Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Penicillium subrubescens adapts its enzyme production to the composition of plant biomass.

Author(s): Dilokpimol A, Peng M, Di Falco M, Chin A Woeng T, Hegi RMW, Granchi Z, Tsang A, Hildén KS, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Bioresour Technol. 2020 May 05;311:123477 Authors: Dilokpimol A, Peng M, Di Falco M, Chin A Woeng T, Hegi RMW, Granchi Z, Tsang A, Hildén KS, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 32408196

Glucose-mediated repression of plant biomass utilization in the white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens.

Author(s): Daly P, Peng M, Di Falco M, Lipzen A, Wang M, Ng V, Grigoriev IV, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Appl Environ Microbiol. 2019 Oct 04;: Authors: Daly P, Peng M, Di Falco M, Lipzen A, Wang M, Ng V, Grigoriev IV, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 31585998

Closely related fungi employ diverse enzymatic strategies to degrade plant biomass.

Author(s): Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hild...

Biotechnol Biofuels. 2015;8:107 Authors: Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hildén KS, Hou...

Article GUID: 26236396

The molecular response of the white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens to wood and non-woody biomass as examined by transcriptome and exoproteome analyses.

Author(s): Rytioja J, Hildén K, Di Falco M, Zhou M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Sietiö OM, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Mäkelä MR

Environ Microbiol. 2017 03;19(3):1237-1250 Authors: Rytioja J, Hildén K, Di Falco M, Zhou M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Sietiö OM, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Mäkelä MR

Article GUID: 28028889

Expression-based clustering of CAZyme-encoding genes of Aspergillus niger.

Author(s): Gruben BS, Mäkelä MR, Kowalczyk JE, Zhou M, Benoit-Gelber I, De Vries RP

BMC Genomics. 2017 Nov 23;18(1):900 Authors: Gruben BS, Mäkelä MR, Kowalczyk JE, Zhou M, Benoit-Gelber I, De Vries RP

Article GUID: 29169319

Investigation of inter- and intraspecies variation through genome sequencing of Aspergillus section Nigri.

Author(s): Vesth TC, Nybo JL, Theobald S, Frisvad JC, Larsen TO, Nielsen KF, Hoof JB, Brandl J, Salamov A, Riley R, Gladden JM, Phatale P, Nielsen MT, ...

Nat Genet. 2018 12;50(12):1688-1695 Authors: Vesth TC, Nybo JL, Theobald S, Frisvad JC, Larsen TO, Nielsen KF, Hoof JB, Brandl J, Salamov A, Riley R, Gladden JM, Phatale P, Nielsen MT, Lyhne EK, K...

Article GUID: 30349117

The presence of trace components significantly broadens the molecular response of Aspergillus niger to guar gum.

Author(s): Coconi Linares N, Di Falco M, Benoit-Gelber I, Gruben BS, Peng M, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

N Biotechnol. 2019 Jul 25;51:57-66 Authors: Coconi Linares N, Di Falco M, Benoit-Gelber I, Gruben BS, Peng M, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 30797054

Title:Expression-based clustering of CAZyme-encoding genes of Aspergillus niger.
Authors:Gruben BSMäkelä MRKowalczyk JEZhou MBenoit-Gelber IDe Vries RP
Category:BMC Genomics
Dept Affiliation: GENOMICS
1 Fungal Physiology, Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584, CT, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2 Microbiology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584, CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
3 Fungal Molecular Physiology, Utrecht University, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584, CT, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
4 Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, Division of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Viikki Biocenter 1, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
5 Current affiliation: ATGM, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Lovensdijkstraat 61-63, 4818, AJ, Breda, The Netherlands.
6 Current affiliation: Center for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W, Montreal, QC, Canada.
7 Fungal Physiology, Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584, CT, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
8 Microbiology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584, CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
9 Fungal Molecular Physiology, Utrecht University, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584, CT, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Expression-based clustering of CAZyme-encoding genes of Aspergillus niger.

BMC Genomics. 2017 Nov 23;18(1):900

Authors: Gruben BS, Mäkelä MR, Kowalczyk JE, Zhou M, Benoit-Gelber I, De Vries RP


BACKGROUND: The Aspergillus niger genome contains a large repertoire of genes encoding carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) that are targeted to plant polysaccharide degradation enabling A. niger to grow on a wide range of plant biomass substrates. Which genes need to be activated in certain environmental conditions depends on the composition of the available substrate. Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of a number of transcriptional regulators in plant biomass degradation and have identified sets of target genes for each regulator. In this study, a broad transcriptional analysis was performed of the A. niger genes encoding (putative) plant polysaccharide degrading enzymes. Microarray data focusing on the initial response of A. niger to the presence of plant biomass related carbon sources were analyzed of a wild-type strain N402 that was grown on a large range of carbon sources and of the regulatory mutant strains ?xlnR, ?araR, ?amyR, ?rhaR and ?galX that were grown on their specific inducing compounds.

RESULTS: The cluster analysis of the expression data revealed several groups of co-regulated genes, which goes beyond the traditionally described co-regulated gene sets. Additional putative target genes of the selected regulators were identified, based on their expression profile. Notably, in several cases the expression profile puts questions on the function assignment of uncharacterized genes that was based on homology searches, highlighting the need for more extensive biochemical studies into the substrate specificity of enzymes encoded by these non-characterized genes. The data also revealed sets of genes that were upregulated in the regulatory mutants, suggesting interaction between the regulatory systems and a therefore even more complex overall regulatory network than has been reported so far.

CONCLUSIONS: Expression profiling on a large number of substrates provides better insight in the complex regulatory systems that drive the conversion of plant biomass by fungi. In addition, the data provides additional evidence in favor of and against the similarity-based functions assigned to uncharacterized genes.

PMID: 29169319 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]