Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Start-up of oxygen-limited autotrophic partial nitrification-anammox process for treatment of nitrite-free wastewater in a single-stage hybrid bioreactor.

Author(s): Hosseinpour B, Saborimanesh N, Yerushalmi L, Walsh D, Mulligan CN

Environ Technol. 2019 Aug 04;:1-9 Authors: Hosseinpour B, Saborimanesh N, Yerushalmi L, Walsh D, Mulligan CN

Article GUID: 31378146

Pilot-scale application of a single-stage hybrid airlift BioCAST bioreactor for treatment of ammonium from nitrite-limited wastewater by a partial nitrification/anammox process.

Author(s): Saborimanesh N, Walsh D, Yerushalmi L, Arriagada EC, Mulligan CN

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019 Jul 02;: Authors: Saborimanesh N, Walsh D, Yerushalmi L, Arriagada EC, Mulligan CN

Article GUID: 31267396

Photocatalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole by hierarchical magnetic ZnO@g-C3N4: RSM optimization, kinetic study, reaction pathway and toxicity evaluation.

Author(s): Mirzaei A, Yerushalmi L, Chen Z, Haghighat F

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Oct 05;359:516-526 Authors: Mirzaei A, Yerushalmi L, Chen Z, Haghighat F

Article GUID: 30086522

Sonocatalytic removal of ampicillin by Zn(OH)F: Effect of operating parameters, toxicological evaluation and by-products identification.

Author(s): Mirzaei A, Haghighat F, Chen Z, Yerushalmi L

J Hazard Mater. 2019 Apr 22;375:86-95 Authors: Mirzaei A, Haghighat F, Chen Z, Yerushalmi L

Article GUID: 31054533

Title:Pilot-scale application of a single-stage hybrid airlift BioCAST bioreactor for treatment of ammonium from nitrite-limited wastewater by a partial nitrification/anammox process.
Authors:Saborimanesh NWalsh DYerushalmi LArriagada ECMulligan CN
Category:Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada.
2 Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, H4B 1R6, Canada.
3 Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada.


Pilot-scale application of a single-stage hybrid airlift BioCAST bioreactor for treatment of ammonium from nitrite-limited wastewater by a partial nitrification/anammox process.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019 Jul 02;:

Authors: Saborimanesh N, Walsh D, Yerushalmi L, Arriagada EC, Mulligan CN


This paper presents the treatment of a nitrite-limited wastewater by partial nitrification/anammox process under different dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations of < 1.2 mg/L, < 0.5 mg/L, and 0 mg/L, and at temperatures of 35 to 27 °C in a pilot-scale single-stage hybrid bioreactor (BioCAST). The effect of operational parameters on microbial community structure and composition has also been investigated during the 1-year experimental period. Ammonium removal efficiencies of 73 ± 19% at 35-32 °C and 87 ± 9% at 29-27 °C were obtained from a synthetic nitrite-limited wastewater with ammonium concentration of 350-500 mg/L (175-250 g m-3 d-1). The adaptation of bacteria to a lower temperature (27 °C) and lower free ammonia concentrations at 27 °C was showed to be key factors leading to the optimal nitrite production by aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). No nitrite accumulation was observed due to the effective distribution and transfer of nitrite produced by the AOB in the aerobic zone to the microaerophilic/anoxic zones. The fast enrichment of Candidatus species in the suspended biomass in the anoxic zone at temperatures of 35-30 °C and in the attached biofilm in the microaerophilic zone (DO < 0.5 mg/L) at 29-27 °C suggests that the growth media (e.g., suspended biomass vs attached biofilm) had a minor effect on the diversity of microbial community in this bioreactor. This study supports the effective treatment of nitrite-limited wastewater with ammonium concentrations of < 500 mg/L by partial nitrification/anammox process at 35-27 °C in a single-stage hybrid bioreactor by adjusting the DO concentration to < 0.5 mg/L and by providing longer retention times for aerobic (AOB) and anammox bacteria in the biofilm, which resulted in the long-term suppression of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB).

PMID: 31267396 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]