Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Everyday activity parameters and competence in older adults.

Author(s): Pushkar D, Arbuckle T, Conway M, Chaikelson J, Maag U

Psychol Aging. 1997 Dec;12(4):600-9 Authors: Pushkar D, Arbuckle T, Conway M, Chaikelson J, Maag U

Article GUID: 9416629

Individual differences in trajectory of intellectual development over 45 years of adulthood.

Author(s): Arbuckle TY, Maag U, Pushkar D, Chaikelson JS

Psychol Aging. 1998 Dec;13(4):663-75 Authors: Arbuckle TY, Maag U, Pushkar D, Chaikelson JS

Article GUID: 9883465

Social behavior and off-target verbosity in elderly people.

Author(s): Pushkar D, Basevitz P, Arbuckle T, Nohara-LeClair M, Lapidus S, Peled M

Psychol Aging. 2000 Jun;15(2):361-74 Authors: Pushkar D, Basevitz P, Arbuckle T, Nohara-LeClair M, Lapidus S, Peled M

Article GUID: 10879589

Effect of off-target verbosity on communication efficiency in a referential communication task.

Author(s): Arbuckle TY, Nohara-LeClair M, Pushkar D

Psychol Aging. 2000 Mar;15(1):65-77 Authors: Arbuckle TY, Nohara-LeClair M, Pushkar D

Article GUID: 10755290

Motivation, personality and well-being in older volunteers.

Author(s): Pushkar D, Reis M, Morros M

Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2002;55(2):141-62 Authors: Pushkar D, Reis M, Morros M

Article GUID: 12513036

Off-target verbosity, everyday competence, and subjective well-being.

Author(s): Arbuckle TY, Pushkar D, Bourgeois S, Bonneville L

Gerontology. 2004 Sep-Oct;50(5):291-7 Authors: Arbuckle TY, Pushkar D, Bourgeois S, Bonneville L

Article GUID: 15331857

Behavioural and electrophysiological measures of task switching during single and mixed-task conditions.

Author(s): Goffaux P, Phillips NA, Sinai M, Pushkar D

Biol Psychol. 2006 Jun;72(3):278-90 Authors: Goffaux P, Phillips NA, Sinai M, Pushkar D

Article GUID: 16413655

Autobiographical memory specificity predicts social problem-solving ability in old and young adults.

Author(s): Beaman A, Pushkar D, Etezadi S, Bye D, Conway M

Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2007 Sep;60(9):1275-88 Authors: Beaman A, Pushkar D, Etezadi S, Bye D, Conway M

Article GUID: 17676558

Neurophysiological measures of task-set switching: effects of working memory and aging.

Author(s): Goffaux P, Phillips NA, Sinai M, Pushkar D

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2008 Mar;63(2):P57-66 Authors: Goffaux P, Phillips NA, Sinai M, Pushkar D

Article GUID: 18441266

Testing continuity and activity variables as predictors of positive and negative affect in retirement.

Author(s): Pushkar D, Chaikelson J, Conway M, Etezadi J, Giannopoulus C, Li K, Wrosch C

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2010 Jan;65B(1):42-9 Authors: Pushkar D, Chaikelson J, Conway M, Etezadi J, Giannopoulus C, Li K, Wrosch C

Article GUID: 19875749

Longitudinal associations of need for cognition, cognitive activity, and depressive symptomatology with cognitive function in recent retirees.

Author(s): Baer LH, Tabri N, Blair M, Bye D, Li KZ, Pushkar D

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2013 Sep;68(5):655-64 Authors: Baer LH, Tabri N, Blair M, Bye D, Li KZ, Pushkar D

Article GUID: 23213060

Title:Off-target verbosity, everyday competence, and subjective well-being.
Authors:Arbuckle TYPushkar DBourgeois SBonneville L
Dept Affiliation: CRDH
1 Centre for Research in Human Development, Concordia University, Montreal, Que., Canada.


Off-target verbosity, everyday competence, and subjective well-being.

Gerontology. 2004 Sep-Oct;50(5):291-7

Authors: Arbuckle TY, Pushkar D, Bourgeois S, Bonneville L


BACKGROUND: Off-target verbosity (OTV), defined as prolific speech that is lacking in focus, is exhibited by relatively few older adults, but increases in prevalence with age.

OBJECTIVE/METHODS: The hypothesis that a high level of OTV is associated with declining competence in other aspects of everyday life was examined in 142 older adults, previously screened for the level of OTV. Competence was assessed based on self-reported changes since age 50 years in quality and quantity of engagement in eleven domains of instrumental and voluntary activities of everyday life.

RESULTS: Path models indicated that a high level of OTV was associated with a decreased competence in everyday activities and was indirectly linked, through competence, with lower well-being and greater loneliness. With competence level controlled, a high level of OTV directly predicted less loneliness.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that a high level of OTV is symptomatic of a more general decline in competence and of less successful aging. However, a high level of OTV also entails a strong motivation for talking to others and thus may offer protection against loneliness.

PMID: 15331857 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]