Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Evaluating the correlation between genome-wide diversity and the release of plastic phenotypic variation in experimental translocations to novel natural environments.

Author(s): Yates MC, Fraser DJ

Phenotypic reaction norms are often shaped and constrained by selection and are important for allowing organisms to respond to environmental change. However, selection cannot constrain reaction norms for environmental conditions that populations have not ex...

Article GUID: 33274531

Size reductions and genomic changes within two generations in wild walleye populations: associated with harvest?

Author(s): Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Evol Appl. 2020 Jul;13(6):1128-1144 Authors: Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 32684951

The relationship between eDNA particle concentration and organism abundance in nature is strengthened by allometric scaling.

Author(s): Yates MC, Glaser D, Post J, Cristescu ME, Fraser DJ, Derry AM

Mol Ecol. 2020 Jul 07;: Authors: Yates MC, Glaser D, Post J, Cristescu ME, Fraser DJ, Derry AM

Article GUID: 32638451

Small population size and low genomic diversity have no effect on fitness in experimental translocations of a wild fish.

Author(s): Yates MC, Bowles E, Fraser DJ

Proc Biol Sci. 2019 Dec 04;286(1916):20191989 Authors: Yates MC, Bowles E, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 31771476

Population variation in density-dependent growth, mortality and their trade-off in a stream fish.

Author(s): Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

J Anim Ecol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

Article GUID: 31642512

Causes of maladaptation.

Author(s): Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam ...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1229-1242 Authors: Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam AG, Newman ...

Article GUID: 31417611

Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ba...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1287-1304 Authors: Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas C...

Article GUID: 31417615

A critical assessment of estimating census population size from genetic population size (or vice versa) in three fishes.

Author(s): Yates MC, Bernos TA, Fraser DJ

Evol Appl. 2017 10;10(9):935-945 Authors: Yates MC, Bernos TA, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 29151884

Genetic diversity of small populations: Not always "doom and gloom"?

Author(s): Fraser DJ

Mol Ecol. 2017 12;26(23):6499-6501 Authors: Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 29243868

Evaluating a 5-year metal contamination remediation and the biomonitoring potential of a freshwater gastropod along the Xiangjiang River, China.

Author(s): Li D, Pi J, Zhang T, Tan X, Fraser DJ

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018 Jul;25(21):21127-21137 Authors: Li D, Pi J, Zhang T, Tan X, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 29770938

Geo-referenced population-specific microsatellite data across American continents, the MacroPopGen Database.

Author(s): Lawrence ER, Benavente JN, Matte JM, Marin K, Wells ZRR, Bernos TA, Krasteva N, Habrich A, Nessel GA, Koumrouyan RA, Fraser DJ

Sci Data. 2019 04 03;6(1):14 Authors: Lawrence ER, Benavente JN, Matte JM, Marin K, Wells ZRR, Bernos TA, Krasteva N, Habrich A, Nessel GA, Koumrouyan RA, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 30944329

Title:Population variation in density-dependent growth, mortality and their trade-off in a stream fish.
Authors:Matte JMFraser DJGrant JWA
Category:J Anim Ecol
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Population variation in density-dependent growth, mortality and their trade-off in a stream fish.

J Anim Ecol. 2019 Oct 23;:

Authors: Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA


Important variation in the shape and strength of density-dependent growth and mortality is observed across animal populations. Understanding this population variation is critical for predicting density-dependent relationships in natural populations, but comparisons among studies are challenging as studies differ in methodologies and in local environmental conditions. Consequently, it is unclear whether: (1) the shape and strength of density-dependent growth and mortality are population-specific; (2) the potential trade-off between density-dependent growth and mortality differs among populations; and (3) environmental characteristics can be related to population differences in density-dependent relationships. To elucidate these uncertainties, we manipulated the density (0.3-7 fish/m2 ) of young-of-the-year brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) simultaneously in three neighboring populations in a field experiment in Newfoundland, Canada. Within each population, our experiment included both spatial (three sites per stream) and temporal (three consecutive summers) replication. We detected temporally consistent population variation in the shape of density-dependent growth (negative linear and negative logarithmic), but not for mortality (positive logarithmic). The strength of density-dependent growth across populations was reduced in sections with a high percentage of boulder substrate, whereas density-dependent mortality increased with increasing flow, water temperature, and more acidic pH. Neighbouring populations exhibited different mortality-growth trade-offs: the ratio of mortality-to-growth increased linearly with increasing density at different rates across populations (up to 4-fold differences), but also increased with increasing temperature. Our results are some of the first to demonstrate temporally consistent, population-specific density-dependent relationships and trade-offs at small spatial scales that match the magnitude of interspecific variation observed across the globe. Furthermore, key environmental characteristics explain some of these differences in predictable ways. Such population differences merit further attention in models of density-dependence and in science-based management of animal populations.

PMID: 31642512 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]