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Dc and ac transport in silicene.

Author(s): Vargiamidis V, Vasilopoulos P, Hai GQ

J Phys Condens Matter. 2014 Aug 27;26(34):345303 Authors: Vargiamidis V, Vasilopoulos P, Hai GQ

Article GUID: 25105319

Electrically tunable magnetoplasmons in a monolayer of silicene or germanene.

Author(s): Tahir M, Vasilopoulos P

J Phys Condens Matter. 2015 Feb 25;27(7):075303 Authors: Tahir M, Vasilopoulos P

Article GUID: 25639935

Unconventional quantum Hall effect in Floquet topological insulators.

Author(s): Tahir M, Vasilopoulos P, Schwingenschlögl U

J Phys Condens Matter. 2016 09 28;28(38):385302 Authors: Tahir M, Vasilopoulos P, Schwingenschlögl U

Article GUID: 27460419

Title:Dc and ac transport in silicene.
Authors:Vargiamidis VVasilopoulos PHai GQ
Category:J Phys Condens Matter
Dept Affiliation: PHYSICS
1 Concordia University, Department of Physics, 7141 Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal, Québec H4B 1R6, Canada.


Dc and ac transport in silicene.

J Phys Condens Matter. 2014 Aug 27;26(34):345303

Authors: Vargiamidis V, Vasilopoulos P, Hai GQ


We investigate dc and ac transport in silicene in the presence of a perpendicular electric field E(z) that tunes its band gap, finite temperatures, and level broadening. The interplay of silicene's strong spin-orbit interaction and the field E(z) gives rise to topological phase transitions. We show that at a critical value of E(z) the dc spin-Hall conductivity undergoes a transition from a topological insulator phase to a band insulator one. We also show that the spin- and valley-Hall conductivities exhibit a strong temperature dependence. In addition, the longitudinal conductivity is examined as a function of the carrier density n(e), for screened Coulomb impurities of density n(i), and found to scale linearly with n(e)/n(i). It also exhibits an upward jump at a critical value of ne that is associated with the opening of a new spin subband. Furthermore, the contributions of the spin-up and spin-down carriers to the power absorption spectrum depend sensitively on the topological phase and valley index. Analytical results are presented for both dc and ac conductivities in the framework of linear response theory.

PMID: 25105319 [PubMed]