Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

File-based localization of numerical perturbations in data analysis pipelines.

Author(s): Salari A, Kiar G, Lewis L, Evans AC, Glatard T

BACKGROUND: Data analysis pipelines are known to be affected by computational conditions, presumably owing to the creation and propagation of numerical errors. While this process could play a major role in the current reproducibility crisis, the precise cau...

Article GUID: 33269388

Comparing perturbation models for evaluating stability of neuroimaging pipelines.

Author(s): Kiar G, de Oliveira Castro P, Rioux P, Petit E, Brown ST, Evans AC, Glatard T

With an increase in awareness regarding a troubling lack of reproducibility in analytical software tools, the degree of validity in scientific derivatives and their downstream results has become unclear. The nature of reproducibility issues may vary across ...

Article GUID: 32831546

A Quantitative Comparison of Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Sliding Windows for Human Activity Recognition Using Inertial Sensors.

Author(s): Dehghani A, Sarbishei O, Glatard T, Shihab E

Sensors (Basel). 2019 Nov 18;19(22): Authors: Dehghani A, Sarbishei O, Glatard T, Shihab E

Article GUID: 31752158

Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute.

Author(s): Das S, Glatard T, Rogers C, Saigle J, Paiva S, MacIntyre L, Safi-Harab M, Rousseau ME, Stirling J, Khalili-Mahani N, MacFarlane D, Kostopoul...

Front Neuroinform. 2016;10:53 Authors: Das S, Glatard T, Rogers C, Saigle J, Paiva S, MacIntyre L, Safi-Harab M, Rousseau ME, Stirling J, Khalili-Mahani N, MacFarlane D, Kostopoulos P, Rioux P, Ma...

Article GUID: 28111547

Best practices in data analysis and sharing in neuroimaging using MRI.

Author(s): Nichols TE, Das S, Eickhoff SB, Evans AC, Glatard T, Hanke M, Kriegeskorte N, Milham MP, Poldrack RA, Poline JB, Proal E, Thirion B, Van Ess...

Nat Neurosci. 2017 Feb 23;20(3):299-303 Authors: Nichols TE, Das S, Eickhoff SB, Evans AC, Glatard T, Hanke M, Kriegeskorte N, Milham MP, Poldrack RA, Poline JB, Proal E, Thirion B, Van Essen DC, ...

Article GUID: 28230846

The first MICCAI challenge on PET tumor segmentation.

Author(s): Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky...

Med Image Anal. 2018 02;44:177-195 Authors: Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Girard P...

Article GUID: 29268169

Boutiques: a flexible framework to integrate command-line applications in computing platforms.

Author(s): Glatard T, Kiar G, Aumentado-Armstrong T, Beck N, Bellec P, Bernard R, Bonnet A, Brown ST, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Das S, Ferreira da...

Gigascience. 2018 05 01;7(5): Authors: Glatard T, Kiar G, Aumentado-Armstrong T, Beck N, Bellec P, Bernard R, Bonnet A, Brown ST, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Das S, Ferreira da Silva R, Flandin...

Article GUID: 29718199

Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure.

Author(s): Commowick O, Istace A, Kain M, Laurent B, Leray F, Simon M, Pop SC, Girard P, Améli R, Ferré JC, Kerbrat A, Tourdias T, Cervenansky F, Glata...

Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 12;8(1):13650 Authors: Commowick O, Istace A, Kain M, Laurent B, Leray F, Simon M, Pop SC, Girard P, Améli R, Ferré JC, Kerbrat A, Tourdias T, Cervenansky F, Glatard T,...

Article GUID: 30209345

A Serverless Tool for Platform Agnostic Computational Experiment Management.

Author(s): Kiar G, Brown ST, Glatard T, Evans AC

Front Neuroinform. 2019;13:12 Authors: Kiar G, Brown ST, Glatard T, Evans AC

Article GUID: 30890927

Title:Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure.
Authors:Commowick OIstace AKain MLaurent BLeray FSimon MPop SCGirard PAméli RFerré JCKerbrat ATourdias TCervenansky FGlatard TBeaumont JDoyle SForbes FKnight JKhademi AMahbod AWang CMcKinley RWagner FMuschelli JSweeney ERoura ELladó XSantos MMSantos WPSilva-Filho AGTomas-Fernandez XUrien HBloch IValverde SCabezas MVera-Olmos FJMalpica NGuttmann CVukusic SEdan GDojat MStyner MWarfield SKCotton FBarillot C
Category:Sci Rep
Dept Affiliation: ENCS
1 VISAGES: INSERM U1228 - CNRS UMR6074 - Inria, University of Rennes I, Rennes, France.
2 Department of Radiology, Lyon Sud Hospital, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
3 VISAGES: INSERM U1228 - CNRS UMR6074 - Inria, University of Rennes I, Rennes, France.
4 LaTIM, INSERM, UMR 1101, University of Brest, IBSAM, Brest, France.
5 Univ Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, F-69621, Lyon, France.
6 CHU Rennes, Department of Neuroradiology, F-35033, Rennes, France.
7 CHU Rennes, Department of Neurology, F-35033, Rennes, France.
8 CHU de Bordeaux, Service de Neuro-Imagerie, Bordeaux, France.
9 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
10 Pixyl Medical, Grenoble, France.
11 Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, France.
12 Image Analysis in Medicine Lab, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
13 Image Analysis in Medicine Lab (IAMLAB), Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
14 School of Technology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
15 Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
16 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA.
17 Research institute of Computer Vision and Robotics (VICOROB), University of Girona, Girona, Spain.
18 Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, Brazil.
19 Depto. de Eng. Biomédica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, Brazil.
20 Computational Radiology Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA, USA.
21 LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France.
22 Medical Image Analysis Lab, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
23 Center for Neurological Imaging, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
24 Inserm U1216, University Grenoble Alpes, CHU Grenoble, GIN, Grenoble, France.
25 Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.


Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure.

Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 12;8(1):13650

Authors: Commowick O, Istace A, Kain M, Laurent B, Leray F, Simon M, Pop SC, Girard P, Améli R, Ferré JC, Kerbrat A, Tourdias T, Cervenansky F, Glatard T, Beaumont J, Doyle S, Forbes F, Knight J, Khademi A, Mahbod A, Wang C, McKinley R, Wagner F, Muschelli J, Sweeney E, Roura E, Lladó X, Santos MM, Santos WP, Silva-Filho AG, Tomas-Fernandez X, Urien H, Bloch I, Valverde S, Cabezas M, Vera-Olmos FJ, Malpica N, Guttmann C, Vukusic S, Edan G, Dojat M, Styner M, Warfield SK, Cotton F, Barillot C


We present a study of multiple sclerosis segmentation algorithms conducted at the international MICCAI 2016 challenge. This challenge was operated using a new open-science computing infrastructure. This allowed for the automatic and independent evaluation of a large range of algorithms in a fair and completely automatic manner. This computing infrastructure was used to evaluate thirteen methods of MS lesions segmentation, exploring a broad range of state-of-theart algorithms, against a high-quality database of 53 MS cases coming from four centers following a common definition of the acquisition protocol. Each case was annotated manually by an unprecedented number of seven different experts. Results of the challenge highlighted that automatic algorithms, including the recent machine learning methods (random forests, deep learning, …), are still trailing human expertise on both detection and delineation criteria. In addition, we demonstrate that computing a statistically robust consensus of the algorithms performs closer to human expertise on one score (segmentation) although still trailing on detection scores.

PMID: 30209345 [PubMed - in process]