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Adverse Childhood Experiences Influence Longitudinal Changes in Leptin But Not Adiponectin

Author(s): Matovic S; Rummel C; Neumann E; McGrath J; Gouin JP;

Objective: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with a greater risk of obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Adipokines, including leptin and adiponectin, play vital roles in biological processes linked to obesity and cardiometabolic risk. The adiponectin/leptin ratio may represent a marker of impaired hormonal regulation of adipose tissue. ...

Article GUID: 39909010

Association between aggression and ADHD polygenic scores and school-age aggression: the mediating role of preschool externalizing behaviors and adverse experiences

Author(s): Bouliane M; Boivin M; Kretschmer T; Lafreniere B; Paquin S; Tremblay R; Côté S; Gouin JP; Andlauer TFM; Petitclerc A; Ouellet-Morin I;

Individual differences in physical aggression (PA) are largely heritable. However, it remains unclear how genetic propensity for aggression manifests early in life and relates to school-age PA. Preschool externalizing behavior problems (EXT) and adverse experiences are known predictors of school- ...

Article GUID: 39907790

The PolyVent educational platform: An open mechanical ventilation platform for research and education

Author(s): Read RL; Bechard N; Suturin V; Zuiderwijk A; Mellenthin M;

The PolyVent is an open source mechanical ventilator meant for research and education. It prioritizes openness, modularity, repairability, and modifiability. An ESP32 microcontroller controls a proportional valve which precisely modulates pressure and flow from a mixing chamber into the airway. This chamber is fed with pressurized oxygen and medical air. ...

Article GUID: 39895909

Human recreational activity does not influence open cup avian nest survival in urban green spaces

Author(s): Cull CA; Guest MJ; Frei B; Ziter CD;

The breeding period of birds is a critical and sensitive portion of the annual cycle. Understanding how human use of urban green spaces affects nest survival can improve our understanding of conserving breeding bird populations in cities and support science-based management of urban green spaces that benefit both people and nature. We conducted a nest sur ...

Article GUID: 39897430

In-situ consolidation of thermoplastic composites by automated fiber placement: Characterization of defects

Author(s): Fereidouni M; Hoa SV;

The emergence of automated manufacturing of composites has not only transformed the manufacturing of optimized and geometrically complex structures but has also expanded the promising prospect of in-situ manufacturing of thermoplastic composites (TPC), where both material placement and consolidation are carried out by automated fiber placement (AFP) equip ...

Article GUID: 39895653

Use of lecanemab and donanemab in the Canadian healthcare system: Evidence, challenges, and areas for future research

Author(s): Smith EE; Phillips NA; Feldman HH; Borrie M; Ganesh A; Henri-Bhargava A; Desmarais P; Frank A; Badhwar A; Barlow L; Bartha R; Best S; Bethell J; Bhangu J; Black SE; Bocti C; Bronskill SE; Burhan AM; Calon F; Camicioli R; Campbell B; Coll ...

Lecanemab and donanemab are monoclonal antibody therapies that remove amyloid-beta from the brain. They are the first therapies that alter a fundamental mechanism, amyloid-beta deposition, in Alzheimer disease (AD). To inform Canadian decisions on approval and use of these drugs, the Canadian Con ...

Article GUID: 39893139

Significant wins and their impacts: Predictors of problem gambling in French and Polish national samples

Author(s): Lelonek-Kuleta B; Tovar ML; Bartczuk RP; Costes JM;

Aim: We examined the role of significant win experiences alongside psychosocial factors in the risk of problem gambling. Participants: The study involved adult pure-chance gamblers from representative Polish (n = 3143) and French samples (n = 5692). Measurements: The questionnaire encompassed socio-demographic details, gambling behaviours, significant w ...

Article GUID: 39889363

Strategies and resources used by public health units to encourage COVID-19 vaccination among priority groups: a behavioural science-informed review of three urban centres in Canada

Author(s): Langmuir T; Wilson M; McCleary N; Patey AM; Mekki K; Ghazal H; Estey Noad E; Buchan J; Dubey V; Galley J; Gibson E; Fontaine G; Smith M; Alghamyan A; Thompson K; Crawshaw J; Grimshaw JM; Arnason T; Brehaut J; Michie S; Brouwers M; Presse ...

Background: Ensuring widespread COVID-19 vaccine uptake is a public health priority in Canada and globally, particularly within communities that exhibit lower uptake rates and are at a higher risk of infection. Public health units (PHUs) have leveraged many resources to promote the uptake of reco ...

Article GUID: 39891139

The temperate forest phyllosphere and rhizosphere microbiome: a case study of sugar maple

Author(s): Enea M; Beauregard J; De Bellis T; Faticov M; Laforest-Lapointe I;

The interactions between sugar maple (Acer saccharum, Marshall) and its microbial communities are important for tree fitness, growth, and establishment. Despite recent progress in our understanding of the rhizosphere and phyllosphere microbial communities of sugar maple, many outstanding knowledge gaps remain. This review delves into the relationships bet ...

Article GUID: 39881993

Sleep spindles and slow oscillations predict cognition and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;

Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Using data from a prospective cohort of mild to moderate AD (n = 60), we analyzed non-rapid eye moveme ...

Article GUID: 39878233

Is There a Need to Reassess Protein Intake Recommendations Following Metabolic Bariatric Surgery?

Author(s): Ben-Porat T; Lahav Y; Cohen TR; Bacon SL; Buch A; Moizé V; Sherf-Dagan S;

Purpose of review: Protein intake is recognized as a key nutritional factor crucial for optimizing Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) outcomes by preventing protein malnutrition, preserving fat-free mass, and inducing satiety. This paper discusses the current evidence regarding protein intake and its impact on clinical outcomes following MBS. Recent findi ...

Article GUID: 39878797

Facebook recruitment: understanding research relations Prior to data collection

Author(s): Young K; Browne K;

This article considers the multiple relations that emerge from and between Facebook commenters, as well as between commenters, researchers, and the research project during recruitment. To do so, we draw on our experiences of recruiting individuals who have concerns about or are opposed to a range of recent social and legal changes in 'post-equality ...

Article GUID: 39877298

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