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Evolving perspectives on the sources of the frequency-following response.

Author(s): Coffey EBJ, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T, Chandrasekaran B, Krizman J, Skoe E, Zatorre RJ, Kraus N

Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 06;10(1):5036 Authors: Coffey EBJ, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T, Chandrasekaran B, Krizman J, Skoe E, Zatorre RJ, Kraus N

Article GUID: 31695046

Partially Overlapping Brain Networks for Singing and Cello Playing.

Author(s): Segado M, Hollinger A, Thibodeau J, Penhune V, Zatorre RJ

Front Neurosci. 2018;12:351 Authors: Segado M, Hollinger A, Thibodeau J, Penhune V, Zatorre RJ

Article GUID: 29892211

Rhythm and time in the premotor cortex.

Author(s): Penhune VB, Zatorre RJ

PLoS Biol. 2019 Jun 03;17(6):e3000293 Authors: Penhune VB, Zatorre RJ

Article GUID: 31158227

Practice makes plasticity.

Author(s): Steele CJ, Zatorre RJ

Nat Neurosci. 2018 12;21(12):1645-1646 Authors: Steele CJ, Zatorre RJ

Article GUID: 30482944

The Music-In-Noise Task (MINT): A Tool for Dissecting Complex Auditory Perception.

Author(s): Coffey EBJ, Arseneau-Bruneau I, Zhang X, Zatorre RJ

Front Neurosci. 2019;13:199 Authors: Coffey EBJ, Arseneau-Bruneau I, Zhang X, Zatorre RJ

Article GUID: 30930734

Title:Partially Overlapping Brain Networks for Singing and Cello Playing.
Authors:Segado MHollinger AThibodeau JPenhune VZatorre RJ
Category:Front Neurosci
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2 BRAMS International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.
3 Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, Montreal, QC, Canada.
4 Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Partially Overlapping Brain Networks for Singing and Cello Playing.

Front Neurosci. 2018;12:351

Authors: Segado M, Hollinger A, Thibodeau J, Penhune V, Zatorre RJ


This research uses an MR-Compatible cello to compare functional brain activation during singing and cello playing within the same individuals to determine the extent to which arbitrary auditory-motor associations, like those required to play the cello, co-opt functional brain networks that evolved for singing. Musical instrument playing and singing both require highly specific associations between sounds and movements. Because these are both used to produce musical sounds, it is often assumed in the literature that their neural underpinnings are highly similar. However, singing is an evolutionarily old human trait, and the auditory-motor associations used for singing are also used for speech and non-speech vocalizations. This sets it apart from the arbitrary auditory-motor associations required to play musical instruments. The pitch range of the cello is similar to that of the human voice, but cello playing is completely independent of the vocal apparatus, and can therefore be used to dissociate the auditory-vocal network from that of the auditory-motor network. While in the MR-Scanner, 11 expert cellists listened to and subsequently produced individual tones either by singing or cello playing. All participants were able to sing and play the target tones in tune (<50C deviation from target). We found that brain activity during cello playing directly overlaps with brain activity during singing in many areas within the auditory-vocal network. These include primary motor, dorsal pre-motor, and supplementary motor cortices (M1, dPMC, SMA),the primary and periprimary auditory cortices within the superior temporal gyrus (STG) including Heschl's gyrus, anterior insula (aINS), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and Cerebellum but, notably, exclude the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and basal ganglia (Putamen). Second, we found that activity within the overlapping areas is positively correlated with, and therefore likely contributing to, both singing and playing in tune determined with performance measures. Third, we found that activity in auditory areas is functionally connected with activity in dorsal motor and pre-motor areas, and that the connectivity between them is positively correlated with good performance on this task. This functional connectivity suggests that the brain areas are working together to contribute to task performance and not just coincidently active. Last, our findings showed that cello playing may directly co-opt vocal areas (including larynx area of motor cortex), especially if musical training begins before age 7.

PMID: 29892211 [PubMed]