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A retinoblastoma orthologue is a major regulator of S-phase, mitotic, and developmental gene expression in Dictyostelium.

Author(s): Strasser K, Bloomfield G, MacWilliams A, Ceccarelli A, MacWilliams H, Tsang A

PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39914 Authors: Strasser K, Bloomfield G, MacWilliams A, Ceccarelli A, MacWilliams H, Tsang A

Article GUID: 22768168

Title:A retinoblastoma orthologue is a major regulator of S-phase, mitotic, and developmental gene expression in Dictyostelium.
Authors:Strasser KBloomfield GMacWilliams ACeccarelli AMacWilliams HTsang A
Category:PLoS One
Dept Affiliation: GENOMICS
1 Biology Department and Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


A retinoblastoma orthologue is a major regulator of S-phase, mitotic, and developmental gene expression in Dictyostelium.

PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39914

Authors: Strasser K, Bloomfield G, MacWilliams A, Ceccarelli A, MacWilliams H, Tsang A


BACKGROUND: The retinoblastoma tumour suppressor, Rb, has two major functions. First, it represses genes whose products are required for S-phase entry and progression thus stabilizing cells in G1. Second, Rb interacts with factors that induce cell-cycle exit and terminal differentiation. Dictyostelium lacks a G1 phase in its cell cycle but it has a retinoblastoma orthologue, rblA.

METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using microarray analysis and mRNA-Seq transcriptional profiling, we show that RblA strongly represses genes whose products are involved in S phase and mitosis. Both S-phase and mitotic genes are upregulated at a single point in late G2 and again in mid-development, near the time when cell cycling is reactivated. RblA also activates a set of genes unique to slime moulds that function in terminal differentiation.

CONCLUSIONS: Like its mammalian counterpart Dictyostelium, RblA plays a dual role, regulating cell-cycle progression and transcriptional events leading to terminal differentiation. In the absence of a G1 phase, however, RblA functions in late G2 controlling the expression of both S-phase and mitotic genes.

PMID: 22768168 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]