Author(s): Dirks MA; Persram R; Recchia HE; Howe N;
Sibling relationships are a unique and powerful context for children's development, characterized by strong positive features, such as warmth and intimacy, as well as negative qualities like intense, potentially destructive conflict. For these reasons, sibling interactions may be both a risk and a protective factor for the development and maintenance ...
Article GUID: 26254557
Author(s): D' Amico M; Denov M; Khan F; Linds W; Akesson B;
Global health research typically relies on the translation of knowledge (from health professionals to the community) and the dissemination of knowledge (from research results to the wider public). However, Greenhalgh and Wieringa [2011. Is it time to drop the 'knowledge translation' metaphor? A critical literature review. Journal of the Royal Soci ...
Article GUID: 27043374
Author(s): Nina Howe
Volling et al.'s monograph provides a rich, thoughtful, and rigorous account of how the transition to siblinghood is experienced by the first-born child and the family. In their comprehensive longitudinal study, they followed 241 families from the prenatal period before the second-born's birth until this child was 12-months old. Siblings are a cri ...
Article GUID: 28766782
Author(s): van den Bos W; Bruckner R; Nassar MR; Mata R; Eppinger B;
In recent years, the application of computational modeling in studies on age-related changes in decision making and learning has gained in popularity. One advantage of computational models is that they provide access to latent variables that cannot be directly observed from behavior. In combination with experimental manipulations, these latent variables c ...
Article GUID: 29066078
Author(s): Rodriguez Buritica JM; Heekeren HR; Li SC; Eppinger B;
Learning from vicarious experience is central for educational practice, but not well understood with respect to its ontogenetic development and underlying neural dynamics. In this age-comparative study we compared behavioral and electrophysiological markers of learning from vicarious and one's own experience in children (age 8-10) and young adults. Be ...
Article GUID: 30036542
Author(s): David I Waddington
After the death of my daughter Zoe in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a colleague asked me whether my status as an academic philosopher changed my experience in the NICU. In this short narrative, I outline 5 ways in which philosophical perspective helped me understand and cope with our hospital experience.
Article GUID: 30214922
Author(s): Linkiewich D; Martinovich VV; Rinaldi CM; Howe N; Gokiert R;
This study evaluated the relationship between parental autonomy support and preschool-aged children's display of autonomy. Specifically, we examined if mothers' and fathers' use of positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness during parent-child interactions predicted children's autonomous behavior. One hundred families comprise ...
Article GUID: 33691509
Author(s): Maïano C; Morin AJS; April J; Tietjens M; St-Jean C; Gagnon C; Dreiskämper D; Aimé A;
In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of a French version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood (PMC-C) questionnaire. The participants were 219 French-speaking children (aged 5-12 years), recruited from elementary schools in the Canadian Province of Quebec. Results supported the validity and reliability of a second-order confirm ...
Article GUID: 33765895
Author(s): Myall K; Montero-Marin J; Gorczynski P; Kajee N; Syed Sheriff R; Bernard R; Harriss E; Kuyken W;
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based programmes (MBPs) on the mental health of elite athletes. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: Eight online databases (Embase, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane CENTRAL, ProQuest Dissertations &a ...
Article GUID: 36223914
Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Levis B; Qi B; Kingsland E; Thombs BD;
Objective: Database searches for studies of diagnostic test accuracy are notoriously difficult to filter, highly resource-intensive, and a potential barrier to quality evidence synthesis. We examined published meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy to evaluate the (1) proportion of included primary studies found in any online database in the ...
Article GUID: 27411746
Author(s): Delisle VC; Gumuchian ST; Kloda LA; Boruff J; El-Baalbaki G; Körner A; Malcarne VL; Thombs BD;
Objective: Peer facilitators play an important role in determining the success of many support groups for patients with medical illnesses. However, many facilitators do not receive training for their role and report a number of challenges in fulfilling their responsibilities. The ...
Article GUID: 27856483
Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Shrier I; Thombs BD;
Objective: Concerns have been raised regarding the quality and completeness of abstract reporting in evidence reviews, but this had not been evaluated in meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy. Our objective was to evaluate reporting quality and completeness in abstracts of systematic reviews with meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy, using t ...
Article GUID: 27864250