Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

The emergence of gender segregation in toddler playgroups.

Author(s): Serbin LA, Moller LC, Gulko J, Powlishta KK, Colburne KA

New Dir Child Dev. 1994;(65):7-17 Authors: Serbin LA, Moller LC, Gulko J, Powlishta KK, Colburne KA PMID: 7870331 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 7870331

Longitudinal study of early childhood injuries and acute illnesses in the offspring of adolescent mothers who were aggressive, withdrawn, or aggressive-withdrawn in childhood.

Author(s): Serbin LA, Peters PL, Schwartzman AE

J Abnorm Psychol. 1996 Nov;105(4):500-7 Authors: Serbin LA, Peters PL, Schwartzman AE

Article GUID: 8952183

Introduction to the special section: studying intergenerational continuity and the transfer of risk.

Author(s): Serbin LA, Stack DM

Dev Psychol. 1998 Nov;34(6):1159-61 Authors: Serbin LA, Stack DM

Article GUID: 9823501

Intergenerational transfer of psychosocial risk in women with childhood histories of aggression, withdrawal, or aggression and withdrawal.

Author(s): Serbin LA, Cooperman JM, Peters PL, Lehoux PM, Stack DM, Schwartzman AE

Dev Psychol. 1998 Nov;34(6):1246-62 Authors: Serbin LA, Cooperman JM, Peters PL, Lehoux PM, Stack DM, Schwartzman AE

Article GUID: 9823509

Predicting adult physical health outcomes from childhood aggression, social withdrawal and likeability: a 30-year prospective, longitudinal study.

Author(s): Temcheff CE, Serbin LA, Martin-Storey A, Stack DM, Ledingham J, Schwartzman AE

Int J Behav Med. 2011 Mar;18(1):5-12 Authors: Temcheff CE, Serbin LA, Martin-Storey A, Stack DM, Ledingham J, Schwartzman AE

Article GUID: 20383621

The quality of the mother-child relationship in high-risk dyads: application of the Emotional Availability Scales in an intergenerational, longitudinal study.

Author(s): Stack DM, Serbin LA, Girouard N, Enns LN, Bentley VM, Ledingham JE, Schwartzman AE

Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Feb;24(1):93-105 Authors: Stack DM, Serbin LA, Girouard N, Enns LN, Bentley VM, Ledingham JE, Schwartzman AE

Article GUID: 22292996

Academic success across the transition from primary to secondary schooling among lower-income adolescents: understanding the effects of family resources and gender.

Author(s): Serbin LA, Stack DM, Kingdon D

J Youth Adolesc. 2013 Sep;42(9):1331-47 Authors: Serbin LA, Stack DM, Kingdon D

Article GUID: 23904002

Title:Intergenerational transfer of psychosocial risk in women with childhood histories of aggression, withdrawal, or aggression and withdrawal.
Authors:Serbin LACooperman JMPeters PLLehoux PMStack DMSchwartzman AE
Category:Dev Psychol
Dept Affiliation: CRDH


Intergenerational transfer of psychosocial risk in women with childhood histories of aggression, withdrawal, or aggression and withdrawal.

Dev Psychol. 1998 Nov;34(6):1246-62

Authors: Serbin LA, Cooperman JM, Peters PL, Lehoux PM, Stack DM, Schwartzman AE


Intergenerational transfer of risk between mothers and children, based on mothers' childhood aggression and social withdrawal, was examined in an inner-city sample. Each of the 3 studies reported involved a subset of the 909 female participants in the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project, initiated when the participants were of school age. Using medical records, Study 1 (n = 853) focused on prediction of teen motherhood, delivery complications during childbirth, multiparity, and close spacing of births. Study 2 (n = 428) examined pathways to school dropout and teen parenthood. Study 3 (n = 89) involved prediction of observed parent and child behavior from mothers' childhood characteristics. Mothers' childhood aggression was consistently predictive of negative outcomes in each area of intergenerational risk, especially when combined with social withdrawal and low levels of academic achievement. Education was protective: Mothers' years of schooling predicted positive outcomes.

PMID: 9823509 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]