Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Size reductions and genomic changes within two generations in wild walleye populations: associated with harvest?

Author(s): Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Evol Appl. 2020 Jul;13(6):1128-1144 Authors: Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 32684951

Causes of maladaptation.

Author(s): Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam ...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1229-1242 Authors: Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam AG, Newman ...

Article GUID: 31417611

Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ba...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1287-1304 Authors: Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas C...

Article GUID: 31417615

A critical assessment of estimating census population size from genetic population size (or vice versa) in three fishes.

Author(s): Yates MC, Bernos TA, Fraser DJ

Evol Appl. 2017 10;10(9):935-945 Authors: Yates MC, Bernos TA, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 29151884

Diversity from genes to ecosystems: A unifying framework to study variation across biological metrics and scales.

Author(s): Gaggiotti OE, Chao A, Peres-Neto P, Chiu CH, Edwards C, Fortin MJ, Jost L, Richards CM, Selkoe KA

Evol Appl. 2018 Aug;11(7):1176-1193 Authors: Gaggiotti OE, Chao A, Peres-Neto P, Chiu CH, Edwards C, Fortin MJ, Jost L, Richards CM, Selkoe KA

Article GUID: 30026805

Title:A critical assessment of estimating census population size from genetic population size (or vice versa) in three fishes.
Authors:Yates MCBernos TAFraser DJ
Category:Evol Appl
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Biology Concordia University Montreal QC Canada.
2 Group for Interuniversity Research in Limnology and Aquatic Environments (GRIL) Universite du Quebec Trois-Rivieres QC Canada.


A critical assessment of estimating census population size from genetic population size (or vice versa) in three fishes.

Evol Appl. 2017 10;10(9):935-945

Authors: Yates MC, Bernos TA, Fraser DJ


Technological and methodological advances have facilitated the use of genetic data to infer census population size (Nc) in natural populations, particularly where traditional mark-and-recapture is challenging. The effective number of breeders (Nb) describes how many adults effectively contribute to a cohort and is often correlated with Nc. Predicting Nc from Nb or vice versa in species with overlapping generations has important implications for conservation by permitting (i) estimation of the more difficult to quantify variable and (ii) inferences of Nb/Nc relationships in related species lacking data. We quantitatively synthesized Nb/Nc relationships in three salmonid fishes where sufficient data have recently accumulated. Mixed-effects models were analysed in which each variable was included as a dependent variable or predictor term (Nb from Nc and vice versa). Species-dependent Nb/Nc slope estimates were significantly positive in two of three species. Variation in species slopes was likely due to varying life histories and reinforce caution when inferring Nb/Nc from taxonomically related species. Models provided maximum probable estimates for Nb and Nc for two species. However, study, population and year effects explained substantial amounts of variation (39%-57%). Consequently, prediction intervals were wide and included or were close to zero for all population sizes and species; model predictive utility was limited. Cost-benefit trade-offs when estimating Nb and/or Nc were also discussed using a real-world system example. Our findings based on salmonids suggest that no short cuts currently exist when estimating population size and researchers should focus on quantifying the variable of interest or be aware of caveats when inferring the desired variable because of cost or logistics. We caution that the salmonid species examined share life-history traits that may obscure relationships between Nb and Nc. Sufficient data on other taxa were unavailable; additional research examining Nb/Nc relationships in species with potentially relevant life-history trait differences (e.g., differing survival curves) is needed.

PMID: 29151884 [PubMed]