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Author(s): Heidl AJ; Gierc M; Saputra S; Waliwitiya T; Puterman E; Cohen TR;
It is unknown if children and youth who live in rural or "less rural" locations who enroll in the provincially funded Generation Health Clinic (British Columbia, Canada), a family-based lifestyle program for weight management, present with different health ...
Article GUID: 39761009
Author(s): Gallinger C; Popovic L;
We consider a general class of autocatalytic reactions, which has been shown to display stochastic switching behaviour (discreteness-induced transitions (DITs)) in some parameter regimes. This behaviour was shown to occur either when the overall species cou...
Article GUID: 39679357
Author(s): Adcock B; Brugiapaglia S; Dexter N; Moraga S;
The past decade has seen increasing interest in applying Deep Learning (DL) to Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). Driven by impressive results in applications such as computer vision, Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), genetics, simulations and imag...
Article GUID: 39454372
Author(s): Easlick T; Sun W;
We propose a unified stochastic SIR model driven by Lévy noise. The model is structural enough to allow for time-dependency, nonlinearity, discontinuity, demography, and environmental disturbances. We present concise results on the existence and uniqueness ...
Article GUID: 39027117
Author(s): Bertola M; Chavez-Heredia E; Grava T;
Using WKB analysis, the paper addresses a conjecture of Shapiro and Tater on the similarity between two sets of points in the complex plane; on one side is the set the values of t ∈ C for which the spectrum of the quartic anharmonic oscillator in th...
Article GUID: 38983592
Author(s): Jenner AL; Aogo RA; Alfonso S; Crowe V; Smith AP; Morel PA; Davis CL; Smith AM; Craig M;
To understand the diversity of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 and distinguish features that predispose individuals to severe COVID-19, we developed a mechanistic, within-host mathematical model and virtual patient cohort. Our results indicate that virtual p...
Article GUID: 33442689
Author(s): Sun P; Hu ZC; Sun W;
Let a, ß be positive real numbers and let Xα ,β be a Gamma random variable with shape parameter a and scale parameter ß. We study infimum values of the function (α ,β )↦ P{Xα ,β ≤ κ E[Xα ,β ]} for an...
Article GUID: 38261930
Author(s): Nicolaou ZG; Bramburger JJ;
Localized phenomena abound in nature and throughout the physical sciences. Some universal mechanisms for localization have been characterized, such as in the snaking bifurcations of localized steady states in pattern-forming partial differential equations. ...
Article GUID: 38252783
Author(s): Reid RER; Henderson M; Barnett TA; Kakinami L; Tremblay A; Mathieu ME;
Recommendations for physical activity (PA) typically focus on frequency, intensity, duration, and type, but timing (chrono-exercise) is also important. The objective of this study is to describe when children are active on school and weekend days and explor...
Article GUID: 38083868
Author(s): Valikhanova G; Kato Y; Fitzcharles MA; Ware M; Da Costa D; Lowensteyn I; Cheung HS; Grover S;...
Background: Medical cannabis (MC) is used by Canadian Veterans to manage a wide range of health issues. However, there is little information comparing the reasons for MC use and its perceived effec...
Article GUID: 37920683
Author(s): Brugiapaglia S; Liu M; Tupper P;
Often in language and other areas of cognition, whether two components of an object are identical or not determines if it is well formed. We call such constraints identity effects. When developing a system to learn well-formedness from examples, it is easy ...
Article GUID: 35798322
Author(s): Bird M; Datta GD; Chinerman D; Kakinami L; Mathieu ME; Henderson M; Barnett TA;
Background: We compared the relation between neighborhood features and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) using linear regression analysis and the more novel compositional data analysis (CoDA). Compositional data analysis allows us to take the ti...
Article GUID: 35585542
Author(s): Cerqueira RC; de Rivera OR; Jaeger JAG; Grilo C;
Roads pose an imminent threat to wildlife directly through mortality and changes in individual behavior, and also indirectly through modification of the amount and configuration of wildlife habitat. However, few studies have addressed how these mechanisms i...
Article GUID: 34799617
Author(s): Chadi N; Spinoso-Di Piano C; Osmanlliu E; Gravel J; Drouin O;
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare pre/post-COVID-19 changes in mental health-related emergency department visits among adolescents. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of all mental health-related emergency department visits in t...
Article GUID: 34462192
Author(s): Ybarra M; Barnett TA; Yu J; Van Hulst A; Drouin O; Kakinami L; Saint-Charles J; Henderson M;...
i>Background and Objective: Weight-related behaviors are determined by multiple individual and contextual factors, with recent evidence implicating personal social networks (PSNs). Greater understa...
Article GUID: 34264758
Author(s): Jenner AL; Aogo RA; Alfonso S; Crowe V; Deng X; Smith AP; Morel PA; Davis CL; Smith AM; Craig M;...
To understand the diversity of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 and distinguish features that predispose individuals to severe COVID-19, we developed a mechanistic, within-host mathematical model and...
Article GUID: 34260666
Author(s): Bertola M; Blackstone E; Katsevich A; Tovbis A;
In this paper we study the spectra of bounded self-adjoint linear operators that are related to finite Hilbert transforms H L : L 2 ( [ b L , 0 ] ) → L 2 ( [ 0 , b R ] ) and H R : L 2 ( [ 0 , b R ] ) → L 2 ( [ b L , 0 ] ) . These operato...
Article GUID: 32684912
Author(s): Macoir J, Lafay A, Hudon C
Cogn Behav Neurol. 2020 Mar;33(1):33-44 Authors: Macoir J, Lafay A, Hudon C
Article GUID: 32132401
Author(s): Popovic L; Peuckert L;
Frequency-dependent selection reflects the interaction between different species as they battle for limited resources in their environment. In a stochastic evolutionary game the species relative fitnesses guides the evolutionary dynamics with fluctuations d...
Article GUID: 32025789
Author(s): Ali ST, Krasowska AE, Murenzi R
J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2000 Dec;17(12):2277-87 Authors: Ali ST, Krasowska AE, Murenzi R
Article GUID: 11140488
Author(s): Boyarsky A, Gora P
Chaos. 2002 Mar;12(1):42-48 Authors: Boyarsky A, Gora P
Article GUID: 12779531
Author(s): Kokotov A, Korotkin D
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2008 Mar 28;366(1867):1055-1088 Authors: Kokotov A, Korotkin D
Article GUID: 17588869
Author(s): Enolski V, Richter P
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2008 Mar 28;366(1867):1005-24 Authors: Enolski V, Richter P
Article GUID: 17594965
Author(s): Kermany AR, Zhou X, Hickey DA
Theor Popul Biol. 2008 Nov;74(3):226-32 Authors: Kermany AR, Zhou X, Hickey DA
Article GUID: 18691608
Author(s): Hall RL
Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Aug 29;101(9):090401 Authors: Hall RL
Article GUID: 18851588
Author(s): Howlader T, Chaubey YP
IEEE Trans Image Process. 2010 Aug;19(8):1953-67 Authors: Howlader T, Chaubey YP
Article GUID: 20371406
Author(s): Rousseau C; Beauregard C; Daignault K; Petrakos H; Thombs BD; Steele R; Vasiliadis HM; Hechtman L;...
Objectives: The aim of this cluster randomized trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a school-based theatre intervention program for immigrant and refugee youth in special classes for improvin...
Article GUID: 25127251
Author(s): Pfaffelhuber P, Popovic L
J R Soc Interface. 2015 Mar 06;12(104):20141106 Authors: Pfaffelhuber P, Popovic L
Article GUID: 25652460
Author(s): Popovic L, Rivas M
J Math Biol. 2016 11;73(5):1251-1291 Authors: Popovic L, Rivas M
Article GUID: 27009067
Title: | Mental Health-Related Emergency Department Visits in Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicentric Retrospective Study |
Authors: | Chadi N, Spinoso-Di Piano C, Osmanlliu E, Gravel J, Drouin O, |
Link: | |
DOI: | 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.07.036 |
Category: | |
PMID: | 34462192 |
Dept Affiliation: | MATHSTATS
1 Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. 2 Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. 3 Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Montreal Children's Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. 4 Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. 5 Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Electronic address: |
Description: |
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare pre/post-COVID-19 changes in mental health-related emergency department visits among adolescents. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of all mental health-related emergency department visits in two large tertiary pediatric hospital centers between January 2018 and December 2020. We described monthly pre/post-COVID-19 changes in frequency and proportion of mental health visits as well as changes in hospitalization rates for eating disorders, suicidality, substance use, and other mental health conditions. Results: We found an increase in the proportion of mental health-related emergency department visits during the months of July-December 2020 (p < .01). There was a 62% increase in eating disorder visits between 2018-2019 and 2020 (p < .01). No pre pandemic/postpandemic changes were found in the proportion of visits resulting in hospitalization for any of the four diagnostic categories. Conclusions: Our study suggests significant impacts of COVID-19 on adolescent mental health and a need for further longitudinal research work in this area. |