Congenital Deafness Leads to Altered Overt Oculomotor Behaviors.

Author(s): Sharp A, Turgeon C, Johnson AP, Pannasch S, Champoux F, Ellemberg D

Front Neurosci. 2020;14:273 Authors: Sharp A, Turgeon C, Johnson AP, Pannasch S, Champoux F, Ellemberg D

Article GUID: 32327967

Music predictability and liking enhance pupil dilation and promote motor learning in non-musicians.

Author(s): Bianco R, Gold BP, Johnson AP, Penhune VB

Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 19;9(1):17060 Authors: Bianco R, Gold BP, Johnson AP, Penhune VB

Article GUID: 31745159

Spatial summation of broadband contrast.

Author(s): Richard B, Hansen BC, Johnson AP, Shafto P

J Vis. 2019 May 01;19(5):16 Authors: Richard B, Hansen BC, Johnson AP, Shafto P

Article GUID: 31100132

Title:Congenital Deafness Leads to Altered Overt Oculomotor Behaviors.
Authors:Sharp ATurgeon CJohnson APPannasch SChampoux FEllemberg D
Category:Front Neurosci
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 École d'Orthophonie et d'Audiologie, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
3 Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
4 Applied Cognitive Research/Psychology III, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
5 Department of Kinesiology, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Congenital Deafness Leads to Altered Overt Oculomotor Behaviors.

Front Neurosci. 2020;14:273

Authors: Sharp A, Turgeon C, Johnson AP, Pannasch S, Champoux F, Ellemberg D


The human brain is highly cross-modal, and sensory information may affect a wide range of behaviors. In particular, there is evidence that auditory functions are implicated in oculomotor behaviors. Considering this apparent auditory-oculomotor link, one might wonder how the loss of auditory input from birth might have an influence on these motor behaviors. Eye movement tracking enables to extract several components, including saccades and smooth pursuit. One study suggested that deafness can alter saccades processing. Oculomotor behaviors have not been examined further in the deaf. The main goal of this study was to examine smooth pursuit following deafness. A pursuit task paradigm was used in this experiment. Participants were instructed to move their eyes to follow a target as it moved. The target movements have a possibility of four different trajectories (horizontal, vertical, elliptic clockwise, and elliptic counter-clockwise). Results indicate a significant reduction in the ability to track a target in both elliptical conditions showing that more complex motion processing differs in deaf individuals. The data also revealed significantly more saccades per trial in the vertical, anti-clockwise, and, to a lesser extent, the clockwise elliptic condition. This suggests that auditory deprivation from birth leads to altered overt oculomotor behaviors.

PMID: 32327967 [PubMed]