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The effect of different divalent cations on the kinetics and fidelity of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA polymerase.

Author(s): Vashishtha AK, Konigsberg WH

AIMS Biophys. 2018;5(2):125-143 Authors: Vashishtha AK, Konigsberg WH

Article GUID: 29888334

Title:The effect of different divalent cations on the kinetics and fidelity of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA polymerase.
Authors:Vashishtha AKKonigsberg WH
Category:AIMS Biophys
Dept Affiliation: GENOMICS
1 Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
2 Yale University, 333 Cedar St., SHM C-E14, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA.


The effect of different divalent cations on the kinetics and fidelity of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA polymerase.

AIMS Biophys. 2018;5(2):125-143

Authors: Vashishtha AK, Konigsberg WH


Although Mg2+ is the metal ion that functions as the cofactor for DNA polymerases (DNA pols) in vivo, Mn2+ can also serve in this capacity but it reduces base discrimination. Metal ions aside from Mg2+ or Mn2+ can act as cofactors for some DNA pols but not for others. Here we report on the ability of several divalent metal ions to substitute for Mg2+ or Mn2+ with BST DNA polymerase (BST pol), an A family DNA pol. We selected the metal ions based on whether they had previously been shown to be effective with other DNA pols. We found that Co2+ and Cd2+ were the only cations tested that could replace Mg2+ or Mn2+. When Co2+ was substituted for Mg2+, the incorporation efficiency for correct dNTPs increased 6-fold but for incorrect dNTPs there was a decrease which depended on the incoming dNTP. With Mn2+, base selectivity was impaired compared to Co2+ and Cd2+. In addition, Co2+ and Mn2+ helped BST pol to catalyze primer-extension past a mismatch. Finally both Co2+ and Mn2+ enhanced ground-state binding of both correct and incorrect dNTPs to BST pol: Dideoxy terminated primer-template complexes.

PMID: 29888334 [PubMed]