Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Diurnal Variations in Psychological Distress in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G

Rehabil Nurs. 2017 Jul/Aug;42(4):210-215 Authors: Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G

Article GUID: 27229890

Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V

Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2018 Sep;38(5):E9-E11

Authors: Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V

PURPOSE: People with...

Article GUID: 30138214

Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

COPD. 2019 Feb;16(1):25-29 Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

Article GUID: 30884984

Title:Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Authors:Cox NSPepin VBurge ATHill CJLee ALBondarenko JMoore RNicolson CLahham AParwanta ZMcDonald CFHolland AE
Dept Affiliation: HKAP
1 a Discipline of Physiotherapy , La Trobe University and Institute for Breathing and Sleep , Melbourne , Australia.
2 b Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology, Axe Maladies Chroniques, Centre de Recherche de l'Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal , Concordia University , Montreal , Canada.
3 c Discipline of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, Alfred Health, Institute for Breathing and Sleep , La Trobe University , Melbourne , Australia.
4 d Department of Physiotherapy , Austin Health, and Institute for Breathing and Sleep , Melbourne , Australia.
5 e Department of Physiotherapy, Alfred Health, and Institute for Breathing and Sleep , Monash University , Frankston , Australia.
6 f Department of Physiotherapy , Alfred Health , Melbourne , Australia.
7 g Institute for Breathing and Sleep , Melbourne , Australia.
8 h Discipline of Physiotherapy , La Trobe University and Department of Physiotherapy, Alfred Health , Melbourne , Australia.
9 i Department of Respiratory Medicine, Austin Health, Institute for Breathing and Sleep, and School of Medicine , University of Melbourne , Melbourne , Australia.


Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

COPD. 2019 Feb;16(1):25-29

Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE


Abnormal sleep duration is associated with poor health. Upwards of 50% of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) report poor sleep quality. The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on self-reported sleep quality is variable. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on objectively measured sleep quality (via actigraphy) in people with COPD. Sleep quality was assessed objectively using the SenseWear Armband (SWA, BodyMedia, Pittsburgh, PA), worn for =4 days before and immediately after completing an 8-week pulmonary rehabilitation program. Sleep characteristics were derived from accelerometer positional data and registration of sleep state by the SWA, determined from energy expenditure. Forty-eight participants (n?=?21 male) with COPD (mean (SD), age 70 (10) years, mean FEV1 55 (20) % predicted, mean 45 (24) pack year smoking history) contributed pre and post pulmonary rehabilitation sleep data to this analysis. No significant differences were seen in any sleep parameters after pulmonary rehabilitation (p?=?0.07-0.70). There were no associations between sleep parameters and measures of quality of life or function (all p?>?0.30). Sleep quality, measured objectively using actigraphy, did not improve after an 8-week pulmonary rehabilitation program in individuals with COPD. Whether on-going participation in regular exercise training beyond the duration of pulmonary rehabilitation may influence sleep quality, or whether improving sleep quality could enhance rehabilitation outcomes, is yet to be determined.

PMID: 30884984 [PubMed - in process]