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Author(s): Alexander KL; Hall K; Chen YM;
Introduction: Our aim was to determine if there is a relationship between librarian involvement on a knowledge synthesis project and the synthesis's citation count or the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of its publication venue. Methods: A total of 551 kno...
Article GUID: 40051474
Author(s): Jodoin S; Bowie-Edwards A; Lofts K; Mangat S; Adjei B; Lesnikowski A;
We provide the first systematic analysis of whether, how, and to what extent people with disabilities and their human rights are included in two subsets of climate policies adopted by 195 parties to the Paris Agreement. We found that only 41 parties mention...
Article GUID: 40046455
Author(s): Dos Santos DM; Rubira RJG; Salzedas GP; Kobal MB; Moreira LG; Toledo KA; Aoki PHB; DeWolf C; Camacho SA;...
Pesticides have boosted agricultural productivity but pose significant risks to environmental and human health. The intensification of agriculture has driven widespread pesticide use, with 66 % of ...
Article GUID: 40020292
Author(s): Scott C; Bilodeau A; Gagnon A; Turgeon L;
Cultural criteria, like language skills and values, are salient features of nationalism discourse, reflecting imagined boundaries that separate ingroup from outgroup member when thinking about the nation. Despite their salience, the relationship between cul...
Article GUID: 39925641
Author(s): Ménard A; Podinic I; Conklin J; Hossain S; Arya A; Archibald D; Elliott J; Kothari A; Stolee P; Sveistrup H; Dehcheshmeh MM; Hsu AT;...
Family involvement in care often continues after an individual moves into a long-term care (LTC) home. This cross-sectional study delves into the dynamics of family caregiving for LTC residents. Sp...
Article GUID: 39919696
Author(s): Matovic S; Rummel C; Neumann E; McGrath J; Gouin JP;
Objective: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with a greater risk of obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Adipokines, including leptin and adiponectin, play vital roles in biological processes linked to obesity and cardiometabolic risk. The...
Article GUID: 39909010
Author(s): Read RL; Bechard N; Suturin V; Zuiderwijk A; Mellenthin M;
The PolyVent is an open source mechanical ventilator meant for research and education. It prioritizes openness, modularity, repairability, and modifiability. An ESP32 microcontroller controls a proportional valve which precisely modulates pressure and flow ...
Article GUID: 39895909
Author(s): Smith EE; Phillips NA; Feldman HH; Borrie M; Ganesh A; Henri-Bhargava A; Desmarais P; Frank A; Badhwar A; Barlow L; Bartha R; Best S; Bethel...
Lecanemab and donanemab are monoclonal antibody therapies that remove amyloid-beta from the brain. They are the first therapies that alter a fundamental mechanism, amyloid-beta deposition, in Alzhe...
Article GUID: 39893139
Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;
Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Us...
Article GUID: 39878233
Author(s): Young K; Browne K;
This article considers the multiple relations that emerge from and between Facebook commenters, as well as between commenters, researchers, and the research project during recruitment. To do so, we draw on our experiences of recruiting individuals who have ...
Article GUID: 39877298
Author(s): Huang HT; Li ZC; Wei Y; Suen CY;
This paper is devoted to numerical algorithms based on harmonic transformations with two goals: (1) face boundary formulation by blending techniques based on the known characteristic nodes and (2) some challenging examples of face resembling. The formulatio...
Article GUID: 39852327
Author(s): Madriaza P; Hassan G; Brouillette-Alarie S; Mounchingam AN; Durocher-Corfa L; Borokhovski E; Pickup D; Paillé S;...
The problem: People use social media platforms to chat, search, and share information, express their opinions, and connect with others. But these platforms also facilitate the posting of divisive, ...
Article GUID: 39822240
Author(s): Moore C; Williams ME; Byers-Heinlein K;
Previous research suggests that monolingual children learn words more readily in contexts with referential continuity (i.e., repeated labeling of the same referent) than in contexts with referential discontinuity (i.e., referent switches). Here, we extended...
Article GUID: 39798202
Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;...
Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be use...
Article GUID: 39782975
Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele C...
Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM...
Article GUID: 39782998
Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;...
Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be use...
Article GUID: 39784152
Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele C...
Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM...
Article GUID: 39785351
Author(s): Grant N; Phillips N;
Background: Hearing loss (HL) is a risk factor for dementia that is prevalent in older adults. Altered brain connectivity is present in individuals with HL, individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), and individuals with mild cognitive impairment ...
Article GUID: 39785420
Author(s): Rehan S; Phillips NA;
Psychosocial function is associated with cognitive performance cross-sectionally and cognitive decline over time. Using data from the COMPASS-ND study, we examined associations between psychosocial and cognitive function in 126 individuals with mild cogniti...
Article GUID: 39773214
Author(s): Steinberg M; Zhang L; Mukherjee R;
This article argues for a pluralization of the "platform capitalism" framework, suggesting we should think instead in terms of "platform capitalisms." This pluralization opens the way to a better account of how platforms work in different geocultural contex...
Article GUID: 39759402
Author(s): Phillips N; Best PT; Grant N; Kabir A;
Background: Sensory loss in hearing, vision, and olfaction are highly prevalent in older adults and are each associated with a higher risk of developing dementia. This study sought to identify the extent to which these sensory factors are associated with al...
Article GUID: 39750307
Author(s): Calvo N; Siddiqui R; Phillips N; Einstein G;
Background: Globally, females are at twice the risk of AD than males; in Canada, over 700,000 are living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRDs), with 72% being female. However, females maintain verbal memory in the face of more AD patholo...
Article GUID: 39750698
Author(s): Lima BS; Rosa-Neto P; Phillips N; Borrie M; Roncero CT; Lahiri D; Dori D; Chertkow H;
Background: A growing body of research has focused on inflammation as both a potential biomarker and a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). The cytokine Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders and in the physi...
Article GUID: 39751468
Author(s): Tremblay M; Stager JC; St-Jacques JM; Murphy S; Peros M; Carl BS;
Two radiocarbon-dated pollen and charcoal records from cores collected at Stump Pond and a wetland in suburban Albany County, New York, provide new insights into the environmental history of a unique inland pine barrens that is currently surrounded and thre...
Article GUID: 39693293
Author(s): Cheyroux P; Morin AJS; Colombat P; Blechman Y; Gillet N;
This diary study sought to examine the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of supervisor support and workload during a work week (week 1) on their well-being, satisfaction, and performance at work during the following work week (week...
Article GUID: 39676703
Author(s): López Pérez M; Moore C; Sander-Montant A; Byers-Heinlein K;
Assessing early vocabulary development commonly involves parent report methods and behavioral tasks like looking-while-listening. While both yield reliable aggregate scores, findings are mixed regarding their reliability in measuring infants' knowledge ...
Article GUID: 39639457
Author(s): Patrick Viet-Quoc N; Thien Thanh DV; Philippe L; Sebastien C; Lidia S; Philippe D;
Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluates the efficacy in improving sleep quality and safety of hypnotics in individuals aged 65 years or older compared to those under 65 years. Methods: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and EBM Reviews ...
Article GUID: 39603114
Author(s): Sander-Montant A; Bissonnette R; Byers-Heinlein K;
Language exposure is an important determiner of language outcomes in bilingual children. Family language strategies (FLS, e.g., one-parent-one-language) were contrasted with parents' individual language use to predict language exposure in 4-31-month-old...
Article GUID: 39575856
Author(s): MacLean EA; Fogarty EJ; Peterson BJ; Xu S; Giacomantonio NB;
Background: This study had the following 3 goals: (i) to assess the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in a Nova Scotian population; (ii) to evaluate the validity of the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire (ECQ) in a Nova Scotian context; and ...
Article GUID: 39525342
Author(s): Jibb LA; Liu W; Stinson JN; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Hashemi E; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Kuczynski S; Liu S; La ...
Young children receiving outpatient cancer care are vulnerable to undermanaged pain. App-based solutions that provide pain treatment advice to parents in real-time and in all environments may impro...
Article GUID: 39473834
Author(s): Duecker K; Doelling KB; Breska A; Coffey EBJ; Sivarao DV; Zoefel B;
When exposed to rhythmic stimulation, the human brain displays rhythmic activity across sensory modalities and regions. Given the ubiquity of this phenomenon, how sensory rhythms are transformed into neural rhythms remains surprisingly inconclusive. An infl...
Article GUID: 39358026
Author(s): Zhang Y; Sares A; Delage A; Lehmann A; Deroche M;
For individuals with hearing loss, even successful speech communication comes at a cost. Cochlear implants transmit degraded information, specifically for voice pitch, which demands extra and sustained listening effort. The current study hypothesized that a...
Article GUID: 39349635
Author(s): Wynes S; Davis SJ; Dickau M; Ly S; Maibach E; Rogelj J; Zickfeld K; Matthews HD;
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) employs emission scenarios to explore a range of future climate outcomes but refrains from assigning probabilities to individual scenarios. However, IPCC authors have their own views on the likelihood of ...
Article GUID: 39280638
Author(s): O' Neil MJ; Danvers AF; Hu JI; Shiota MN;
Cute, kindchenschema stimuli can evoke a suite of cognitive, physiological, and behavioral tendencies thought to promote caregiving. This research investigated facial expression elements associated with this response to cuteness and assessed the recognizabi...
Article GUID: 39282978
Author(s): Yu H; de Medeiros K;
Although many large Chinese cities have begun to implement hospice services, hospice care is still a relatively new concept in many parts of the country, especially in smaller cities. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of health ca...
Article GUID: 39257920
Author(s): Young S; MacDonald H; Louden D; Ellis UM; Premji Z; Rogers M; Bethel A; Pickup D;
The search methods used in systematic reviews provide the foundation for establishing the body of literature from which conclusions are drawn and recommendations made. Searches should aim to be comprehensive and reporting of search methods should be transpa...
Article GUID: 39176233
Author(s): Mayo NE; Auais M; Barclay R; Branin J; Dawes H; Korfage IJ; Sawchuk K; Tal E; White CL; Ayoubi Z; Ekediegwu E; Mate K; Nadeau L; Duque SR; Kuspinar A;
No abstract available
Article GUID: 39158786
Author(s): Krupa A; Turner SE; Liberda EN; Tsuji LJS; Moriarity RJ;
The Cree Peoples of the Eeyou Istchee territory (northern Québec, Canada) rely on fish as a part of their traditional and contemporary diet. Fish is a culturally significant food and a source of nutrients, but it is also the main pathway of methylmercury (M...
Article GUID: 39147182
Author(s): Alessandroni N; Malafouris L; Gallagher S;
Although post-cognitivist approaches have shaken the status quo by emphasising the dynamic interactions among the brain, the body, and the environment in cognition, mainstream psychological theories continue to view concepts as primarily representational or...
Article GUID: 39118997
Author(s): Quilico EL; Wilkinson S; Duncan LR; Sweet SN; Alarie C; Bédard E; Gheta I; Brodeur CL; Colantonio A; Swaine BR;...
Purpose: To examine the feasibility and acceptability of a 6-week peer-based walking intervention for adults with moderate-to-severe TBI with telehealth supports. Materials and methods: Pre-post f...
Article GUID: 39051571
Author(s): Mayo NE; Auais M; Barclay R; Branin J; Dawes H; Korfage IJ; Sawchuk K; Tal E; White CL; Ayoubi Z; Ekediegwu E; Mate K; Nadeau L; Rodriguez S...
Introduction: Through interviews with 148 older persons from four countries and in four languages, the content for a 17-item measure of active living was developed. The purpose of this paper is to ...
Article GUID: 39012558
Author(s): Alberts NM; Leisenring W; Whitton J; Stratton K; Jibb L; Flynn J; Pizzo A; Brinkman TM; Birnie K; Gibson TM; McDonald A; Ford J; Olgin JE; N...
Although survivors of childhood cancer are at an increased risk, little is known about the prevalence of chronic pain, associated interference, and daily pain experiences. Survivors (N = 233; mean ...
Article GUID: 38981063
Author(s): Bruce K; Mulrennan ME;
Parks Canada, in response to commitments undertaken towards reconciliation, has signaled its readiness to reassess the participation of Indigenous peoples in the co-management of national parks, national park reserves, and national marine conservation areas...
Article GUID: 38960921
Author(s): Mona Hedayati
Reverb-Resonate: Sounding the Affective Frequencies of Migration operates at the intersection of art, science, and technology to articulate an emotional landscape of migration and exile. Rooted in the methodology of research-creation (RC) and grounded in th...
Article GUID: 38938763
Author(s): Chien WT; Chong YY; Bressington D; McMaster CW;
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of an acceptance-based medication adherence intervention for people with early-stage psychosis. An assessor-blind, three-arm randomized controlled trial design was used. One hundred and twenty-six participants who ...
Article GUID: 38908265
Author(s): Jamet-Lange H; Duguay S;
Lesbians have long turned to digital media and technologies for information, support, and to self-represent sexual identity in ways that have the capacity for building communities and gathering publics and counterpublics. TikTok is a short video platform po...
Article GUID: 38907626
Author(s): Gélinas-Gagné C; D' Amico M;
id="fra-abstract"> Objectif: Cette étude examine les systèmes de soutien et les besoins des frères et sœurs des jeunes touchés par un cancer, mettant en lumière les défis émotionnels et informationnels auxquels les frères et sœurs sont confrontés. Ce domain...
Article GUID: 38706649
Author(s): Gélinas-Gagné C; D' Amico M;
Purpose: This study investigates the support systems and needs of siblings of young people with cancer, shedding light on the emotional and informational challenges siblings face. This topic area has had relatively little attention. Design and methods: Qua...
Article GUID: 38706652
Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Blais AR;
The present study examined the configurations, or profiles, taken by distinct global and specific facets of job engagement and burnout (by relying on a bifactor operationalization of these constructs) among a nationally representative sample of Canadian Def...
Article GUID: 38698872
Author(s): Linte CA; Yaniv Z; Chen E; Dou Q; Drouin S; Kalia M; Kersten-Oertel M; McLeod J; Sarikaya D;
No abstract available
Article GUID: 38638501
Author(s): Mukherjee A; Ganguly A; Kumar C; Chowdhury P;
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that stock outs of essential items like hand sanitizers, tissue papers and other items of hygiene and daily use have been characteristic of a supply chain, especially immediately following a pandemic wave. Consequently, retai...
Article GUID: 38620785
Author(s): Fosco GM; Fang S; Chen L; Feinberg ME; Spoth R;
The loss of John Schulenberg reverberates across the developmental and prevention sciences. In honor of his many contributions, this paper applies his ideas of developmental continuity and discontinuity to understand the process by which PROSPER delivered u...
Article GUID: 38595030
Author(s): Garard J; Matthews HD;
Digital tools are transforming conservation work but must be carefully deployed, argues an environmental scholar.
Article GUID: 38574131
Author(s): Singh N; Khan T; Kumar S; Kanaujia BK; Choi HC; Kim KW; Rambabu K; Rengarajan SR; Kishk AA;...
This paper proposes a circularly polarized ultra-thin flexible antenna with a flexible rectifier and power management unit (PMU) for smartwatch/wristband applications. The flexible antenna is compa...
Article GUID: 38548782
Author(s): Paul Mick
CONCLUSION: APOE-e4 allele count does not appear to be a common cause of sensory-cognitive associations in this large cohort.
Article GUID: 38547662
Author(s): Cucuzzella C; Rasoulivalajoozi M; Farzamfar G;
Purpose: This paper aims to explore how the visual characteristics of cancer wards' interior spaces can be improved based on the combined visual design themes to help cancer inpatients' spatial experience and relieved state of mind. Accordingly, we ...
Article GUID: 38518630
Author(s): Sidorenkov AV; Borokhovski EF;
In this article, we attempt to integrate and further develop conceptual ideas about functions of small groups and the informal subgroups that arise within them in relation to their respective members, namely, the functions of: (1) creating possibilities for...
Article GUID: 38492193
Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Austin S; Huyghebaert-Zouaghi T;
Background and objectives: This research relies on a combination of variable- and person-centered approaches to help improve our understanding of the dimensionality of job demands by jointly considering employees' global levels of job demands, exposure ...
Article GUID: 38425154
Author(s): Tsui RK; Kosie JE; Fibla L; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;
Language switching is common in bilingual environments, including those of many bilingual children. Some bilingual children hear rapid switching that involves immediate translation of words (an 'immediate-translation' pattern), while others hear the...
Article GUID: 38405269
Author(s): Islam W; Zeng F; Ahmed Dar A; Sohail Yousaf M;
The underground community of soil organisms, known as soil biota, plays a critical role in terrestrial ecosystems. Different ecosystems exhibit varied responses of soil organisms to soil physical and chemical properties (SPCPs). However, our understanding o...
Article GUID: 38340666
Author(s): Vaz S; Mendes M; Khattar G; Macedo M; Ronquillo C; Zarzo-Arias A; Hortal J; Silveira L;
Background: We compiled a database of firefly species records from the Atlantic Forest hotspot in Brazil and made it available at GBIF. Data were gathered from literature and from several key entomological collections, including: Coleção entomológica Prof. ...
Article GUID: 38327309
Author(s): Cougot B; Gillet N; Morin AJS; Gauvin J; Ollierou F; Moret L; Tripodi D;
Purpose: Research on structural empowerment has typically adopted a variable-centered perspective, which is not ideal to study the combined effects of structural empowerment components. This person-centered investigation aims to enhance our knowledge about ...
Article GUID: 38093467
Author(s): Stewart BM; Joyce MM; Creeggan J; Eccles S; Gerwing MG; Turner SE;
Congenital malformations, conditions, injuries, and illness can lead to long-term physical impairment and disability in nonhuman primates. How individual primates change their behaviors flexibly to compensate for their disabilities can inform our understand...
Article GUID: 38050800
Author(s): Esber GR; Usypchuk A; Saini S; Deroche M; Iordanova MD; Schoenbaum G;
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is often proposed to function as a value integrator; however, alternative accounts focus on its role in representing associative structures that specify the probability and sensory identity of future outcomes. These two accoun...
Article GUID: 38042330
Author(s): Doucerain MM; Amiot CE; Jurcik T; Ryder AG;
A focal point in the acculturation literature is the so-called "integration hypothesis," whereby integration (high mainstream cultural engagement and heritage cultural maintenance) is associated with higher psychosocial adjustment, compared to other strateg...
Article GUID: 38031873
Author(s): Turcotte S; Bouchard C; Rousseau J; DeBroux Leduc R; Bier N; Kairy D; Dang-Vu TT; Sarimanukoglu K; Dubé F; Bourgeois Racine C; Rioux C; Shea...
Objective: To identify facilitators and barriers to older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion. Methods: Relevant articles were searche...
Article GUID: 38014903
Author(s): Iantorno M; Consalvo M;
Character backgrounds are one of many elements players use to customize their protagonists in fantasy computer role-playing games. By documenting the narrative trappings, mechanical benefits, and hierarchical availability of character backgrounds in Arcanum...
Article GUID: 37928454
Author(s): Matthew P Unger
This article examines how images of nature, weather, and topography disclose a politics of recognition (who is visible/invisible) invested in a burgeoning criminal justice milieu, where punishment of wrongdoing became increasingly racialized in British Colu...
Article GUID: 37885918
Author(s): Baumann AE; Goldman EJ; Cobos MM; Poulin-Dubois D;
How young children learn from different informants has been widely studied. However, most studies investigate how children learn verbally conveyed information. Furthermore, most studies investigate how children learn from humans. This study sought to invest...
Article GUID: 37804786
Author(s): Hankins JS; Brambilla D; Potter MB; Kutlar A; Gibson RW; King AA; Baumann AA; Melvin CL; Gordeuk VR; Hsu LL; Nwosu C; Porter JS; Alberts NM;...
Hydroxyurea reduces sickle cell disease (SCD) complications, but medication adherence is low. We tested two mobile health (mHealth) interventions targeting determinants of low adherence among patie...
Article GUID: 37738155
Author(s): Matthews HD; Zickfeld K; Koch A; Luers A;
Nature-based climate solutions can contribute to climate mitigation, but the vulnerability of land carbon to disturbances means that efforts to slow or reverse land carbon loss could result in only temporary storage. The challenge of accounting for temporar...
Article GUID: 37679349
Author(s): Jourde HR; Merlo R; Brooks M; Rowe M; Coffey EBJ;
Closed-loop auditory stimulation (CLAS) is a brain modulation technique in which sounds are timed to enhance or disrupt endogenous neurophysiological events. CLAS of slow oscillation up-states in sleep is becoming a popular tool to study and enhance sleep...
Article GUID: 37675803
Author(s): Giannis I; Wrosch C; Herriot H; Gouin JP;
ackground: Older adults often experience an increase in low-grade chronic inflammation. Purpose in life could act as a protective factor as it is associated with beneficial health outcomes. Purpose in life may exert part of its adaptive function by promotin...
Article GUID: 37643057
Author(s): Primavesi R; Patocka C; Burcheri A; Coutin A; Morizio A; Ali A; Pandya A; Gagné A; Johnston B; Thoma B; LeBlanc C; Fovet F; Gallinger J; Mohadeb J; Ragheb M; Dong S; Smith S; Oyedokun T; Newmarch T...
No abstract
Article GUID: 37580642
Author(s): Dora J; Piccirillo M; Foster KT; Arbeau K; Armeli S; Auriacombe M; Bartholow B; Beltz AM; Blumenstock SM; Bold K; Bonar EE; Braitman A; Carp...
Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcohol in response to the experience of both negative and positive emotions. Despite two decades of daily diary and ecological mo...
Article GUID: 37560174
Author(s): Jake Pitre
The Walt Disney Company has maintained an aggressive approach to brand management for nearly a century. With the acquisition of a number of highly reputable companies, this aggression has become unignorable within the media industry. At the same time, Disne...
Article GUID: 37560617
Author(s): Tumolo BB; Albertson LK; Daniels MD; Cross WF; Sklar LL;
Ecosystem engineers modify habitats in ways that facilitate other community members by ameliorating harsh conditions. The strength of such facilitation is predicted to be influenced by both beneficiary traits and abiotic context. One key trait of animals th...
Article GUID: 37555442
Author(s): Fortune D; Weisgarber B;
Belonging is a pervasive human need that is vital to our well-being as we age. Ageist attitudes, stereotyping, and life transitions tend to jeopardise older adults' experiences of belonging. Although community involvement can lead to the development of ...
Article GUID: 37518953
Author(s): Dokumaci A; Bessette-Viens R; Goberdhan N; Lucas S; Mazowita A; Stainton J;
In this article, we present six autoethnographies of lives marked by crisis that reflect on the issues of access, very broadly defined, that the COVID 19 pandemic has raised or redefined for each of us. As the time of crisis has made access concerns more an...
Article GUID: 37461398
Author(s): Lui JHL; Chen BC; Benson LA; Lin YR; Ruiz A; Lau AS;
Objective: There has been an increase in youth psychiatric emergencies and psychiatric inpatient hospitalizations in recent years. Mobile crisis responses (MCR) services offer an opportunity to meet acute youth mental health needs in the community and provi...
Article GUID: 37422107
Author(s): Vandersteen C; Plonka A; Manera V; Sawchuk K; Lafontaine C; Galery K; Rouaud O; Bengaied N; Launay C; Guérin O; Robert P; Allali G; Beauchet...
Introduction: The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in older adults increasingly is being discussed in the literature on Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS). Remote digital Assessment...
Article GUID: 37416323
Author(s): Primavesi R; Patocka C; Burcheri A; Coutin A; Elhalwi AM; Ali A; Pandya A; Gagné A; Johnston B; Thoma B; LeBlanc C; Fovet F; Gallinger J; Mo...
Objectives: This call to action seeks to improve emergency care in Canada for equity-deserving communities, enabled by equitable representation among emergency physicians nationally. Specifically, ...
Article GUID: 37368231
Author(s): Nudo S; Jimenez-Garcia JA; Dover G;
Background: Athletes are injured frequently and often take analgesic medication. Moreover, athletes commonly use non-prescription topical and oral medications with little guidance. Despite wide use, relatively few studies exist on the efficacy of pain medic...
Article GUID: 37278322
Author(s): Joyce MM; Teichroeb JA; Kaigaishi Y; Stewart BM; Yamada K; Turner SE;
Animals must make route choices every day when moving through their habitat while foraging. Choosing an optimal route can be cognitively costly, and primates and other animals have been shown to use simple heuristics, "rules of thumb", to make foraging rout...
Article GUID: 37278740
Author(s): Shu C; Gaur A; Wang L; Lacasse MA;
The heatwave event to which the Ontario-Quebec area was subjected in 2018 resulted in significant morbidity and mortality. In this study, an investigation was conducted on how this heatwave affected the respective urban heat islands (UHIs) in Montreal and O...
Article GUID: 37263436
Author(s): Gramlich D; Walker T;
Climate change has intensified water risk events, threatening water security for societies and ecosystems. Although current water risk models focus on geophysical and business-related effects, they do not quantify the monetary dimensions of water-related ch...
Article GUID: 37224654
Author(s): Drouin-Rousseau S; Fernet C; Austin S; Fabi B; Morin AJS;
Purpose: Although human resource management (HRM) practices all seek to support and improve organizational functioning, the value ascribed to various HRM practices differs greatly among employees. Drawing on an exhaustive measure of HRM practices, this stud...
Article GUID: 37213377
Author(s): Turner SE; Fedigan LM; Joyce MM; Matthews HD; Moriarity RJ; Nobuhara H; Nobuhara T; Stewart BM; Shimizu K;...
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are hormones released in response to stressors and can provide insight into an organism's physiological well-being. Experiencing chronic challenges to homeostasis is assoc...
Article GUID: 37189289
Author(s): Cénat JM; Moshirian Farahi SMM; Bakombo SM; Dalexis RD; Pongou R; Caulley L; Yaya S; Etowa J; Venkatesh V;...
The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected Black communities in Canada in terms of infection and mortality rates compared to the general population. Despite these facts, Black communities ar...
Article GUID: 37185858
Author(s): Lafay A; Osana HP; Levin JR;
We investigated the effect of conceptual transparency in the physical structure of manipulatives on place-value understanding in typically developing children and those at risk for mathematics learning disabilities. Second graders were randomly assigned to ...
Article GUID: 37168325
Author(s): Jin Y; Fayyaz A; Liaqat A; Khan A; Alshammari A; Wang Y; Gu RX; Wei DQ;
Monkeypox Virus (MPXV) is a growing public health threat with increasing cases and fatalities globally. To date, no specific vaccine or small molecule therapeutic choices are available for the treatment of MPXV disease. In this work, we employed proteomics ...
Article GUID: 37116237
Author(s): Sidorenkov AV; Borokhovski EF;
In this article, we attempted to integrate and further develop theoretical ideas in the area of the small group research about all group activity levels (types of actors) - individual, informal subgroup, and group - and about connections among them. We have...
Article GUID: 37041377
Author(s): Bertola M; Grava T; Orsatti G;
We first consider a deterministic gas of N solitons for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger (FNLS) equation in the limit N?8 with a point spectrum chosen to interpolate a given spectral soliton density over a bounded domain of the complex spectral plane. We ...
Article GUID: 37027854
Author(s): Bloodgood EA; Bourns J; Lenczner M; Shibaike T; Tabet J; Melvin A; Wong WH;
We develop the concept of the nonprofit data environment as all data collected and reported in a country resulting from law implemented into practice. We map data environments across 20 countries and propose explanations for differences between the informat...
Article GUID: 36974198
Author(s): Lockrow AW; Setton R; Spreng KAP; Sheldon S; Turner GR; Spreng RN;
Autobiographical memory (AM) involves a rich phenomenological re-experiencing of a spatio-temporal event from the past, which is challenging to objectively quantify. The Autobiographical Interview (AI; Levine et al. Psychology and Aging, 17(4), 677-689, 200...
Article GUID: 36944860
Author(s): Safdar MR; Akram M; Ahmad A; Ayaz AA;
Religion and spirituality have been key coping mechanisms of Pakistani Muslims amidst natural calamities such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to identify and explore the role of religion and spirituality in the recovery of COVID-19 patients in lo...
Article GUID: 36877419
Author(s): Desmarais C; Roy M; Nguyen MT; Venkatesh V; Rousseau C;
The global rise of populism and concomitant polarizations across disenfranchised and marginalized groups has been magnified by so-called echo chambers, and a major public health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic has only served to fuel these intergroup tens...
Article GUID: 36861381
Author(s): Agha A; Waheed W; Stiharu I; Nerguizian V; Destgeer G; Abu-Nada E; Alazzam A;
Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in the development of nanoparticles (NPs) owing to their potential use in a wide variety of biomedical applications, including drug delivery, imaging agents, gene therapy, and vaccines, where recently, lipid...
Article GUID: 36800044
Author(s): Elliott J; Stolee P; Mairs K; Kothari A; Conklin J;
The use of communities of practice (CoP) to support the application of knowledge in improved geriatric care practice is not widely understood. This case study's aim was to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge-to-action (KTA) processes of a CoP f...
Article GUID: 36799024
Author(s): Morton Ninomiya ME; Almomani Y; Dunbar Winsor K; Burns N; Harding KD; Ropson M; Chaves D; Wolfson L;...
Alcohol is legalized and used for a variety of reasons, including socially or as self-medication for trauma in the absence of accessible and safe supports. Trauma-informed approaches can help addre...
Article GUID: 36744547
Author(s): Karen Xueqing Yan
No abstract
Article GUID: 36686416
Author(s): Conklin J; Farrell B; Dilliott D; Richardson L; McCarthy L; Raman-Wilms L;
No abstract
Article GUID: 36660418
Author(s): Finlay B; Wittevrongel K; Materula D; Hébert ML; O' Grady K; Lach LM; Nicholas D; Zwicker JD;...
Background: At present, little is known about the factors that contribute to the relatively low uptake of government-funded disability programs in Canada. Aim: Understand how parents/caregivers of...
Article GUID: 36621140
Author(s): Cnudde K; Kim G; Murch WS; Handy TC; Protzner AB; Kam JWY;
Our attention often drifts away from the ongoing task to task-unrelated thoughts, a phenomenon commonly referred to as mind wandering. Ample studies dedicated to delineating its electrophysiological correlates have revealed distinct event-related potentials...
Article GUID: 36621593
Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N; Sawchuk K;
Background: Two fields of research and development targeting the needs of the aging population of the world are flourishing, successful aging and assistive information and communication technologies (A-ICTs). The risks of ageist stereotypes emerging from ho...
Article GUID: 36563033
Author(s): Chen Q; Poullis C;
No abstract
Article GUID: 36517657
Author(s): Costes JM; Bonnaire C;
Free-to-Play games (F2P) have spread widely all over the world in recent years. The current economic model for these games is based on microtransactions, where gamers can purchase additional items or services inside the game. The aim of the present study wa...
Article GUID: 36497782
Author(s): Price P; Laurie A; Plant E; Chandra K; Pishe T; Brunt K;
Objectives: Significant heterogeneity exists internationally in the airway devices used in the pre-hospital setting during cardiac arrest. This study evaluated the first-pass success (FPS) rate of two supraglottic airways (SGAs) used by paramedics during ou...
Article GUID: 36475129
Author(s): Chen Q; Poullis C;
Large displacement optical flow is an integral part of many computer vision tasks. Variational optical flow techniques based on a coarse-to-fine scheme interpolate sparse matches and locally optimize an energy model conditioned on colour, gradient and smoot...
Article GUID: 36385172
Author(s): Lahat A; Lou Z; Perlman M; Howe N; Santo JB; Recchia HE; Bukowski WM; Ross HS;
Very little is known about the role of early interactions in the development of peer relationships among toddlers. The present study examined whether behaviors early in the formation of toddler relationships predict interactions later in their relationships...
Article GUID: 36327252
Author(s): Dragomir AI; Voisard B; Gosselin Boucher V; Szczepanik G; Bacon SL; Lavoie KL;
No abstract
Article GUID: 36122402
Author(s): Foroutan P; Lahmiri S;
Understanding the dynamics of cryptocurrency markets during financial crises such as the recent one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for policy makers and investors. In this study, the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the return-volatility and retur...
Article GUID: 36068915
Author(s): Beauchet O; Matskiv J; Galery K; Goossens L; Lafontaine C; Sawchuk K;
Background: Museums can be instrumental in fostering social inclusion and may improve the overall health of the older population. Over the course of the 2019 coronavirus pandemic, many older adults suffered as a result of confinement measures, which may hav...
Article GUID: 36052331
Author(s): Valenchon N; Bouteiller Y; Jourde HR; L' Heureux X; Sobral M; Coffey EBJ; Beltrame G;
Closed-loop brain stimulation refers to capturing neurophysiological measures such as electroencephalography (EEG), quickly identifying neural events of interest, and producing auditory, magnetic or electrical stimulation so as to interact with brain proces...
Article GUID: 35994482
Author(s): Kaul S; Akbulut B; Demaria F; Gerber JF;
The debates on the sustainability of development have a long history. Although the Brundtland Report popularized "sustainable development", this slippery concept sidelined previous critiques of development and has been compatible with a wide range of confli...
Article GUID: 35872971
Author(s): Genoe MR; Fortune D; Whyte C;
Although friendship is vital in later life, particularly amongst people who are living with dementia, little is known about how friendships are sustained following a diagnosis. Some research suggests that, because of dementia-related stigma, friendships dis...
Article GUID: 35859359
Author(s): Brault A; Vaillancourt G;
Informal caregivers of older adults are faced with increased responsibilities as health and social systems fail to respond to the rising demands associated with the aging populations. For many caregivers, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted their ac...
Article GUID: 35734471
Author(s): Eileen Mary Holowka
With the rise of social media, many people with endometriosis have turned to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram in the face of lacking care. This qualitative study focuses on why and how people with endometriosis use these platforms. Despite the risks...
Article GUID: 35707051
Author(s): Côté M; Dufour M; Tremblay J;
Gambling's impact on a couple's relationship is an essential element in the gambling disorder (GD). Gamblers tend to lie to their partner to conceal the extent of their gambling problems and debts, which can lead to a serious relational transgressio...
Article GUID: 35698442
Author(s): Khan MS; Alam KN; Dhruba AR; Zunair H; Mohammed N;
Melanoma is regarded as the most threatening among all skin cancers. There is a pressing need to build systems which can aid in the early detection of melanoma and enable timely treatment to patients. Recent methods are geared towards machine learning based...
Article GUID: 35594685
Author(s): Pitt H; Thomas SL; Randle M; Cowlishaw S; Arnot G; Kairouz S; Daube M;
Background: The normalisation of gambling for young people has received considerable recent attention in the public health literature, particularly given the proliferation of gambling marketing aligned with sport. A range of studies and reports into the hea...
Article GUID: 35549692
Author(s): Corran C; Khan M; Gallant S; Shalev U; O' Connor RM;
The association between restrained eating and alcohol use remains poorly understood among undergraduates. Consistent with tension reduction theory, individuals with disordered eating may be motivated to drink alcohol to cope with negative emotionality. Perh...
Article GUID: 35471931
Author(s): Deslandes-Martineau M; Charland P; Lapierre HG; Arvisais O; Chamsine C; Venkatesh V; Guidère M;...
From 2014 to 2017, the Islamic State in Irak and Syria (ISIS), a terrorist political organization of Salafist jihadist ideology, had put in place an operational and relatively stable educational sy...
Article GUID: 35427366
Author(s): Ted Rutland
Property relations in 1980s Montreal were a venue of struggle and change. In this period, a well-organized tenants' movement and the election of progressive governments spawned a series of legal and policy changes that strengthened tenants' rights i...
Article GUID: 35422559
Author(s): Silva-Lavigne N; Valderrama A; Pelaez S; Bransi M; Balli F; Gervais Y; Gaudy T; Tse SM;
Background: Asthma is the most common chronic pediatric disease. Despite existing tools to manage asthma, 40%-55% of children with asthma experience uncontrolled asthma. Serious games (SGs) represent a novel approach in promoting asthma education and self-m...
Article GUID: 35389354
Author(s): Beauchet O; Galery K; Lafontaine C; Sawchuk K; Plonka A; Gros A; Allali G;
No abstract
Article GUID: 35334089
Author(s): Fibla L; Kosie JE; Kircher R; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;
Many infants and children around the world grow up exposed to two or more languages. Their success in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity and quality of their everyday language experience, including at home, in daycare a...
Article GUID: 35224184
Author(s): Palubiski LM; Tulsieram KL; Archibald D; Conklin J; Elliott J; Hsu A; Stolee P; Sveistrup H; Kothari A;...
Objectives: This rapid review aimed to identify the strategies used to (re)integrate essential caregivers (ECs) into the LTC setting, particularly pertaining to principles of equity, diversity, and...
Article GUID: 35183492
Author(s): Johannes Bruder
This paper analyzes notions and models of optimized cognition emerging at the intersections of psychology, neuroscience, and computing. What I somewhat polemically call the algorithms of mindfulness describes an ideal that determines algorithmic techniques ...
Article GUID: 35103028
Author(s): Ferrar SJ; Stack DM; Baldassarre KS; Orsini A; Serbin LA;
Early adolescents (aged 12-15) were observed during dyadic conflict discussions with their siblings (n = 23) and mothers (n = 32) in their homes. The verbal conflict behaviors and affect of family members were coded continuously. Sequential analyses identif...
Article GUID: 35103031
Author(s): Blais AR; Michaud I; Simard JF; Mach L; Houle S;
Background: The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) identifies 13 psychosocial factors affecting psychological health and safety in the workplace that employers should measure and monitor with the ...
Article GUID: 35044739
Author(s): Olivier E; Morin AJS; Tardif-Grenier K; Archambault I; Dupéré V; Hébert C;
Most existing studies investigating profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls do not consider the high cooccurrence between them, which prevents from identifying how heterogeneous groups might distinctly use coping strategies....
Article GUID: 35038084
Author(s): Primavesi R; Burcheri A; Bigham BL; Coutin A; Lien K; Koh J; Kruse M; MacCormick H; Odorizzi S; Ng V; Poirier V; Primiani N; Smith S; Upadhy...
Objectives: The CAEP 2021 2SLGBTQIA +i panel sought whether a gap exists within Canadian emergency medicine training pertaining to sexual and gender minority communities. This panel aimed to genera...
Article GUID: 34985648
Author(s): Camilus NS; Lucas S; Wu C; Naccache R; Martic S;
Background: Globally, a number of individuals who live with Alzheimer's disease (AD), an incurable and debilitating disease, is increasing. Tau protein has a structural role, maintains integrity of microtubules and is one of the underlying causes of the...
Article GUID: 34971135
Author(s): Gorji Y; Carney M; Prakash R;
We depict Hollywood celebrity couples as business families who participate in the project-based movie production industry, which is a temporary and disaggregated form of organization where skilled individuals are linked to one another through contractual an...
Article GUID: 34931108
Author(s): Hudson CJ; Groh AMR; Macciardi F; Hudson RC;
No abstract
Article GUID: 34889025
Author(s): Lee K; Revelli M; Dickson D; Marier P;
Policy makers, practitioners, and scholars are increasingly examining the types of care services (formal vs. informal) offered to older adults. This study evaluates predictors of these adults' preferences for care types in Québec, Canada, based on a pro...
Article GUID: 34886702
Author(s): Harel D; Levis B; Sun Y; Fischer F; Ioannidis JPA; Cuijpers P; Patten SB; Ziegelstein RC; Markham S; Benedetti A; Thombs BD;...
Shortened versions of self-reported questionnaires may be used to reduce respondent burden. When shortened screening tools are used, it is desirable to maintain equivalent diagnostic accuracy to fu...
Article GUID: 34780986
Author(s): Huelsnitz CO; Jones RE; Simpson JA; Joyal-Desmarais K; Standen EC; Auster-Gussman LA; Rothman AJ;...
Relationship partners affect one another's health outcomes through their health behaviors, yet how this occurs is not well understood. To fill this gap, we present the Dyadic Health Influence M...
Article GUID: 34873983
Author(s): Partanen M; Alberts NM; Conklin HM; Krull KR; Pui CH; Anghelescu DA; Jacola LM;
Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) often experience treatment-related neurocognitive deficits and significant pain. Pain may exacerbate these cognitive impairments. This study examined neuropathic pain and neurocognitive outcomes in survivors ...
Article GUID: 34813516
Author(s): Seth Wynes
Unlike other greenhouse gas sources associated with professional sports, team air travel is highly visible, under direct league control, and extremely difficult to decarbonize with technological advancement alone. In an analysis of air travel emissions from...
Article GUID: 34779201
Author(s): Patrik Marier
This policy analysis reviews three popular proposals with significant political endorsement to enhance long-term care (LTC), here defined broadly to include residential care facilities, home care, and community care, in the wake of the coronavirus disease (...
Article GUID: 34711297
Author(s): Iriah SC; Borges C; Shalev U; Cai X; Madularu D; Kulkarni PP; Ferris CF;
Background: Maraviroc is an antiretroviral agent and C-C chemokine coreceptor 5 (CCR5) antagonist that is currently used to treat human immunodeficiency virus. CCR5/µ-opioid receptor heterodimerization suggests that maraviroc could be a tre...
Article GUID: 34625487
Author(s): Corbière M; Willems L; Guay S; Panaccio A; Lecomte T; Mazaniello-Chézol M;
Introduction Common mental disorders (CMDs) account for 30% to 50% of all illness absences. The success of RTW is not only due to the individual but rather to the result of the interaction between the stakeholders involved in the RTW process. Numerous menta...
Article GUID: 34597494
Author(s): Radomsky AS; Shafran R; Whittal ML;
No abstract
Article GUID: 34560413
Author(s): Rennick JE; Knox AM; Treherne SC; Dryden-Palmer K; Stremler R; Chambers CT; McRae L; Ho M; Stack DM; Dougherty G; Fudge H; Campbell-Yeo M;...
ntroduction: PICU hospitalization can have a profound impact on child survivors and their families. There is limited research on children's long-term recovery within the context of the family f...
Article GUID: 34557460
Author(s): Wynes S; Kotcher J; Donner SD;
Urgent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions depend on governments implementing and enforcing rigorous climate policy. Individuals in democracies seeking to persuade government officials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can take steps such as voting, pro...
Article GUID: 34548721
Author(s): Gervais CLM; Johnston MS;
When a youth sexually offends, most of the reactions and repercussions that follow are understandably negative. However, there is limited research about mixed reactions involving remorse and responsibility on the part of the adolescent who offended and thei...
Article GUID: 34490799
Author(s): Reilly RC; Lee V; Laux K; Robitaille A;
Objectives: This article presents the findings of a pilot study situated in a tertiary care cancer centre and examines the impact of an art therapy group on the experiences of women living through breast cancer. Study design: The study design used in this ...
Article GUID: 34487868
Author(s): Schott E; Mastroberardino M; Fourakis E; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;
The ability to differentiate between two languages sets the stage for bilingual learning. Infants can discriminate languages when hearing long passages, but language switches often occur on short time scales with few cues to language identity. As bilingual ...
Article GUID: 34482624
Author(s): Sandrin E; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Gillet N;
This research relies on variable- and person-centered approaches to illustrate how each of these approaches may help to improve our understanding of the dimensionality of the burnout construct. Both studies (Study 1: N = 247 administrative and technical emp...
Article GUID: 34314264
Author(s): Ferland F; Blanchette-Martin N; Côté M; Tremblay J; Kairouz S; Nadeau L; Savard AC; L' Espérance N; Dufour M;...
Consequences experienced by the partners of individuals with a gambling disorder are well documented. However, little is known about the deleterious effects experienced by other people than partner...
Article GUID: 34286413
Author(s): Frounfelker RL; Santavicca T; Li ZY; Miconi D; Venkatesh V; Rousseau C;
Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between COVID-19 experiences, perceived COVID-19 behavioral control, social norms and attitudes, and future intention to follow social distancing guidelines. Design: This is a cross-secti...
Article GUID: 34074154
Author(s): Crivello C; Grossman S; Poulin-Dubois D;
The psychological mechanisms underlying infants' selective social learning are currently a subject of controversy. The main goal of the present study was to contribute data to this debate by investigating whether domain-specific or domain-general abilit...
Article GUID: 34043285
Author(s): Bhandari PM; Levis B; Neupane D; Patten SB; Shrier I; Thombs BD; Benedetti A;
Objective: To evaluate, across multiple sample sizes, the degree that data-driven methods result in (1) optimal cutoffs different from population optimal cutoff and (2) bias in accuracy estimates. Study design and setting: A total of 1,000 samples of sampl...
Article GUID: 33838273
Author(s): Evans GW, De France K
The current study assessed whether the proportion of childhood (age 0-9 years) in poverty altered the developmental trajectories (ages 9-24) of multimethodological indicators of psychological well-being. In addition, we tested whether exposure to cumulative...
Article GUID: 33526153
Author(s): Chelabi K, Balli F, Bransi M, Gervais Y, Marthe C, Tse SM
BACKGROUND: International asthma guidelines recommend the monitoring of peak expiratory flow (PEF) as part of asthma self-management in children and adolescents who poorly perceive airflow obstruction, those with a history of severe exacerbations, or those ...
Article GUID: 33512326
Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S, Switzer A, Carrese-Chacra E, Durif F, Knäuper B
OBJECTIVES: In order for physical distancing directives to be effective at lowering and flattening the epidemic peak during a pandemic, individuals must adhere to confinement guidelines. Recent reviews highlight the paucity of research on empirical correlat...
Article GUID: 33464556
Author(s): Gervais CLM, Johnston MS
Research on youth sexual offending has focused primarily on its prevalence, risk factors, treatment interventions, and recidivism rates. Thus, there is a need to develop better understandings of the processes towards reconciliation (or the lack thereof) tha...
Article GUID: 33435796
Author(s): McMullin C, Raggo P
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the roles of nonprofit boards? We reflect critically on the leadership and management activities of boards to understand the implications of the current crisis on governance. Employing a contingency approach to governa...
Article GUID: 33424116
Author(s): Aeon B, Faber A, Panaccio A
Does time management work? We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the impact of time management on performance and well-being. Results show that time management is moderately related to job performance, academic achievement, and wellbeing. Time management a...
Article GUID: 33428644
Author(s): Blais AR, Gillet N, Houle SA, Comeau CA, Morin AJS
The present study examined the distinct configurations, or profiles, taken by work fatigue dimensions among samples of military (n = 1,436) and civilian (n = 2,477) employees. We also tested profile similarity across these two samples of employees. In addit...
Article GUID: 33329261
Author(s): Byers-Heinlein K, Tsui RK, van Renswoude D, Black AK, Barr R, Brown A, Colomer M, Durrant S, Gampe A, Gonzalez-Gomez N, Hay JF, Hernik M, Ja...
Determining the meanings of words requires language learners to attend to what other people say. However, it behooves a young language learner to simultaneously encode relevant non-verbal cues, for...
Article GUID: 33306867
Author(s): Smolak E; Hendrickson K; Zesiger P; Poulin-Dubois D; Friend M;
Early vocabulary knowledge and speed of word processing are important foundational skills for the development of preschool and school-age language and cognition. However, the variance in outcomes accounted for by parent-reported receptive or expressive voca...
Article GUID: 33221662
Author(s): Mahri M; Shen N; Berrizbeitia F; Rodan R; Daer A; Faigan M; Taqi D; Wu KY; Ahmadi M; Ducret M; Emami E; Tamimi F;...
Clinical performance of osseointegrated implants could be compromised by the medications taken by patients. The effect of a specific medication on osseointegration can be easily investigated using ...
Article GUID: 33181361
Author(s): Sayegh L; Touré EH; Farquhar E; Beaulieu S; Renaud S; Rej S; Perreault M;
Objectives: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is an individually administered treatment model designed specifically for Persistent Depression however bipolar patients have traditionally been excluded from CBASP studies. There is ...
Article GUID: 33173513
Author(s): Alberts NM, Leisenring WM, Flynn JS, Whitton J, Gibson TM, Jibb L, McDonald A, Ford J, Moraveji N, Dear BF, Krull KR, Robison LL, Stinson JN...
PURPOSE: Approximately 40% of childhood cancer survivors experience chronic pain, with many also reporting pain-related disability. Given associations established in the general population among re...
Article GUID: 33147073
Author(s): Uthamacumaran A
Cancers are complex, adaptive ecosystems. They remain the leading cause of disease-related death among children in North America. As we approach computational oncology and Deep Learning Healthcare, our mathematical models of cancer dynamics must be revised....
Article GUID: 33142240
Author(s): Franzen L; Delis I; De Sousa G; Kayser C; Philiastides MG;
Despite recent progress in understanding multisensory decision-making, a conclusive mechanistic account of how the brain translates the relevant evidence into a decision is lacking. Specifically, it remains unclear whether perceptual improvements during rap...
Article GUID: 33116148
Author(s): Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Levis B; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Bhandari PM; Negeri Z; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Rie...
Objectives: Estimates of depression prevalence in pregnancy and postpartum are based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) more than on any other method. We aimed to determine if any E...
Article GUID: 33089942
Author(s): Tremblay B; Rodrigues ML; Martin-Chang S;
Despite the far-reaching advantages associated with leisure reading, it is an activity that fewer adolescents are choosing to pursue. The present study used a retrospective correlational approach to investigate shared storybook reading in childhood and curr...
Article GUID: 33071904
Author(s): Radomsky AS, Neal RL, Parrish CL, Lavoie SL, Schell SE
BACKGROUND: Reassurance seeking (RS) is motivated by perceived general and social/relational threats across disorders, yet is often under-recognized because it occurs in covert (i.e. subtle) and overt forms. Covert safety-seeking behaviour may maintain diso...
Article GUID: 33046164
Author(s): Evans AM; O' Donovan C; Playdon M; Beecher C; Beger RD; Bowden JA; Broadhurst D; Clish CB; Dasari S; Dunn WB; Griffin JL; Hartung T; Hs...
Introduction: The metabolomics quality assurance and quality control consortium (mQACC) evolved from the recognized need for a community-wide consensus on improving and systematizing quality assura...
Article GUID: 33044703
Author(s): Mykhalovskiy E, Kazatchkine C, Foreman-Mackey A, McClelland A, Peck R, Hastings C, Elliott R...
Faced with the extraordinary global public health crisis of COVID-19, governments across Canada must decide, often with limited and imperfect evidence, how to implement measures to reduce its sprea...
Article GUID: 32974860
Author(s): Poder TG, Wang L, Carrier N
OBJECTIVE: To describe how chronic low back pain (CLBP) impacts on utility scores and which patients' characteristics most affect these scores in the province of Quebec. SETTINGS: Province of Quebec, Canada. PARTICIPANTS: 569 adult patients with CLBP. M...
Article GUID: 32933957
Author(s): Yao Y, Rakheja S, Larivière C, Marcotte P
OBJECTIVE: The primary aim was to test the construct validity of a surface electromyography (EMG) measurement protocol, indirectly assessing the effects of anti-vibration (AV) gloves on activities of the forearm muscles. BACKGROUND: AV gloves impose a relat...
Article GUID: 32885999
Author(s): Luo B, Huang G, Yao Y, An C, Li W, Zheng R, Zhao K
Sulfonamide antibiotics have highly toxic effects on humans and other organisms within the food chain. Adsorption by various carbonaceous materials is an effective method for removing them from the aqueous environment. Batch adsorption experiments were cond...
Article GUID: 32886308
Author(s): Herriot H, Wrosch C, Hamm JM, Pruessner JC
OBJECTIVE: Although evidence shows that stress experiences can predict both hyper- and hypo-cortisol regulation, there is a lack of research examining these associations longitudinally. Our study assessed whether levels and increases in psychological stress...
Article GUID: 32866774
Author(s): Xhardez C, Paquet M
Immigration is increasingly politicised: issues surrounding immigration are more salient and party immigration positions are becoming more polarised. Literature on this topic has overwhelmingly focused on Europe and the USA, while identifying radical right ...
Article GUID: 32837335
Author(s): Corcoran PL, de Haan Ward J, Arturo IA, Belontz SL, Moore T, Hill-Svehla CM, Robertson K, Wood K, Jazvac K
Sci Total Environ. 2020 Jul 25;747:141227 Authors: Corcoran PL, de Haan Ward J, Arturo IA, Belontz SL, Moore T, Hill-Svehla CM, Robertson K, Wood K, Jazvac K
Article GUID: 32781316
Author(s): Aston M, Price S, Hunter A, Sim M, Etowa J, Monaghan J, Paynter M
Can J Nurs Res. 2020 Aug 06;:844562120940554 Authors: Aston M, Price S, Hunter A, Sim M, Etowa J, Monaghan J, Paynter M
Article GUID: 32757828
Author(s): Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ
Evol Appl. 2020 Jul;13(6):1128-1144 Authors: Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ
Article GUID: 32684951
Author(s): Yates MC, Glaser D, Post J, Cristescu ME, Fraser DJ, Derry AM
Mol Ecol. 2020 Jul 07;: Authors: Yates MC, Glaser D, Post J, Cristescu ME, Fraser DJ, Derry AM
Article GUID: 32638451
Author(s): Zaelzer C
eNeuro. 2020 Jul 02;: Authors: Zaelzer C
Article GUID: 32616625
Author(s): Araz JY, Frank M, Fuks B
Eur Phys J C Part Fields. 2020;80(6):531 Authors: Araz JY, Frank M, Fuks B
Article GUID: 32587466
Author(s): Ferrari M, McIlwaine SV, Reynolds JA, Archie S, Boydell K, Lal S, Shah JL, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Boruff J, Nielsen RK...
JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jun 24;9(6):e13834 Authors: Ferrari M, McIlwaine SV, Reynolds JA, Archie S, Boydell K, Lal S, Shah JL, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Boruff J, Nielsen RKL, Iye...
Article GUID: 32579117
Author(s): Wellman RJ, Wilson KM, O'Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Montreuil A, O'Loughlin J
Nicotine Tob Res. 2020 01 27;22(1):32-39 Authors: Wellman RJ, Wilson KM, O'Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Montreuil A, O'Loughlin J
Article GUID: 30346615
Author(s): Brabete AC, Doray-Demers P, Vissandjée B
Where Sexual Orientation Has No Name: Sexual Orientation Missing Data in the Canadian Community Health Survey (2005-2014).
J Sex Res. 2020 Jun 18;:1-8
Authors: Brabete AC, Doray-Demers P, Vissandjée B
This study u...
Article GUID: 32551928
Author(s): Tóth-Király I, Neff KD
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Author(s): Velez G; Hahn M; Recchia H; Wainryb C;
Adolescence has historically been framed as a time of rebellion and protest, with traditional responses in school applying punitive frameworks. In this article, we review recent psychological work on the restorative practices movement in schools as an alter...
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Author(s): Freedman S, Wickramasekera IE
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Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 06;15(6):801-805 Authors: Thompson W, Reeve E, Moriarty F, Maclure M, Turner J, Steinman MA, Conklin J, Dolovich L, McCarthy L, Farrell B
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Flaviviridae infections represent a major global health burden. By deciphering mechanistic aspects of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-host interactions, one could discover common strategy for inhibiting the replication of related flaviviruses. By elucidating the HC...
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Author(s): Khadivjam T, Che-Quang H, Maris T, Ajoyan Z, Howarth A, Wuest JD
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Author(s): Freedman S, Wickramasekera IE
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Author(s): Grenier A, Hatzifilalithis S, Laliberte-Rudman D, Kobayashi K, Marier P, Phillipson C
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Author(s): Pommier E, Neff KD, Tóth-Király I
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Author(s): Freedman S, Wickramasekera IE
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Author(s): MacDonald K, Malla A, Joober R, Shah JL, Goldberg K, Abadi S, Doyle M, Iyer SN
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Author(s): Savion-Lemieux T; Bailey JA; Penhune VB;
Little is known about how children acquire new motor sequences. In particular, it is not clear if the same learning progression observed in adults is also present in childhood nor whether motor skills are acquired in a similar fashion across development. In...
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Author(s): Coy M, Smiley C, Tyler M
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Author(s): Gillet N, Morin AJS, Huart I, Colombat P, Fouquereau E
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Studies with adult musicians show that beginning lessons before age seven is associated with better performance on musical tasks and enhancement in auditory and motor brain regions. It is hypothesized that early training interacts with periods of heightened...
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J Youth Adolesc. 2019 May 23;: Authors: Huỳnh C, Morin AJS, Fallu JS, Maguire-L J, Descheneaux-Buffoni A, Janosz M
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Mapping responsible conduct in the uncharted field of research-creation: A scoping review.
Account Res. 2019 Jul;26(5):311-346
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Reported immigration and medical coercion among immigrants referred to a cultural consultation service.
Transcult Psychiatry. 2019 Jun 06;:1363461519847811
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Members of visible ...
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Author(s): Spiegel JB, Parent SN
Re-approaching community development through the arts: a 'critical mixed methods' study of social circus in Quebec.
Community Dev J. 2018 Oct;53(4):600-617
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Community arts pro...
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Author(s): Sussman T, Kaasalainen S, Lee E, Akhtar-Danesh N, Strachan PH, Brazil K, Bonifas R, Bourgeois-Guérin V, Durivage P, Papaioannou A, Young L...
OBJECTIVES: This article reports findings on the usability and staff use of 5 condition- specific pamphlets of high prevalence in long-term care (LTC): dementia, heart failure, chronic obstructive ...
Article GUID: 30583908
Title: | Ultra-thin flexible rectenna integrated with power management unit for wireless power harvester/charging of smartwatch/wristband |
Authors: | Singh N, Khan T, Kumar S, Kanaujia BK, Choi HC, Kim KW, Rambabu K, Rengarajan SR, Kishk AA, |
Link: | |
DOI: | 10.1038/s41598-024-57639-1 |
Category: | |
PMID: | 38548782 |
Dept Affiliation: | CONCORDIA
1 University School of Automation and Robotics, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, East Delhi Campus, Delhi, India. 2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar, India. 3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. 4 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Jalandhar, India. 5 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea. 6 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea. 7 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 8 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA. 9 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. |
Description: |
This paper proposes a circularly polarized ultra-thin flexible antenna with a flexible rectifier and power management unit (PMU) for smartwatch/wristband applications. The flexible antenna is compact (0.17?0 × 0.20?0 × 0.0004?0) and has a stepped ground plane. A parasitic element is used at the substrate bottom to reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR) and enhance the gain up to 3.2 dBi, at the resonating frequency of WLAN/Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz). The SAR of the proposed design is also analysed at the resonating frequency, and it satisfies the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and IEEE C95.1-2019 human safety standards. An impedance matching circuit is used between the antenna and the RF energy harvester to improve conversion efficiency. Polarization mismatch is avoided with the help of circular polarization, achieved by tuning stubs of size 0.02?0 × 0.044?0. The integration of the antenna and rectenna results in a good conversion efficiency of 78.2% at - 5 dBm of input power with a load resistance of 2 KO. The availability of RF signals allows the user to charge the smartwatch/wristband by connecting the PMU circuit with the RF energy harvester. |