Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Tune out and turn in: the influence of television viewing and sleep on lipid profiles in children.

Author(s): Manousaki D, Barnett TA, Mathieu ME, Maximova K, Simoneau G, Harnois-Leblanc S, Benedetti A, McGrath JJ, Henderson M, QUALITY Cohort Collaborative Group

Int J Obes (Lond). 2020 Mar 13;: Authors: Manousaki D, Barnett TA, Mathieu ME, Maximova K, Simoneau G, Harnois-Leblanc S, Benedetti A, McGrath JJ, Henderson M, QUALITY Cohort Collaborative Group

Article GUID: 32203106

School food environments associated with adiposity in Canadian children.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Datta GD, Henderson M, Gray-Donald K, Kestens Y, Barnett TA

Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 07;41(7):1005-1010 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Datta GD, Henderson M, Gray-Donald K, Kestens Y, Barnett TA

Article GUID: 28186100

Framing obesity a disease: Indirect effects of affect and controllability beliefs on weight bias.

Author(s): Nutter S, Alberga AS, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Int J Obes (Lond). 2018 10;42(10):1804-1811 Authors: Nutter S, Alberga AS, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Article GUID: 29795457

Title:Framing obesity a disease: Indirect effects of affect and controllability beliefs on weight bias.
Authors:Nutter SAlberga ASMacInnis CEllard JHRussell-Mayhew S
Category:Int J Obes (Lond)
Dept Affiliation: HKAP
1 Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
2 Department of Exercise Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
3 Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
4 Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.


Framing obesity a disease: Indirect effects of affect and controllability beliefs on weight bias.

Int J Obes (Lond). 2018 10;42(10):1804-1811

Authors: Nutter S, Alberga AS, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Obesity has been declared a disease by the American and Canadian Medical Associations. Although these declarations sparked much debate as to the impact of framing obesity as a disease on weight bias, strong empirical research is needed to examine this impact. The current study examined the impact of framing obesity a disease on weight bias, focusing on moderating and mediating processes.

SUBJECTS/METHODS: A sample of 309 participants living in the United States or Canada was recruited from Crowdflower. Participants completed measures of demographics, ideology, general attitudes, and previous contact quality and quantity with people living with obesity. Participants then read one of three articles as part of an experimental manipulation framing obesity as a disease, obesity not as a disease, and a control article unrelated to obesity. Post-manipulation included measures of affect, disgust, empathy, blame, and weight bias.

RESULTS: Orthogonal contrasts were used to compare the obesity-disease condition to the obesity-not-disease condition and control condition. The manipulation had a direct effect on affect (emotions), such that affect toward individuals with obesity was more positive in the obesity-disease condition than the obesity-not-disease and control condition combined. Exploration of moderating effects revealed that both the belief in a just world and weight satisfaction moderated the relationship between the obesity-disease manipulation and blame for obesity. Two models of indirect effects on weight bias were also examined, which demonstrated that the obesity-disease manipulation predicted less weight bias through more positive affect (model 1) as well as less weight bias through decreased blame among individuals high in belief in a just world (model 2).

CONCLUSIONS: This study further highlights the complex effects of declaring obesity a disease, uncovering a new direction for future research into the role of affect as well as indirect effects of characterising obesity a disease on weight bias.

PMID: 29795457 [PubMed - in process]