Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Parameters of the protein energy landscapes of several light-harvesting complexes probed via spectral hole growth kinetics measurements.

Author(s): Herascu N, Najafi M, Amunts A, Pieper J, Irrgang KD, Picorel R, Seibert M, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2011 Mar 31;115(12):2737-47 Authors: Herascu N, Najafi M, Amunts A, Pieper J, Irrgang KD, Picorel R, Seibert M, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 21391534

Spectral hole burning, recovery, and thermocycling in chlorophyll-protein complexes: distributions of barriers on the protein energy landscape.

Author(s): Najafi M, Herascu N, Seibert M, Picorel R, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2012 Sep 27;116(38):11780-90 Authors: Najafi M, Herascu N, Seibert M, Picorel R, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 22957798

Conformational Changes in Pigment-Protein Complexes at Low Temperatures-Spectral Memory and a Possibility of Cooperative Effects.

Author(s): Najafi M, Herascu N, Shafiei G, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2015 Jun 11;119(23):6930-40 Authors: Najafi M, Herascu N, Shafiei G, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 25985255

Monte Carlo Modeling of Spectral Diffusion Employing Multiwell Protein Energy Landscapes: Application to Pigment-Protein Complexes Involved in Photosynthesis.

Author(s): Najafi M, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2015 Jun 25;119(25):7911-21 Authors: Najafi M, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 26020801

Spectral Hole Burning in Cyanobacterial Photosystem I with P700 in Oxidized and Neutral States.

Author(s): Herascu N, Hunter MS, Shafiei G, Najafi M, Johnson TW, Fromme P, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2016;120(40):10483-10495 Authors: Herascu N, Hunter MS, Shafiei G, Najafi M, Johnson TW, Fromme P, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 27661089

Title:Spectral Hole Burning in Cyanobacterial Photosystem I with P700 in Oxidized and Neutral States.
Authors:Herascu NHunter MSShafiei GNajafi MJohnson TWFromme PZazubovich V
Category:J Phys Chem B
Dept Affiliation: CHEMBIOCHEM
1 Department of Physics, Concordia University , 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, H4B 1R4, Quebec, Canada.
2 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University , Tempe, Arizona, United States.
3 Department of Chemistry, Susquehanna University , Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States.


Spectral Hole Burning in Cyanobacterial Photosystem I with P700 in Oxidized and Neutral States.

J Phys Chem B. 2016;120(40):10483-10495

Authors: Herascu N, Hunter MS, Shafiei G, Najafi M, Johnson TW, Fromme P, Zazubovich V


We explored the rich satellite hole structures emerging as a result of spectral hole burning in cyanobacterial photosystem I (PSI) and demonstrated that hole burning properties of PSI, particularly at high resolution, are strongly affected by the oxidation state of the primary donor P700, as P700+ effectively quenches the excitations of the lowest-energy antenna states responsible for fluorescence. Obtaining better control of this variable will be crucial for high-resolution ensemble experiments on protein energy landscapes in PSI. The separate nonphotochemical spectral hole burning (NPHB) signatures of various red antenna states were obtained, allowing for additional constraints on excitonic structure-based calculations. Preliminary evidence is presented for an additional red state of PSI of T. elongatus peaked at 712.6 nm, distinct from previously reported C708 and C715 states and possibly involving chlorophyll B15. Excitation at wavelengths as long as 800 nm results in charge separation at cryogenic temperatures in PSI also in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Both the "P700+ minus P700" holes and nonphotochemical spectral holes were subjected to thermocycling. The distribution of barriers manifesting in recovery of the "P700+ minus P700" signature contains two components in sample-dependent proportions, likely reflecting the percentages of FA and FB clusters being successfully prereduced before the optical experiment. The barrier distribution for the recovery of the lower-energy nonphotochemical spectral holes resembles those observed for other pigment-protein complexes, suggesting similar structural elements are responsible for NPHB. Higher-energy components exhibit evidence of "domino effects" such as shifts of certain bands persisting past the lower-energy hole recovery. Thus, conformational changes triggered by excitation of one pigment likely can affect multiple pigments in this tightly packed system.

PMID: 27661089 [PubMed]