Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Current global efforts are insufficient to limit warming to 1.5°C

Author(s): Matthews HD; Wynes S;

Human activities have caused global temperatures to increase by 1.25°C, and the current emissions trajectory suggests that we will exceed 1.5°C in less than 10 years. Though the growth rate of global carbon dioxide emissions has slowed and many countries ha...

Article GUID: 35737785

A carbon footprint study of the Canadian medical residency interview tour

Author(s): Liang KE; Dawson JQ; Stoian MD; Clark DG; Wynes S; Donner SD;

Background: Each spring, thousands of Canadian medical students travel across the country to interview for residency positions, a process known as the CaRMS tour. Despite the large scale of travel, the CaRMS tour has received little environmental scrutiny. ...

Article GUID: 34227912

What attributes are relevant for drainage culverts to serve as efficient road crossing structures for mammals?

Author(s): Brunen B, Daguet C, Jaeger JAG

J Environ Manage. 2020 Aug 15;268:110423 Authors: Brunen B, Daguet C, Jaeger JAG

Article GUID: 32510423

Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States' largest river basin.

Author(s): Martin JT, Pederson GT, Woodhouse CA, Cook ER, McCabe GJ, Anchukaitis KJ, Wise EK, Erger PJ, Dolan L, McGuire M, Gangopadhyay S, Chase KJ, L...

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 May 11;: Authors: Martin JT, Pederson GT, Woodhouse CA, Cook ER, McCabe GJ, Anchukaitis KJ, Wise EK, Erger PJ, Dolan L, McGuire M, Gangopadhyay S, Chase KJ, Littell ...

Article GUID: 32393620

An adaptive plan for prioritizing road sections for fencing to reduce animal mortality.

Author(s): Spanowicz AG, Teixeira FZ, Jaeger JAG

Conserv Biol. 2020 Mar 30;: Authors: Spanowicz AG, Teixeira FZ, Jaeger JAG

Article GUID: 32227646

Social grooming efficiency and techniques are influenced by manual impairment in free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata).

Author(s): Espitia-Contreras JP, Fedigan LM, Turner SE

PLoS One. 2020;15(2):e0228978 Authors: Espitia-Contreras JP, Fedigan LM, Turner SE

Article GUID: 32084169

How do landscape context and fences influence roadkill locations of small and medium-sized mammals?

Author(s): Plante J, Jaeger JAG, Desrochers A

J Environ Manage. 2019 Apr 01;235:511-520 Authors: Plante J, Jaeger JAG, Desrochers A

Article GUID: 30711836

Exposure to excessive heat and impacts on labour productivity linked to cumulative CO2 emissions.

Author(s): Chavaillaz Y, Roy P, Partanen AI, Da Silva L, Bresson É, Mengis N, Chaumont D, Matthews HD

Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 23;9(1):13711 Authors: Chavaillaz Y, Roy P, Partanen AI, Da Silva L, Bresson É, Mengis N, Chaumont D, Matthews HD

Article GUID: 31548555

Aquatic macroinvertebrates stabilize gravel bed sediment: A test using silk net-spinning caddisflies in semi-natural river channels.

Author(s): Albertson LK, Sklar LS, Cooper SD, Cardinale BJ

PLoS One. 2019;14(1):e0209087 Authors: Albertson LK, Sklar LS, Cooper SD, Cardinale BJ

Article GUID: 30601831