Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and cognitive ability in early childhood.

Author(s): Azar N, Booij L, Muckle G, Arbuckle TE, Séguin JR, Asztalos E, Fraser WD, Lanphear BP, Bouchard MF...

BACKGROUND: Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) has been associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children, but evidence remains mixed regarding sex difference...

Article GUID: 33395941

Implicit affect, heart rate variability, and the metabolic syndrome.

Author(s): Gouin JP, Thayer JF, Deschênes S, MacNeil S, Booij L

OBJECTIVES: Greater negative affect has been associated with increased risk for the metabolic syndrome (METs). However, all studies to date have examined this association using explicit affect measures based on subjective ratings of emotional experiences. P...

Article GUID: 33065585

Pretreatment motivation and therapy outcomes in eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Sansfaçon J, Booij L, Gauvin L, Fletcher É, Islam F, Israël M, Steiger H

OBJECTIVE: Identifying modifiable predictors of outcomes following treatment for eating disorders may help to tailor interventions to patients' individual needs, improve treatment efficacy, and develop new interventions. The goal of this meta-analysis w...

Article GUID: 32954512

Birth weight is associated with adolescent brain development: A multimodal imaging study in monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Hayward DA, Pomares F, Casey KF, Ismaylova E, Levesque M, Greenlaw K, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Rénard F, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij...

Previous research has shown that the prenatal environment, commonly indexed by birth weight (BW), is a predictor of morphological brain development. We previously showed in monozygotic (MZ) twins a...

Article GUID: 32881198

Applying epigenetic science to the understanding of eating disorders: a promising paradigm for research and practice.

Author(s): Booij L, Steiger H

Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 22;: Authors: Booij L, Steiger H

Article GUID: 32576735

DNA methylation differences in stress-related genes, functional connectivity and gray matter volume in depressed and healthy adolescents.

Author(s): Chiarella J, Schumann L, Pomares FB, Frodl T, Tozzi L, Nemoda Z, Yu P, Szyf M, Khalid-Khan S, Booij L

J Affect Disord. 2020 Jun 15;271:160-168 Authors: Chiarella J, Schumann L, Pomares FB, Frodl T, Tozzi L, Nemoda Z, Yu P, Szyf M, Khalid-Khan S, Booij L

Article GUID: 32479312

Eating Disorders, Heredity and Environmental Activation: Getting Epigenetic Concepts into Practice.

Author(s): Steiger H, Booij L

J Clin Med. 2020 May 03;9(5): Authors: Steiger H, Booij L

Article GUID: 32375223

Body image-related cognitive fusion and disordered eating: the role of self-compassion and sad mood.

Author(s): Scardera S, Sacco S, Di Sante J, Booij L

Eat Weight Disord. 2020 Feb 21;: Authors: Scardera S, Sacco S, Di Sante J, Booij L

Article GUID: 32086789

The Neuroscience of Sadness: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis and Collaborative Review for the Human Affectome Project.

Author(s): Arias JA, Williams C, Raghvani R, Aghajani M, Baez S, Belzung C, Booij L, Busatto G, Chiarella J, Fu CH, Ibanez A, Liddell BJ, Lowe L, Penni...

Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2020 Jan 27;: Authors: Arias JA, Williams C, Raghvani R, Aghajani M, Baez S, Belzung C, Booij L, Busatto G, Chiarella J, Fu CH, Ibanez A, Liddell BJ, Lowe L, Penninx BWJH, R...

Article GUID: 32001274

Methylation of the OXTR gene in women with anorexia nervosa: Relationship to social behavior.

Author(s): Thaler L, Brassard S, Booij L, Kahan E, McGregor K, Labbe A, Israel M, Steiger H

Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2019 Dec 10;: Authors: Thaler L, Brassard S, Booij L, Kahan E, McGregor K, Labbe A, Israel M, Steiger H

Article GUID: 31823473

Interpersonal capitalization moderates the associations of chronic caregiving stress and depression with inflammation.

Author(s): Gouin JP, Wrosch C, McGrath J, Booij L

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Nov 09;:104509 Authors: Gouin JP, Wrosch C, McGrath J, Booij L

Article GUID: 31744782

Are biophenotyes the key to select antinflammatory-responsive individuals with major depression?

Author(s): Brietzke E, Booij L, Wieck A, Soares CN, Roberts N, Khalid-Khan S

Are biophenotyes the key to select antinflammatory-responsive individuals with major depression?

Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Aug 30;:

Authors: Brietzke E, Booij L, Wieck A, Soares CN, Roberts N, Khalid-Khan S

PMID: 31476416 [PubMed...

Article GUID: 31476416

Health-related quality of life in post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans: agreement between children and their proxy.

Author(s): Sarria EE, Mundstock E, Mocelin HT, Fischer GB, Torres RR, Garbin JGM, Leal LF, de F Arend MHR, Stein R, Booij L, de Araújo RMF, Mattiello R

J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018 Jul 04;: Authors: Sarria EE, Mundstock E, Mocelin HT, Fischer GB, Torres RR, Garbin JGM, Leal LF, de F Arend MHR, Stein R, Booij L, de Araújo RMF, Mattiello R

Article GUID: 31327498

Body composition parameters can better predict body size dissatisfaction than body mass index in children and adolescents.

Author(s): Dos Santos RRG, Forte GC, Mundstock E, Amaral MA, da Silveira CG, Amantéa FC, Variani JF, Booij L, Mattiello R

Eat Weight Disord. 2019 Jul 23;: Authors: Dos Santos RRG, Forte GC, Mundstock E, Amaral MA, da Silveira CG, Amantéa FC, Variani JF, Booij L, Mattiello R

Article GUID: 31338791

Genetic and epigenetic regulation of CRTC1 in human eating behaviour and fat distribution: Methodological and clinical insights and considerations.

Author(s): Booij L

EBioMedicine. 2019 Jun 18;: Authors: Booij L PMID: 31227440 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Article GUID: 31227440

Peripheral DNA methylation of HPA axis-related genes in humans: Cross-tissue convergence, two-year stability and behavioural and neural correlates.

Author(s): Di Sante J, Ismaylova E, Nemoda Z, Gouin JP, Yu WJ, Caldwell W, Vitaro F, Szyf M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 11;97:196-205 Authors: Di Sante J, Ismaylova E, Nemoda Z, Gouin JP, Yu WJ, Caldwell W, Vitaro F, Szyf M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 30059826

Birth weight discordance, DNA methylation, and cortical morphology of adolescent monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Casey KF, Levesque ML, Szyf M, Ismaylova E, Verner MP, Suderman M, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 04;38(4):2037-2050 Authors: Casey KF, Levesque ML, Szyf M, Ismaylova E, Verner MP, Suderman M, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 28032437

Serotonin transporter gene promoter methylation in peripheral cells in healthy adults: Neural correlates and tissue specificity.

Author(s): Ismaylova E, Di Sante J, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Yu WJ, Pomares FB, Turecki G, Gobbi G, Vitaro F, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017 10;27(10):1032-1041 Authors: Ismaylova E, Di Sante J, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Yu WJ, Pomares FB, Turecki G, Gobbi G, Vitaro F, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 28774705

Dehydroepiandrosterone impacts working memory by shaping cortico-hippocampal structural covariance during development.

Author(s): Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McC...

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 Dec;86:110-121 Authors: Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McCr...

Article GUID: 28946055

Epigenetic Changes of FKBP5 as a Link Connecting Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors with Structural and Functional Brain Changes in Major Depression.

Author(s): Tozzi L, Farrell C, Booij L, Doolin K, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Pomares FB, Chiarella J, O'Keane V, Frodl T

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 04;43(5):1138-1145 Authors: Tozzi L, Farrell C, Booij L, Doolin K, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Pomares FB, Chiarella J, O'Keane V, Frodl T

Article GUID: 29182159

Associations Between Daily Mood States and Brain Gray Matter Volume, Resting-State Functional Connectivity and Task-Based Activity in Healthy Adults.

Author(s): Ismaylova E, Di Sante J, Gouin JP, Pomares FB, Vitaro F, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:168 Authors: Ismaylova E, Di Sante J, Gouin JP, Pomares FB, Vitaro F, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 29765312

Serotonin transporter promoter methylation in peripheral cells and neural responses to negative stimuli: A study of adolescent monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Ismaylova E, Lévesque ML, Pomares FB, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Fahim C, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Transl Psychiatry. 2018 08 08;8(1):147 Authors: Ismaylova E, Lévesque ML, Pomares FB, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Fahim C, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 30089832

Sex-specific contribution of DHEA-cortisol ratio to prefrontal-hippocampal structural development, cognitive abilities and personality traits.

Author(s): Farooqi NAI, Scotti M, Yu A, Lew J, Monnier P, Botteron KN, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba CM, Séguin JR, Castellanos-Ryan N, McCracken JT, Nguyen TV

J Neuroendocrinol. 2019 Feb;31(2):e12682 Authors: Farooqi NAI, Scotti M, Yu A, Lew J, Monnier P, Botteron KN, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba CM, Séguin JR, Castellanos-Ryan N, McCracken JT, Nguyen TV

Article GUID: 30597689

Eating disorders and substance use in adolescents: How substance users differ from nonsubstance users in an outpatient eating disorders treatment clinic.

Author(s): Kirkpatrick R, Booij L, Vance A, Marshall B, Kanellos-Sutton M, Marchand P, Khalid-Khan S

Int J Eat Disord. 2019 02;52(2):175-182 Authors: Kirkpatrick R, Booij L, Vance A, Marshall B, Kanellos-Sutton M, Marchand P, Khalid-Khan S

Article GUID: 30638270

A longitudinal, epigenome-wide study of DNA methylation in anorexia nervosa: results in actively ill, partially weight-restored, long-term remitted and non-eating-disordered women

Author(s): Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2019 05 01;44(3):205-213 Authors: Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

Article GUID: 30693739

Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4): a new player in anorexia nervosa?

Author(s): Sild M, Booij L

Mol Psychiatry. 2019 Feb 11;: Authors: Sild M, Booij L

Article GUID: 30742020

Age-specific associations between oestradiol, cortico-amygdalar structural covariance, and verbal and spatial skills.

Author(s): Nguyen TV, Jones SL, Gower T, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Louis Collins D, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba CM, Monnier...

J Neuroendocrinol. 2019 Apr;31(4):e12698 Authors: Nguyen TV, Jones SL, Gower T, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Louis Collins D, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba CM, Monnier P, Du...

Article GUID: 30776161

Functional connectivity across social inclusion and exclusion is related to peer victimization and depressive symptoms in young adults.

Author(s): McIver TA, Bosma RL, Goegan S, Sandre A, Klassen J, Chiarella J, Booij L, Craig W

J Affect Disord. 2019 Apr 22;253:366-375 Authors: McIver TA, Bosma RL, Goegan S, Sandre A, Klassen J, Chiarella J, Booij L, Craig W

Article GUID: 31078837

10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative.

Author(s): van den Heuvel MP, Scholtens LH, van der Burgh HK, Agosta F, Alloza C, Arango C, Auyeung B, Baron-Cohen S, Basaia S, Benders MJNL, Beyer F, ...

Front Neurol. 2019;10:425 Authors: van den Heuvel MP, Scholtens LH, van der Burgh HK, Agosta F, Alloza C, Arango C, Auyeung B, Baron-Cohen S, Basaia S, Benders MJNL, Beyer F, Booij L, Braun KPJ, F...

Article GUID: 31133958

Dopamine cross-sensitization between psychostimulant drugs and stress in healthy male volunteers.

Author(s): Booij L, Welfeld K, Leyton M, Dagher A, Boileau I, Sibon I, Baker GB, Diksic M, Soucy JP, Pruessner JC, Cawley-Fiset E, Casey KF, Benkelfat C

Transl Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 23;6:e740 Authors: Booij L, Welfeld K, Leyton M, Dagher A, Boileau I, Sibon I, Baker GB, Diksic M, Soucy JP, Pruessner JC, Cawley-Fiset E, Casey KF, Benkelfat C

Article GUID: 26905412

DNA methylation differences at the glucocorticoid receptor gene in depression are related to functional alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and to early life emotional abuse.

Author(s): Farrell C, Doolin K, O' Leary N, Jairaj C, Roddy D, Tozzi L, Morris D, Harkin A, Frodl T, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Booij L, O'Keane V

Psychiatry Res. 2018 07;265:341-348 Authors: Farrell C, Doolin K, O' Leary N, Jairaj C, Roddy D, Tozzi L, Morris D, Harkin A, Frodl T, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Booij L, O'Keane V

Article GUID: 29793048

Title:Peripheral DNA methylation of HPA axis-related genes in humans: Cross-tissue convergence, two-year stability and behavioural and neural correlates.
Authors:Di Sante JIsmaylova ENemoda ZGouin JPYu WJCaldwell WVitaro FSzyf MTremblay REBooij L
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Montreal, Canada; Department of Psychiatry, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
2 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; Department of Medical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
3 Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
4 CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Montreal, Canada; Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
5 CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Montreal, Canada; School of Psychoeducation, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
6 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
7 CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Montreal, Canada; Department of Psychology and Pediatrics, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin, Ireland.
8 CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Montreal, Canada; Department of Psychiatry, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Electronic address:


Peripheral DNA methylation of HPA axis-related genes in humans: Cross-tissue convergence, two-year stability and behavioural and neural correlates.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 11;97:196-205

Authors: Di Sante J, Ismaylova E, Nemoda Z, Gouin JP, Yu WJ, Caldwell W, Vitaro F, Szyf M, Tremblay RE, Booij L


Environmental factors can influence gene expression via epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation. DNA methylation levels of regulatory regions in Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis-related genes assessed from brain tissues as well as from surrogate, peripheral tissues have been associated with vulnerability to stress-related psychopathologies. Commonly used peripheral samples to assess DNA methylation in living humans are derived from blood, saliva or buccal cells. Although psychiatric epigenetic studies are increasingly relying on peripheral measures of DNA methylation, it is still unknown to what extent methylation patterns across peripheral tissues are associated with each other and with measures of brain processes and behavioural stress. In the present study, with a sample of 51 healthy adults, we assessed cross-tissue correlations of DNA methylation patterns in the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) 1?F promoter and the FK506 Binding Protein 5 (FKBP5) gene intron 7 region using saliva and buccal cell samples, and assessed two-year stability in both tissues in a male subsample (N?=?14). We also investigated associations between peripherally-derived DNA methylation and measures of neural function and perceived daily stress, and compared the extent of these associations across tissue samples. DNA methylation cross-tissue correlations were highly significant for FKBP5, but not significant for NR3C1. DNA methylation in both genes remained stable for two years. Tissue- and gene-specific associations were found for brain resting state connectivity and neural responses to sadness, thereby suggesting that saliva- and buccal cell-derived DNA methylation levels of NR3C1-1?F and FKBP5 gene regions might differently capture different measures of putatively related brain processes. It was also found that greater buccal cell- (but not saliva-) derived NR3C1-1?F methylation was associated with lower perceived daily life demands. Results of the present study may inform the design of future epigenetic studies on FKBP5-intron-7 and NR3C1-1?F-promoter methylation in relation to neuro-imaging and behavioural measures, and provide insight for the development of peripheral DNA methylation correlates of stress sensitivity and resilience.

PMID: 30059826 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]