Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Large-scale mGluR5 network abnormalities linked to epilepsy duration in focal cortical dysplasia.

Author(s): DuBois JM, Mathotaarachchi S, Rousset OG, Sziklas V, Sepulcre J, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E...

To determine the extent of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5 (mGluR5) network abnormalities associated with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), we performed graph theoretical analysis of [11C]ABP6...

Article GUID: 33401137

Recommendations of the 5th Canadian Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia.

Author(s): Ismail Z, Black SE, Camicioli R, Chertkow H, Herrmann N, Laforce R, Montero-Odasso M, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P, Seitz D, Sivananthan S, Smith...

Alzheimers Dement. 2020 Jul 29;: Authors: Ismail Z, Black SE, Camicioli R, Chertkow H, Herrmann N, Laforce R, Montero-Odasso M, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P, Seitz D, Sivananthan S, Smith EE, Soucy JP,...

Article GUID: 32725777

Topographical distribution of Aβ predicts progression to dementia in Aβ positive mild cognitive impairment

Author(s): Pascoal TA, Therriault J, Mathotaarachchi S, Kang MS, Shin M, Benedet AL, Chamoun M, Tissot C, Lussier F, Mohaddes S, Soucy JP, Massarweh G,...

INTRODUCTION: Abnormal brain amyloid beta (Aβ) is typically assessed in vivo using global concentrations from cerebrospinal fluid and positron emission tomography (PET). However, it is unknown...

Article GUID: 32582834

Chronic Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism Examined with Positron Emission Tomography.

Author(s): Galoppin M, Berroir P, Soucy JP, Suzuki Y, Lavigne GJ, Gagnon JF, Montplaisir JY, Stip E, Blanchet PJ

Mov Disord. 2020 Apr 30;: Authors: Galoppin M, Berroir P, Soucy JP, Suzuki Y, Lavigne GJ, Gagnon JF, Montplaisir JY, Stip E, Blanchet PJ

Article GUID: 32353194

Non-invasive in vivo hyperspectral imaging of the retina for potential biomarker use in Alzheimer's disease.

Author(s): Hadoux X, Hui F, Lim JKH, Masters CL, Pébay A, Chevalier S, Ha J, Loi S, Fowler CJ, Rowe C, Villemagne VL, Taylor EN, Fluke C, Soucy JP, Les...

Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 17;10(1):4227 Authors: Hadoux X, Hui F, Lim JKH, Masters CL, Pébay A, Chevalier S, Ha J, Loi S, Fowler CJ, Rowe C, Villemagne VL, Taylor EN, Fluke C, Soucy JP, Lesage F, ...

Article GUID: 31530809

Development of "[11C]kits" for a fast, efficient and reliable production of carbon-11 labeled radiopharmaceuticals for Positron Emission Tomography.

Author(s): Jolly D, Hopewell R, Kovacevic M, Li QY, Soucy JP, Kostikov A

Appl Radiat Isot. 2017 Mar;121:76-81 Authors: Jolly D, Hopewell R, Kovacevic M, Li QY, Soucy JP, Kostikov A

Article GUID: 28038410

Brain perfusion during rapid-eye-movement sleep successfully identifies amnestic mild cognitive impairment.

Author(s): Brayet P, Petit D, Baril AA, Gosselin N, Gagnon JF, Soucy JP, Gauthier S, Kergoat MJ, Carrier J, Rouleau I, Montplaisir J

Sleep Med. 2017 Jun;34:134-140 Authors: Brayet P, Petit D, Baril AA, Gosselin N, Gagnon JF, Soucy JP, Gauthier S, Kergoat MJ, Carrier J, Rouleau I, Montplaisir J

Article GUID: 28522082

Brain cholinergic alterations in idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder: a PET imaging study with 18F-FEOBV.

Author(s): Bedard MA, Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Postuma RB, Soucy JP, Gagnon JF, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J

Sleep Med. 2019 Jan 06;58:35-41 Authors: Bedard MA, Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Postuma RB, Soucy JP, Gagnon JF, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J

Article GUID: 31078078

Dopamine cross-sensitization between psychostimulant drugs and stress in healthy male volunteers.

Author(s): Booij L, Welfeld K, Leyton M, Dagher A, Boileau I, Sibon I, Baker GB, Diksic M, Soucy JP, Pruessner JC, Cawley-Fiset E, Casey KF, Benkelfat C

Transl Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 23;6:e740 Authors: Booij L, Welfeld K, Leyton M, Dagher A, Boileau I, Sibon I, Baker GB, Diksic M, Soucy JP, Pruessner JC, Cawley-Fiset E, Casey KF, Benkelfat C

Article GUID: 26905412

Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Type 5 (mGluR5) Cortical Abnormalities in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Identified In Vivo With [11C]ABP688 Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging.

Author(s): DuBois JM, Rousset OG, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Reader AJ, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Cereb Cortex. 2016 10 17;26(11):4170-4179 Authors: DuBois JM, Rousset OG, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Reader AJ, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Article GUID: 27578494

Biomarkers, designs, and interpretations of resting-state fMRI in translational pharmacological research: A review of state-of-the-Art, challenges, and opportunities for studying brain chemistry.

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N, Rombouts SA, van Osch MJ, Duff EP, Carbonell F, Nickerson LD, Becerra L, Dahan A, Evans AC, Soucy JP, Wise R, Zijdenbos AP...

Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 04;38(4):2276-2325 Authors: Khalili-Mahani N, Rombouts SA, van Osch MJ, Duff EP, Carbonell F, Nickerson LD, Becerra L, Dahan A, Evans AC, Soucy JP, Wise R, Zijdenbos AP, van G...

Article GUID: 28145075

Quantification of brain cholinergic denervation in Alzheimer's disease using PET imaging with [18F]-FEOBV.

Author(s): Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Gauthier S, Kostikov A, Gravel P, Bédard MA

Mol Psychiatry. 2017 11;22(11):1531-1538 Authors: Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Gauthier S, Kostikov A, Gravel P, Bédard MA

Article GUID: 28894304

Altered Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Idiopathic Hypersomnia.

Author(s): Boucetta S, Montplaisir J, Zadra A, Lachapelle F, Soucy JP, Gravel P, Dang-Vu TT

Sleep. 2017 10 01;40(10): Authors: Boucetta S, Montplaisir J, Zadra A, Lachapelle F, Soucy JP, Gravel P, Dang-Vu TT

Article GUID: 28958044

Amyloid and tau signatures of brain metabolic decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease.

Author(s): Pascoal TA, Mathotaarachchi S, Shin M, Park AY, Mohades S, Benedet AL, Kang MS, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Gauthier S, Rosa-Neto P, Alzheimer’s ...

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2018 06;45(6):1021-1030 Authors: Pascoal TA, Mathotaarachchi S, Shin M, Park AY, Mohades S, Benedet AL, Kang MS, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Gauthier S, Rosa-Neto P, Alzheim...

Article GUID: 29396637

Altered brain perfusion patterns in wakefulness and slow-wave sleep in sleepwalkers.

Author(s): Desjardins MÈ, Baril AA, Soucy JP, Dang-Vu TT, Desautels A, Petit D, Montplaisir J, Zadra A

Sleep. 2018 05 01;41(5): Authors: Desjardins MÈ, Baril AA, Soucy JP, Dang-Vu TT, Desautels A, Petit D, Montplaisir J, Zadra A

Article GUID: 29514303

Impaired sensorimotor processing during complex gait precedes behavioral changes in middle-aged adults.

Author(s): Mitchell T, Starrs F, Soucy JP, Thiel A, Paquette C

J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2018 Sep 21;: Authors: Mitchell T, Starrs F, Soucy JP, Thiel A, Paquette C

Article GUID: 30247510

Title:Altered brain perfusion patterns in wakefulness and slow-wave sleep in sleepwalkers.
Authors:Desjardins MÈBaril AASoucy JPDang-Vu TTDesautels APetit DMontplaisir JZadra A
Dept Affiliation: PERFORM
1 Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
2 Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
3 Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
4 PERFORM Centre, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
5 McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
6 Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
7 Centre de Recherche de l'Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal and Department of Neurosciences, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.


Altered brain perfusion patterns in wakefulness and slow-wave sleep in sleepwalkers.

Sleep. 2018 05 01;41(5):

Authors: Desjardins MÈ, Baril AA, Soucy JP, Dang-Vu TT, Desautels A, Petit D, Montplaisir J, Zadra A


Study Objectives: The present study assessed brain perfusion patterns with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) during sleepwalkers' post-sleep deprivation slow-wave sleep (SWS) and resting-state wakefulness.

Methods: Following a 24 hr period of sleep deprivation, 10 sleepwalkers and 10 sex- and age-matched controls were scanned with a high-resolution SPECT scanner. Participants were injected with 99mTc-ethylene cysteinate dimer after 2 min of stable SWS within their first sleep cycle as well as during resting-state wakefulness, both after a subsequent 24 hr period of sleep deprivation.

Results: When compared with controls' brain perfusion patterns during both SWS and resting-state wakefulness, sleepwalkers showed reduced regional cerebral perfusion in several bilateral frontal regions, including the superior frontal, middle frontal, and medial frontal gyri. Moreover, reduced regional cerebral perfusion was also found in sleepwalkers' left postcentral gyrus, insula, and superior temporal gyrus during SWS compared with controls. During resting-state wakefulness compared with controls, reduced cerebral perfusion was also found in parietal and temporal regions of sleepwalkers' left hemisphere, whereas the right parahippocampal gyrus showed increased regional cerebral perfusion.

Conclusions: Our results reveal patterns of reduced regional cerebral perfusion in sleepwalkers' frontal and parietal areas when compared with controls, regions previously associated with SWS generation and episode occurrence. Additionally, reduced perfusion in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and insula during recovery SWS is consistent with the clinical features of somnambulistic episodes, including impaired awareness and reduced pain perception. Altered regional cerebral perfusion patterns during sleepwalkers' resting-state wakefulness may be related to daytime functional anomalies in this population.

PMID: 29514303 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]