Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Poor inhibition of personally-relevant facial expressions of sadness and anger predicts an elevated cortisol response following awakening six months later.

Author(s): Wong SF, Trespalacios F, Ellenbogen MA

Int J Psychophysiol. 2020 Feb 11;: Authors: Wong SF, Trespalacios F, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 32057777


Author(s): Gaudreau P, Ellenbogen MA

Anxiety Stress Coping. 2018 01;31(1):1-3 Authors: Gaudreau P, Ellenbogen MA PMID: 29037068 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 29037068

Automatic and effortful emotional information processing regulates different aspects of the stress response.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE, Stewart J, Walker CD

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Apr;31(3):373-87 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE, Stewart J, Walker CD

Article GUID: 16289608

Daytime cortisol and stress reactivity in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Walker CD, Couture S, Adam S

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Nov;31(10):1164-80 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Walker CD, Couture S, Adam S

Article GUID: 17055665

Interpersonal functioning in adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Linnen AM, aan het Rot M, Ellenbogen MA, Young SN

J Affect Disord. 2009 Apr;114(1-3):122-30 Authors: Linnen AM, aan het Rot M, Ellenbogen MA, Young SN

Article GUID: 18692905

Chronic stress and stressful life events in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Ostiguy CS, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Walker EF, Hammen C, Hodgins S

J Affect Disord. 2009 Apr;114(1-3):74-84 Authors: Ostiguy CS, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Walker EF, Hammen C, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 18814916

Selective attention and avoidance on a pictorial cueing task during stress in clinically anxious and depressed participants.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE

Behav Res Ther. 2009 Feb;47(2):128-38 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE

Article GUID: 19054500

Structure provided by parents in middle childhood predicts cortisol reactivity in adolescence among the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder and controls.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Jun;34(5):773-85 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 19193493

High cortisol levels in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder during two weeks of daily sampling.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Santo JB, Linnen AM, Walker CD, Hodgins S

Bipolar Disord. 2010 Feb;12(1):77-86 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Santo JB, Linnen AM, Walker CD, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 20148869

Elevated daytime cortisol levels: a biomarker of subsequent major affective disorder?

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Linnen AM, Ostiguy CS

J Affect Disord. 2011 Jul;132(1-2):265-9 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Linnen AM, Ostiguy CS

Article GUID: 21329985

Sensitivity to stress among the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a study of daytime cortisol levels.

Author(s): Ostiguy CS, Ellenbogen MA, Walker CD, Walker EF, Hodgins S

Psychol Med. 2011 Nov;41(11):2447-57 Authors: Ostiguy CS, Ellenbogen MA, Walker CD, Walker EF, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 21524333

Acute intranasal oxytocin improves positive self-perceptions of personality.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2012 Apr;220(4):741-9 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM

Article GUID: 22012170

Intranasal oxytocin and salivary cortisol concentrations during social rejection in university students.

Author(s): Linnen AM, Ellenbogen MA, Cardoso C, Joober R

Stress. 2012 Jul;15(4):393-402 Authors: Linnen AM, Ellenbogen MA, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22044077

The acute effects of intranasal oxytocin on automatic and effortful attentional shifting to emotional faces.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Grumet R, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychophysiology. 2012 Jan;49(1):128-37 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Grumet R, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22092248

Introduction to the special section on biopsychosocial moderators of the stress response.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA

Anxiety Stress Coping. 2012 Jul;25(4):359-64 Authors: Ellenbogen MA PMID: 22646814 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 22646814

Intranasal oxytocin attenuates the cortisol response to physical stress: a dose-response study.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):399-407 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Article GUID: 22889586

Intranasal oxytocin impedes the ability to ignore task-irrelevant facial expressions of sadness in students with depressive symptoms.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):387-98 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22902063

Salivary cortisol and interpersonal functioning: an event-contingent recording study in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Santo JB, aan het Rot M, Hodgins S, Young SN

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Jul;38(7):997-1006 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Santo JB, aan het Rot M, Hodgins S, Young SN

Article GUID: 23131593

Stress-induced negative mood moderates the relation between oxytocin administration and trust: evidence for the tend-and-befriend response to stress?

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Serravalle L, Linnen AM

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Nov;38(11):2800-4 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Serravalle L, Linnen AM

Article GUID: 23768973

Oxytocin and psychotherapy: keeping context and person in mind.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Dec;38(12):3172-3 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA PMID: 24035601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 24035601

Oxytocin and enhancement of the positive valence of social affiliation memories: an autobiographical memory study.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Orlando MA, Brown CA, Ellenbogen MA

Soc Neurosci. 2014;9(2):186-95 Authors: Cardoso C, Orlando MA, Brown CA, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 24387003

Tend-and-befriend is a beacon for change in stress research: a reply to Tops.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jul;45:212-3 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA PMID: 24755423 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 24755423

The impact of attentional training on the salivary cortisol and alpha amylase response to psychosocial stress: importance of attentional control.

Author(s): Pilgrim K, Ellenbogen MA, Paquin K

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jun;44:88-99 Authors: Pilgrim K, Ellenbogen MA, Paquin K

Article GUID: 24767623

Personality, coping, risky behavior, and mental disorders in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a comprehensive psychosocial assessment.

Author(s): Nijjar R, Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

J Affect Disord. 2014 Sep;166:315-23 Authors: Nijjar R, Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 25012447

Intranasal oxytocin attenuates the human acoustic startle response independent of emotional modulation.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychophysiology. 2014 Nov;51(11):1169-77 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 25082371

A meta-analytic review of the impact of intranasal oxytocin administration on cortisol concentrations during laboratory tasks: moderation by method and mental health.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Kingdon D, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Nov;49:161-70 Authors: Cardoso C, Kingdon D, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 25086828

Inhibition of personally-relevant angry faces moderates the effect of empathy on interpersonal functioning.

Author(s): Iacono V, Ellenbogen MA, Wilson AL, Desormeau P, Nijjar R

PLoS One. 2015;10(2):e0112990 Authors: Iacono V, Ellenbogen MA, Wilson AL, Desormeau P, Nijjar R

Article GUID: 25695426

Sexual Risk Behaviors in the Adolescent Offspring of Parents with Bipolar Disorder: Prospective Associations with Parents' Personality and Externalizing Behavior in Childhood.

Author(s): Nijjar R, Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2016 10;44(7):1347-59 Authors: Nijjar R, Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 26767833

Memory response to oxytocin predicts relationship dissolution over 18 months.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Kalogeropoulos C, Brown CA, Orlando MA, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 06;68:171-6 Authors: Cardoso C, Kalogeropoulos C, Brown CA, Orlando MA, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 26986091

Oxytocin and social context moderate social support seeking in women during negative memory recall.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Valkanas H, Serravalle L, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 08;70:63-9 Authors: Cardoso C, Valkanas H, Serravalle L, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 27164224

A meta-analytic review of the correlation between peripheral oxytocin and cortisol concentrations.

Author(s): Brown CA, Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Front Neuroendocrinol. 2016 10;43:19-27 Authors: Brown CA, Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 27836673

Oxytocin and Facial Emotion Recognition.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA

Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2018;35:349-374 Authors: Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 28812270

Title:Salivary cortisol and interpersonal functioning: an event-contingent recording study in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.
Authors:Ellenbogen MALinnen AMSanto JBaan het Rot MHodgins SYoung SN
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Centre for Research in Human Development, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.


Salivary cortisol and interpersonal functioning: an event-contingent recording study in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Jul;38(7):997-1006

Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Santo JB, aan het Rot M, Hodgins S, Young SN


Despite a large body of research in non-human primates, the relationship between naturalistic patterns of social behaviour and basal cortisol levels has been understudied in humans. The present study examined the relationship between patterns of interpersonal functioning and cortisol levels in 23 offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (BD), at high risk for the development of an affective disorder, and 22 offspring of parents with no affective disorder (controls) in late adolescence and young adulthood. Using event-contingent recording, participants rated their dominance, submissiveness, quarrelsomeness, and agreeableness in naturally occurring social interactions over 14 consecutive days and provided salivary cortisol twice daily in the afternoon over the same period. In the full sample, multilevel modelling analyses revealed that dominance was a significant positive predictor of afternoon basal cortisol levels, t(35)=2.58, p<0.05. Moreover, risk group (having a parent with BD or parents with no affective disorder) significantly interacted with mean levels of quarrelsomeness to predict afternoon cortisol levels, t(29)=2.06, p<0.05. Offspring of parents with BD who reported more frequent quarrelsome behaviours exhibited lower levels of afternoon cortisol relative to high-risk offspring reporting few quarrelsome behaviours and control offspring. The results are consistent with evidence that dominance is associated with high cortisol levels in an unstable environment, and suggest that quarrelsomeness among high risk youth contributes to altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity.

PMID: 23131593 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]