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Canada's new Healthy Eating Strategy: Implications for health care professionals and a call to action.

Author(s): Bacon SL, Campbell NRC, Raine KD, Tsuyuki RT, Khan NA, Arango M, Kaczorowski J

Can Pharm J (Ott). 2019 May-Jun;152(3):151-157 Authors: Bacon SL, Campbell NRC, Raine KD, Tsuyuki RT, Khan NA, Arango M, Kaczorowski J PMID: 31156726 [PubMed]

Article GUID: 31156726

Title:Canada's new Healthy Eating Strategy: Implications for health care professionals and a call to action.
Authors:Bacon SLCampbell NRCRaine KDTsuyuki RTKhan NAArango MKaczorowski J
Category:Can Pharm J (Ott)
Dept Affiliation: HKAP
1 Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre (Bacon), CIUSSS-NIM, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal.
2 Department of Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology (Bacon), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
3 Department of Medicine, Physiology and Pharmacology and Community Health Sciences (Campbell), O'Brien Institute for Public Health and Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, University of Calgary, Calgary.
4 School of Public Health (Raine), University of Alberta, Edmonton; the Department of Medicine (Tsuyuki), Division of Cardiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
5 Department of Medicine (Khan), Division of General Internal Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
6 The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (Arango), Ottawa, Ontario.
7 Department of Family and Emergency Medicine (Kaczorowski), University of Montreal.
8 Centre de Recherche CHUM (Kaczorowski), Montreal, Quebec.


Canada's new Healthy Eating Strategy: Implications for health care professionals and a call to action.

Can Pharm J (Ott). 2019 May-Jun;152(3):151-157

Authors: Bacon SL, Campbell NRC, Raine KD, Tsuyuki RT, Khan NA, Arango M, Kaczorowski J

PMID: 31156726 [PubMed]