Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Comparing ABA, AAB, and ABC Renewal of Appetitive Pavlovian Conditioned Responding in Alcohol- and Sucrose-Trained Male Rats.

Author(s): Khoo SY, Sciascia JM, Brown A, Chaudhri N

Front Behav Neurosci. 2020;14:5 Authors: Khoo SY, Sciascia JM, Brown A, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 32116588

Ventral Midbrain NMDA Receptor Blockade: From Enhanced Reward and Dopamine Inactivation.

Author(s): Hernandez G, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Rompré PP

Front Behav Neurosci. 2016;10:161 Authors: Hernandez G, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Rompré PP

Article GUID: 27616984

The attribution of incentive salience to Pavlovian alcohol cues: a shift from goal-tracking to sign-tracking.

Author(s): Srey CS, Maddux JM, Chaudhri N

Front Behav Neurosci. 2015;9:54 Authors: Srey CS, Maddux JM, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 25784867

The Effects of Electrical and Optical Stimulation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons on Rat 50-kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations.

Author(s): Scardochio T, Trujillo-Pisanty I, Conover K, Shizgal P, Clarke PB

Front Behav Neurosci. 2015;9:331 Authors: Scardochio T, Trujillo-Pisanty I, Conover K, Shizgal P, Clarke PB

Article GUID: 26696851

Individual Differences in the Attribution of Incentive Salience to a Pavlovian Alcohol Cue.

Author(s): Villaruel FR, Chaudhri N

Front Behav Neurosci. 2016;10:238 Authors: Villaruel FR, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 28082877

Adolescent Exposure to Methylphenidate Increases Impulsive Choice Later in Life.

Author(s): Abbas Z, Sweet A, Hernandez G, Arvanitogiannis A

Front Behav Neurosci. 2017;11:214 Authors: Abbas Z, Sweet A, Hernandez G, Arvanitogiannis A

Article GUID: 29163086

Title:Individual Differences in the Attribution of Incentive Salience to a Pavlovian Alcohol Cue.
Authors:Villaruel FRChaudhri N
Category:Front Behav Neurosci
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology/Groupe de Recherche en Neurobiologie Comportementale, Department of Psychology, Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada.


Individual Differences in the Attribution of Incentive Salience to a Pavlovian Alcohol Cue.

Front Behav Neurosci. 2016;10:238

Authors: Villaruel FR, Chaudhri N


Individual differences exist in the attribution of incentive salience to conditioned stimuli associated with food. Here, we investigated whether individual differences also manifested with a Pavlovian alcohol conditioned stimulus (CS). We compiled data from five experiments that used a Pavlovian autoshaping paradigm and tests of conditioned reinforcement. In all experiments, male, Long-Evans rats with unrestricted access to food and water were acclimated to 15% ethanol. Next, rats received Pavlovian autoshaping training, in which a 10 s presentation of a retractable lever served as the CS and 0.2 mL of 15% ethanol served as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Finally, rats underwent conditioned reinforcement tests in which nose-pokes to an active aperture led to brief presentations of the lever-CS, but nose-pokes to an inactive aperture had no consequence. Rats were categorized as sign-trackers, goal-trackers and intermediates based on a response bias score that reflected their tendencies to sign-track or goal-track at different times during training. We found that distinct groups of rats either consistently interacted with the lever-CS ("sign-trackers") or routinely approached the port during the lever-CS ("goal-trackers") across a majority of the training sessions. However, some individuals ("shifted sign-trackers") with an early tendency to goal-track later shifted to comparable asymptotic levels of sign-tracking as the group identified as sign-trackers. The lever-CS functioned as a conditioned reinforcer for sign-trackers and shifted sign-trackers, but not for goal-trackers. These results provide evidence of robust individual differences in the extent to which a Pavlovian alcohol cue gains incentive salience and functions as a conditioned reinforcer.

PMID: 28082877 [PubMed]