Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

The Genomic Landscape of the Fungus-Specific SWI/SNF Complex Subunit, Snf6, in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6): Authors: Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 29152582

Tuning Hsf1 levels drives distinct fungal morphogenetic programs with depletion impairing Hsp90 function and overexpression expanding the target space.

Author(s): Veri AO, Miao Z, Shapiro RS, Tebbji F, O'Meara TR, Kim SH, Colazo J, Tan K, Vyas VK, Whiteway M, Robbins N, Wong KH, Cowen LE

PLoS Genet. 2018 03;14(3):e1007270 Authors: Veri AO, Miao Z, Shapiro RS, Tebbji F, O'Meara TR, Kim SH, Colazo J, Tan K, Vyas VK, Whiteway M, Robbins N, Wong KH, Cowen LE

Article GUID: 29590106

Integration of Growth and Cell Size via the TOR Pathway and the Dot6 Transcription Factor in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Chaillot J, Tebbji F, Mallick J, Sellam A

Genetics. 2019 02;211(2):637-650 Authors: Chaillot J, Tebbji F, Mallick J, Sellam A

Article GUID: 30593490

Functional divergence of a global regulatory complex governing fungal filamentation.

Author(s): Polvi EJ, Veri AO, Liu Z, Hossain S, Hyde S, Kim SH, Tebbji F, Sellam A, Todd RT, Xie JL, Lin ZY, Wong CJ, Shapiro RS, Whiteway M, Robbins N...

Functional divergence of a global regulatory complex governing fungal filamentation.

PLoS Genet. 2019 01;15(1):e1007901

Authors: Polvi EJ, Veri AO, Liu Z, Hossain S, Hyde S, Kim...

Article GUID: 30615616

Mms21: A Putative SUMO E3 Ligase in Candida albicans That Negatively Regulates Invasiveness and Filamentation, and Is Required for the Genotoxic and Cellular Stress Response.

Author(s): Islam A, Tebbji F, Mallick J, Regan H, Dumeaux V, Omran RP, Whiteway M

Genetics. 2019 02;211(2):579-595 Authors: Islam A, Tebbji F, Mallick J, Regan H, Dumeaux V, Omran RP, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 30530734

Rewiring of the Ppr1 Zinc Cluster Transcription Factor from Purine Catabolism to Pyrimidine Biogenesis in the Saccharomycetaceae.

Author(s): Tebung WA, Choudhury BI, Tebbji F, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

Curr Biol. 2016 07 11;26(13):1677-1687 Authors: Tebung WA, Choudhury BI, Tebbji F, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 27321996

Title:Rewiring of the Ppr1 Zinc Cluster Transcription Factor from Purine Catabolism to Pyrimidine Biogenesis in the Saccharomycetaceae.
Authors:Tebung WAChoudhury BITebbji FMorschhäuser JWhiteway M
Category:Curr Biol
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H4B 1R6, Canada.
2 Biology Department, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H4B 1R6, Canada.
3 Infectious Diseases Research Centre (CRI), CHU de Québec Research Center (CHUQ), Université Laval, Quebec City, QC G1V 0A6, Canada.
4 Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Universität Würzburg, 97070 Würzburg, Germany.
5 Biology Department, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H4B 1R6, Canada. Electronic address:


Rewiring of the Ppr1 Zinc Cluster Transcription Factor from Purine Catabolism to Pyrimidine Biogenesis in the Saccharomycetaceae.

Curr Biol. 2016 07 11;26(13):1677-1687

Authors: Tebung WA, Choudhury BI, Tebbji F, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M


Metabolic pathways are largely conserved in eukaryotes, but the transcriptional regulation of these pathways can sometimes vary between species; this has been termed "rewiring." Recently, it has been established that in the Saccharomyces lineage starting from Naumovozyma castellii, genes involved in allantoin breakdown have been genomically relocated to form the DAL cluster. The formation of the DAL cluster occurred along with the loss of urate permease (UAP) and urate oxidase (UOX), reducing the requirement for oxygen and bypassing the candidate Ppr1 inducer, uric acid. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this allantoin catabolism cluster is regulated by the transcription factor Dal82, which is not present in many of the pre-rearrangement fungal species. We have used ChIP-chip analysis, transcriptional profiling of an activated Ppr1 protein, bioinformatics, and nitrogen utilization studies to establish that in Candida albicans the zinc cluster transcription factor Ppr1 controls this allantoin catabolism regulon. Intriguingly, in S. cerevisiae, the Ppr1 ortholog binds the same DNA motif (CGG(N6)CCG) as in C. albicans but serves as a regulator of pyrimidine biosynthesis. This transcription factor rewiring appears to have taken place at the same phylogenetic step as the formation of the rearranged DAL cluster. This transfer of the control of allantoin degradation from Ppr1 to Dal82, together with the repositioning of Ppr1 to the regulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis, may have resulted from a switch to a metabolism that could exploit hypoxic conditions in the lineage leading to N. castellii and S. cerevisiae.

PMID: 27321996 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]