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The neural characteristics influencing literacy outcome in children with cochlear implants

Author(s): Koirala N; Manning J; Neumann S; Anderson C; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Pugh K; Landi N; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;

Early hearing intervention in children with congenital hearing loss is critical for improving auditory development, speech recognition and both expressive and receptive language, which translates into better educational outcomes and quality of life. In children receiving hearing aids or cochlear ...

Article GUID: 40046341

Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;

Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...

Article GUID: 38846536

Dynamic networks differentiate the language ability of children with cochlear implants

Author(s): Koirala N; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Bien AG; Doan D; Goldbeck M; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;

Background: Cochlear implantation (CI) in prelingually deafened children has been shown to be an effective intervention for developing language and reading skill. However, there is a substantial proportion of the children receiving CI who struggle with language and reading. The current study-one ...

Article GUID: 37409105

Grouping by Time and Pitch Facilitates Free but Not Cued Recall for Word Lists in Normally-Hearing Listeners

Author(s): Sares AG; Gilbert AC; Zhang Y; Iordanov M; Lehmann A; Deroche MLD;

Auditory memory is an important everyday skill evaluated more and more frequently in clinical settings as there is recently a greater recognition of the cost of hearing loss to cognitive systems. Testing often involves reading a list of unrelated items aloud; but prosodic variations in pitch and timing across the list can affect the number of items rememb ...

Article GUID: 37338981

Visual biases in evaluation of speakers' and singers' voice type by cis and trans listeners

Author(s): Marchand Knight J; Sares AG; Deroche MLD;

Introduction: A singer's or speaker's Fach (voice type) should be appraised based on acoustic cues characterizing their voice. Instead, in practice, it is often influenced by the individual's physical appearance. This is especially distressful for transgender people who may be excluded from formal singing because of perceived mismatch between ...

Article GUID: 37205083

Auditory evoked response to an oddball paradigm in children wearing cochlear implants

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Towler W; Alemi R; Bien AG; Koirala N; Hanna L; Henry L; Gracco VL;

Objective: Although children with cochlear implants (CI) achieve remarkable success with their device, considerable variability remains in individual outcomes. Here, we explored whether auditory evoked potentials recorded during an oddball paradigm could provide useful markers of auditory process ...

Article GUID: 36965466

Luminance effects on pupil dilation in speech-in-noise recognition

Author(s): Zhang Y; Malaval F; Lehmann A; Deroche MLD;

There is an increasing interest in the field of audiology and speech communication to measure the effort that it takes to listen in noisy environments, with obvious implications for populations suffering from hearing loss. Pupillometry offers one avenue to make progress in this enterprise but important methodological questions remain to be addressed befor ...

Article GUID: 36459511

Predicting emotion perception abilities for cochlear implant users

Author(s): Paquette S; Deroche MLD; Goffi-Gomez MV; Hoshino ACH; Lehmann A;

Objective: In daily life, failure to perceive emotional expressions can result in maladjusted behaviour. For cochlear implant users, perceiving emotional cues in sounds remains challenging, and the factors explaining the variability in patients' sensitivity to emotions are currently poorly understood. Understanding how these factors r ...

Article GUID: 36047767

Specificity of Affective Responses in Misophonia Depends on Trigger Identification

Author(s): Savard MA; Sares AG; Coffey EBJ; Deroche MLD;

Individuals with misophonia, a disorder involving extreme sound sensitivity, report significant anger, disgust, and anxiety in response to select but usually common sounds. While estimates of prevalence within certain populations such as college students have approached 20%, it is currently unknown what percentage of people experience misophonic responses ...

Article GUID: 35692416

Cochlear Implant Compression Optimization for Musical Sound Quality in MED-EL Users

Author(s): Gilbert ML; Deroche MLD; Jiradejvong P; Chan Barrett K; Limb CJ;

Objectives: Variations in loudness are a fundamental component of the music listening experience. Cochlear implant (CI) processing, including amplitude compression, and a degraded auditory system may further degrade these loudness cues and decrease the enjoyment of music listening. This study aimed to identify optimal CI sound processor compression settin ...

Article GUID: 34812791

Adaptation to pitch-altered feedback is independent of one's own voice pitch sensitivity.

Author(s): Alemi R, Lehmann A, Deroche MLD

Monitoring voice pitch is a fine-tuned process in daily conversations as conveying accurately the linguistic and affective cues in a given utterance depends on the precise control of phonation and intonation. This monitoring is thought to depend on whether the error is treated as self-generated or externally-generated, resulting in either a correction or ...

Article GUID: 33033324

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