Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Zoo soundscape: Daily variation of low-to-high-frequency sounds.

Author(s): Pelletier C, Weladji RB, Lazure L, Paré P

Zoo Biol. 2020 Jul 31;: Authors: Pelletier C, Weladji RB, Lazure L, Paré P

Article GUID: 32735724

Response of reindeer mating time to climatic variability.

Author(s): Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

BMC Ecol. 2020 Jul 29;20(1):44 Authors: Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

Article GUID: 32727535

The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer.

Author(s): Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

Curr Zool. 2020 Apr;66(2):123-134 Authors: Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

Article GUID: 32440272

Early-life conditions determine the between-individual heterogeneity in plasticity of calving date in reindeer.

Author(s): Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

J Anim Ecol. 2019 Aug 20;: Authors: Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

Article GUID: 31429472

Winter and spring climatic conditions influence timing and synchrony of calving in reindeer.

Author(s): Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

PLoS One. 2018;13(4):e0195603 Authors: Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J

Article GUID: 29694410

Activity budget and spatial distribution of Bennett's wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus) in open versus closed exhibit designs.

Author(s): Beaudin-Judd J, Weladji RB, Lazure L, Paré P

Zoo Biol. 2019 May;38(3):258-265 Authors: Beaudin-Judd J, Weladji RB, Lazure L, Paré P

Article GUID: 30997695

Title:The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer.
Authors:Paoli AWeladji RBHoland ØKumpula J
Category:Curr Zool
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Biology, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC, H4B 1R6, Canada.
2 Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, PO Box 5003, Norway.
3 Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke), Reindeer Research Station, 99910, Finland.


The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer.

Curr Zool. 2020 Apr;66(2):123-134

Authors: Paoli A, Weladji RB, Holand Ø, Kumpula J


A developing trophic mismatch between the peak of energy demands by reproducing animals and the peak of forage availability has caused many species' reproductive success to decrease. The match-mismatch hypothesis (MMH) is an appealing concept that can be used to assess such fitness consequences. However, concerns have been raised on applying the MMH on capital breeders such as reindeer because the reliance on maternal capita rather than dietary income may mitigate negative effects of changing phenologies. Using a long-term dataset of reindeer calving dates recorded since 1970 in a semidomesticated reindeer population in Finnish Lapland and proxies of plant phenology; we tested the main hypothesis that the time lag between calving date and the plant phenology in autumn when females store nutrient reserves to finance reproduction would lead to consequences on reproductive success, as the time lag with spring conditions would. As predicted, the reproductive success of females of the Kutuharju reindeer population was affected by both the onset of spring green-up and vegetative senescence in autumn as calves were born heavier and with a higher first-summer survival when the onset of the vegetation growth was earlier and the end of the thermal growing season the previous year was earlier as well. Our results demonstrated that longer plant growing seasons might be detrimental to reindeer's reproductive success if a later end is accompanied by a reduced abundance of mushrooms.

PMID: 32440272 [PubMed]