Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Bound detergent molecules in bacterial reaction centers facilitate detection of tetryl explosive.

Author(s): Modafferi D, Zazubovich V, Kálmán L

Photosynth Res. 2020 Jul 06;: Authors: Modafferi D, Zazubovich V, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 32632533

Evidence of Simultaneous Spectral Hole Burning Involving Two Tiers of the Protein Energy Landscape in Cytochrome b6f.

Author(s): Shafiei G, Levenberg A, Lujan MA, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2019 Dec 12;: Authors: Shafiei G, Levenberg A, Lujan MA, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 31763829

How Well Does the Hole-Burning Action Spectrum Represent the Site-Distribution Function of the Lowest-Energy State in Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes?

Author(s): Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

J Phys Chem B. 2019 Jul 02;: Authors: Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

Article GUID: 31265294

Low-temperature protein dynamics of the B800 molecules in the LH2 light-harvesting complex: spectral hole burning study and comparison with single photosynthetic complex spectroscopy.

Author(s): Grozdanov D, Herascu N, Reinot T, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2010 Mar 18;114(10):3426-38 Authors: Grozdanov D, Herascu N, Reinot T, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 20166717

Parameters of the protein energy landscapes of several light-harvesting complexes probed via spectral hole growth kinetics measurements.

Author(s): Herascu N, Najafi M, Amunts A, Pieper J, Irrgang KD, Picorel R, Seibert M, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2011 Mar 31;115(12):2737-47 Authors: Herascu N, Najafi M, Amunts A, Pieper J, Irrgang KD, Picorel R, Seibert M, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 21391534

Self-assembly and sensor response of photosynthetic reaction centers on screen-printed electrodes.

Author(s): Bhalla V, Zazubovich V

Anal Chim Acta. 2011 Nov 30;707(1-2):184-90 Authors: Bhalla V, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 22027137

Effects of the distributions of energy or charge transfer rates on spectral hole burning in pigment-protein complexes at low temperatures.

Author(s): Herascu N, Ahmouda S, Picorel R, Seibert M, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2011 Dec 22;115(50):15098-109 Authors: Herascu N, Ahmouda S, Picorel R, Seibert M, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 22046956

Spectral hole burning, recovery, and thermocycling in chlorophyll-protein complexes: distributions of barriers on the protein energy landscape.

Author(s): Najafi M, Herascu N, Seibert M, Picorel R, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2012 Sep 27;116(38):11780-90 Authors: Najafi M, Herascu N, Seibert M, Picorel R, Jankowiak R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 22957798

Modeling of various optical spectra in the presence of slow excitation energy transfer in dimers and trimers with weak interpigment coupling: FMO as an example.

Author(s): Herascu N, Kell A, Acharya K, Jankowiak R, Blankenship RE, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2014 Feb 27;118(8):2032-40 Authors: Herascu N, Kell A, Acharya K, Jankowiak R, Blankenship RE, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 24506338

On the Controversial Nature of the 825 nm Exciton Band in the FMO Protein Complex.

Author(s): Kell A, Acharya K, Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

J Phys Chem Lett. 2014 Apr 17;5(8):1450-6 Authors: Kell A, Acharya K, Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

Article GUID: 26269993

Fluorescence line narrowing and Δ-FLN spectra in the presence of excitation energy transfer between weakly coupled chromophores.

Author(s): Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2014 Nov 26;118(47):13535-43 Authors: Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 25369116

Conformational Changes in Pigment-Protein Complexes at Low Temperatures-Spectral Memory and a Possibility of Cooperative Effects.

Author(s): Najafi M, Herascu N, Shafiei G, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2015 Jun 11;119(23):6930-40 Authors: Najafi M, Herascu N, Shafiei G, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 25985255

Monte Carlo Modeling of Spectral Diffusion Employing Multiwell Protein Energy Landscapes: Application to Pigment-Protein Complexes Involved in Photosynthesis.

Author(s): Najafi M, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2015 Jun 25;119(25):7911-21 Authors: Najafi M, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 26020801

On the Conflicting Estimations of Pigment Site Energies in Photosynthetic Complexes: A Case Study of the CP47 Complex.

Author(s): Reinot T, Chen J, Kell A, Jassas M, Robben KC, Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

Anal Chem Insights. 2016;11:35-48 Authors: Reinot T, Chen J, Kell A, Jassas M, Robben KC, Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R

Article GUID: 27279733

A simple and efficient method to prepare pure dimers and monomers of the cytochrome b 6 f complex from spinach.

Author(s): Luján MA, Lorente P, Zazubovich V, Picorel R

Photosynth Res. 2017 Jun;132(3):305-309 Authors: Luján MA, Lorente P, Zazubovich V, Picorel R

Article GUID: 28374305

Probing Energy Landscapes of Cytochrome b6f with Spectral Hole Burning: Effects of Deuterated Solvent and Detergent.

Author(s): Levenberg A, Shafiei G, Lujan MA, Giannacopoulos S, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2017 10 26;121(42):9848-9858 Authors: Levenberg A, Shafiei G, Lujan MA, Giannacopoulos S, Picorel R, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 28956922

Spectral Hole Burning in Cyanobacterial Photosystem I with P700 in Oxidized and Neutral States.

Author(s): Herascu N, Hunter MS, Shafiei G, Najafi M, Johnson TW, Fromme P, Zazubovich V

J Phys Chem B. 2016;120(40):10483-10495 Authors: Herascu N, Hunter MS, Shafiei G, Najafi M, Johnson TW, Fromme P, Zazubovich V

Article GUID: 27661089

Title:How Well Does the Hole-Burning Action Spectrum Represent the Site-Distribution Function of the Lowest-Energy State in Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes?
Authors:Zazubovich VJankowiak R
Category:J Phys Chem B
Dept Affiliation: CHEMISTRY
1 Department of Physics , Concordia University , 7141 Sherbrooke Street West , Montreal H4B 1R6 , Quebec , Canada.
2 Department of Chemistry , Kansas State University , Manhattan , Kansas 66506 , United States.


How Well Does the Hole-Burning Action Spectrum Represent the Site-Distribution Function of the Lowest-Energy State in Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes?

J Phys Chem B. 2019 Jul 02;:

Authors: Zazubovich V, Jankowiak R


For the first time, we combined Monte Carlo and nonphotochemical hole burning (NPHB) master equation approaches to allow for ultrahigh-resolution (<0.005 cm-1, smaller than the typical homogeneous line widths at 5 K) simulations of the NPHB spectra of dimers and trimers of interacting pigments. These simulations reveal significant differences between the zero-phonon hole (ZPH) action spectrum and the site-distribution function (SDF) of the lowest-energy state. The NPHB of the lowest-energy pigment, following the excitation energy transfer (EET) from the higher-energy pigments which are excited directly, results in the shifts of all excited states. These shifts affect the ZPH action spectra and EET times derived from the widths of the spectral holes burned in the donor-dominated regions. The effect is present for a broad variety of realistic antihole functions, and it is maximal at relatively low values of interpigment coupling ( V = 5 cm-1) where the use of the Förster approximation is justified. These findings need to be considered in interpreting various optical spectra of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes for which SDFs (describing the inhomogeneous broadening) are often obtained directly from the ZPH action spectra. Water-soluble chlorophyll-binding protein (WSCP) was considered as an example.

PMID: 31265294 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]