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Search for Highly Ionizing Particles in pp Collisions during LHC Run 2 Using the Full MoEDAL Detector

Authors: Acharya BAlexandre JBenes PBergmann BBertolucci SBevan ABrancaccio RBranzas HBurian PCampbell MCecchini SCho YMde Montigny MDe Roeck AEllis JRFairbairn MFelea DFrank MHays JHirt AMHo DLHung PQJanecek JKalliokoski MLacarrère DHLeroy CLevi GMargiotta AMaselek RMaulik AMauri NMavromatos NEMieskolainen MMillward LMitsou VAMukhopadhyay AMusumeci EOstrovskiy IOuimet PPPapavassiliou JPatrizii LPavalas GEPinfold JLPopa LAPopa V


1 Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology Group, Physics Department, King's College London, United Kingdom.
2 IEAP, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.
3 INFN, Section of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
4 School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom.
5 INFN, Section of Bologna & Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Bologna, Italy.
6 Institute of Space Science, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania.
7 CERN, Experimental Physics Department, Geneva, Switzerland.
8 Center for Quantum Spacetime, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea.
9 University of Alberta, Physics Department, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
10 CERN, Theoretical Physics Department, Geneva, Switzerland.
11 Department of Physics, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
12 Department of Earth Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland.
13 Department of Physics, Imperial College London


This search for magnetic monopoles (MMs) and high electric charge objects (HECOs) with spins 0, 1/2, and 1, uses for the first time the full MoEDAL detector, exposed to 6.46 fb^{-1} proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. The results are interpreted in terms of Drell-Yan and photon-fusion pair production. Mass limits on direct production of MMs of up to 10 Dirac magnetic charges and HECOs with electric charge in the range 10e to 400e, were achieved. The charge limits placed on MM and HECO production are currently the strongest in the world. MoEDAL is the only LHC experiment capable of being directly calibrated for highly ionizing particles using heavy ions and with a detector system dedicated to definitively measuring magnetic charge.



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.071802