Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Shrier I; Thombs BD;
Objective: Concerns have been raised regarding the quality and completeness of abstract reporting in evidence reviews, but this had not been evaluated in meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy. Our objective was to evaluate reporting quality and completeness in abstracts of systematic reviews with meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy, using t ...
Article GUID: 27864250
Author(s): Roseman M; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Kloda LA; Boruff J; Ickowicz A; Baltzer F; Katz LY; Patten SB; Rousseau C; Thombs BD;
Objective: Depression screening among children and adolescents is controversial. In 2009, the United States Preventive Services Task Force first recommended routine depression screening for adolescents, and this recommendation was reiterated in 2016. However, no randomized controlled trials (RCTs ...
Article GUID: 28851234
Author(s): Saadé RG; Tsoukas G; Caminis J;
Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration leading to non-traumatic fractures of the skeleton. It is a potentially debilitating condition especially for senior citizens. There is growing interest for quantitative ultrasound to measure bone mineral density. However, understanding of ultrasound-bone inte ...
Article GUID: 16125163
Author(s): Gad Saad
Some evolutionists have construed obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as the over-activation of warning systems in areas of evolutionary import. Using evolutionary theorizing, it is posited here that sex differences in the instantiation of specific obsessions and/or compulsions might correspond to sex-specific differences in the evolutionary import of the ...
Article GUID: 16828981
Author(s): Gad Saad
From an evolutionary perspective, suicide is a paradoxical phenomenon given its fatal consequences on one's reproductive fitness. That fact notwithstanding, evolutionists have typically used kin and group selection arguments in proposing that suicide might indeed be viewed as an adaptive behavioral response. The current paper posits that in some insta ...
Article GUID: 17011714
Author(s): Ferguson RJ; Paulin M; Leiriao E;
The ability to attract and retain loyal customers depends on the successful implementation of a customer-centric strategy. Customer loyalty is an attitude about an organization and its' services that is manifested by intentions and behaviors of re-patronization and recommendation. In the context of many medical services, loyalty through repeat patroni ...
Article GUID: 18681199
Author(s): Laroche M; Pons F; Richard MO;
The authors focused on the role of language use in measuring ethnic identity. They demonstrated the construct validity of a 3-dimensional measure and examined potential biases introduced by alternative methods such as constant sum scale. Their findings support the distinction between the 3 subdimensions of language use (English use in family, in media con ...
Article GUID: 19702108
Author(s): Hecht TD; Boies K;
Employees today are involved in many different types of activities outside of work, including family, volunteering, leisure, and so on. The purpose of this study was to understand how participation in such nonwork activities can both enrich and interfere with well-being and behavior at work. Four dimensions of nonwork-to-work spillover were examined to be ...
Article GUID: 19839661
Author(s): Saad G; Gill T;
The authors investigated sex differences in the ratings of physical attractiveness in a competitive context. Participants in an Ultimatum Game experiment offered to split a sum of money with their opponents who could either accept or reject the offers; subsequently, physical attractiveness ratings (both self-ratings and of the other) were obtained. The au ...
Article GUID: 20014522
Author(s): Bhave DP; Kramer A; Glomb TM;
We used social information processing theory to examine the effect of work-family conflict (WFC) at the work group level on individuals' experience of WFC. Consistent with hypotheses, results suggest that WFC at the work group level influences individual WFC over and above the shared work environment and job demands. It was also observed that work gro ...
Article GUID: 20085412
Author(s): Hecht TD; McCarthy JM;
Balancing multiple roles is a challenge for individuals in many sectors of the population. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that individuals have dispositional tendencies to experience interrole conflict and facilitation. We also aimed to show that coping styles and life satisfaction are correlates of dispositional conflict and facilit ...
Article GUID: 20604586
Author(s): Gad Saad
The parental investment hypothesis provides a parsimonious explanation for a wide range of sexually dimorphic traits and behaviors across countless species. In the human context, the hypothesis posits that in light of the differentially greater parental investment that human females provide to their offspring, they should be much more vested in the wellbe ...
Article GUID: 20627598